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File metadata and controls

241 lines (186 loc) · 8.75 KB



AngularJS is a JavaScript front-end framework program that helps with the development process. Building dynamic single page applications that are interactive and versatile and best for professionals. Angular might take people longer to learn than other frameworks, but if you are developing a data-driven, large-scale application with complex logic, it allows you to work on the logic and get a great running page in the browser. Overall AngularJS is a program that allows you to design large scale frameworks all while minimizing the code that the coder must write due to how the program works.


AngularJS was started in 2019 by a Google employee named Misko Hevery. Hevery wanted the program to help with front-end and back-end application. The idea turned out very well, and the project is now officially supported by Google. AngularJS version 1.0 was released in 2012. [Huszárik]

When learning AngularJS you should already know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

<!-- AngularJS is used in a JavaScript file and need this tag -->
<script type="text/JavaScript" src=""></script>

MVC Framework

Model View Controller is a web application software made up of three parts. The first level is simple script which maintains the data, is called the model. The view is how the data is presented on the screen and how that data changes by the user moving on the screen. The controller interacts with both the model and the view. The controller happens in the view and checks it with the model. It then updates the web application. [Lau] [Ray]

Interface HTML

Using HTML for the user interface simplifies app development and keeps the code easy to understand and well structured. HTML makes it easy to understand the style of the tag. HTML is a declarative language that makes it simple to organize and less likely to break, unlike other app development software that uses JavaScript Interfaces. AngularJS and HTML can find what you want with dependencies making it a lot easier to understand program flow and loading. [Lau] [Ray]


POJO stands for plain old JavaScript and this goes back to the model part of MVC in which AngularJS binds pieces together without using a getter or setter. Objects can have loops created with properties, which developers can then make changes directly to the loop and adjust the re-frame, making the code cleaner and more precise. POJO is different than traditional data models because Angular’s data model has a middle holding area that works with the controller and the view to collect data from the user. The middle area stores data and looks for changes to the stored data, along with updating the view spontaneously. [Lau] [Ray]

Two-way binding

Two-way binding makes the application process simpler, along with difficult manipulations and calculations. The view and the model work together with data to make them sync automatically. With AngularJS you can bind different elements and in the correlation, the view and the model will still work together and keep the page updated correctly. [Ray]


Filters can be used to do formatting of numbers and arrays based on specific parameters that can standalone. A standalone function is useful to have when creating an app to keep your code clean and organized. AngularJS will also let create your own filter just like the directive app.filter('newFilter', function() filer examples [w3schools] [Lau]

  • currency
  • data
  • filter
  • json
  • limitTo
  • lowercase
  • number
  • orderBy
  • uppercase

<p>The name is {{ lastName | uppercase }}</p>

The filter filer will return anything in the array containing the item that was being searched through. For example if you had a list of name and searched the letter 'b' it would return everything with the letter 'b'. [w3schools]


Routing is important to the single page applications (SPA) and updating from one view to the next. Developers don't want to load a whole new page when something is clicked so they us the same page and just change the URL. With AngularJS, changing views becomes easier with single page applications. Routing is what happens when the user changes the view on the screen and the new page should load while changing the URL. This method should make the user think they are interacting with the site. For example, when you are on a website and you select the menu button it should be like you are interacting with the page, rather than loading a whole new page when you just want to access the menu button on part of the page. With AngularJS you can create multiple views for URLs allowing the website transition from one view to another seamlessly. [Ray]

<!-- The $routeProvider will have the different routes to your page -->
var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
    .when("/", {
        templateUrl : "html1.htm"
    .when("/red", {
        templateUrl : "html2.htm"


Directives is creating a unique tag specific to your code and should be a standalone element that is separate from the app. This tag can be used anytime once it is defined and will work similarly, just like any other tag in HTML. Creating a new element is possible by putting the DOM manipulation code into directives and give them custom attributes and class names. MVC app can now look directly and the new data and update it with the view. [Lau]

Extending HTML

In this example of code AngularJS works with the HTML using ng-directives. The code applies AngularJS with adding ng-app="" to the div tag. Next in the input field ng-model binds the application data which is name to the ng-bind binds is the view we see on the screen. [w3schools]

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app="">
    <p>Name: <input type="text" ng-model="name"></p>
    <p ng-bind="name"></p>



Creating Directives

A directive can be created for elements, classes, and attributes. This simple example will be for an element name that will print out a <h1></h1> tag, but with the functions you are able to do more complex things. One thing to be careful with is the name of the function and the tag that must follow correctly for to work. The tag should use - to separate the words and the function name should the same just camel case. [w3schools]

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp">

<h1>Test Directive</h1>
    var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
    app.directive("testDirective", function() {
        return {
            template : "<h1>Hello</h1>"





Document Object Model (DOM) adds behaviors, and with Angular it should be inside directives. Therefore, the user interface designers can see the view without all of the behaviors. [Lau]

<!-- This is a simple example but could be added to a button-->
<div ng-app="">
<p ng-hide="true">I am not visible.</p>
<p ng-hide="false">I am visible.</p>


Today people want websites and app to work fast and be interactive and AngularJS achieves that. AngularJS framework was developed to improve the development process and use less code. AngularJS is a good framework because of flexibility and how everything connects and works with the MVC.



"AngularJS to Angular" RisingStack, Web. 4 Apr. 2019


"sitepoint" sitepoint, 05 Sept. 2013. Web. 4 Apr. 2019


"Why AngularJS is my preferred framework for software development" freeCodeCamp, 16 Jul. 2018. Web. 4 Apr. 2019


"AngularJS Tutorial" W3Schools, Web. 4 Apr. 2019