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Basic Linux

File metadata and controls

14 lines (13 loc) · 2.17 KB

Basic Linux Commands

S.No Linux Command Description
1. cd .. Cange directory
2. whoami Prints the effective username of the current user
3. chmod +x <filename> Makes the file executable
4. cat <filename> View the file in read-only mode
5. grep -i "<search_text>" <filename> Command grep is used for text-searches in files;
adding -i, makes search, case-insensitive
6. echo "<sample_text>" <filename> Command echo will overwrite <sample_text> to
after deleting all its previous contents
7. cp <source> <destination> It copies file/folder from one location to another
8. mv <source> <destination> Reallocates files/folder from one location to another;
If "destination" doesnot exist, then source folder is renamed as destination
9. man <command> Displays entire manual for any command
10. locate <search_text> Specifies location of all files that contains <search_text>
in their names as a substring.