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HTML Tutorial

Let's get started with our own HTML document.

Live Coding Options

It is possible to do all the HTML and CSS experimentation on-line with live editors like liveweave. For this book I will show development using a workflow that also works for more advanced development, which isn't easy to do live. However, don't hesitate to experiment with HTML and CSS using websites like LiveWeave because you can save a lot of time that way.

Create a directory on your computer called chapter01. You can create this directory on your desktop so it is easy to find.


Inside of that, create a file named index.html. All web files should end in .html so the computer knows it is a web page. If you are on Windows, make sure you have gone through the :ref:`view_file_extensions` section. Otherwise you will end up with a file named index.html.txt where the .txt is hidden.


When creating web sites, use all lower case, and no spaces for your file names.

Inside that document type a simple phrase like:

Hello there

Open a web browser and drag the file to the web browser window to open it up. You should see something like:

First Web Page

Now try the following code with all the weird spaces and blank lines. (In the upper right, there's an icon that will appear allowing you to quickly copy the code.)

Hello there.
How            are


Try it out. Notice that everything is on the same line:

First Web Page

All white space, from one space, to 100 spaces and carriage returns are treated as just one space. To tell the web browser we want different paragraphs, we need to use a tag. Specifically, a paragraph tag. It looks like this:

<p>Hello there.</p>
<p>How are
you doing today?</p>
<p>I am fine.</p>

First Web Page

All tags are enclosed in less than and greater than symbols, like <tag>. In this case, <p> is the paragraph tag. The p stands for paragraph.

The content for the tag goes in between the open and close tags. All close tags have a / before the tag name. This is a forward slash because it leans forward. It is the slash under the question mark on your keyboard. In this case, we used </p> to close the paragraph.

Tags can be nested. But you have to close inside tags before closing outside tags. For example, here we use the <em> tag. This is the emphasis tag. It will cause the text to be italicized by default.

<p>I have started a paragraph tag. I will open
a tag signifying <em>emphasis</em>.</p>

<p>This is NOT LEGAL. I will open
a tag signifying <em>emphasis but close it in
the wrong order.</p></em>

<p>This is NOT LEGAL. I will open
a tag signifying <em>emphasis but forget to
close it.</p>

Running this, you won't see errors:

First Web Page

But if you validate the document using CSE Validator, or the W3C Markup Validation Service it will tell you what is wrong:

HTML Validator

You'll also get some errors saying we are missing other important elements in our document. We'll show you how to fix those errors soon.

Some tags don't have content. They begin and end at the same time. For example, the break-line tag <br /> does not have content.

<p>This is a new tag that doesn't start a new
paragraph, it just goes to a<br />new line.</p>

HTML Comments

Like many languages, HTML has comments. Comments are just for the developer and not displayed to the user. They are a nice way of documenting your code, or disabling sections of code. Comments are created like the following:

<!-- This is my comment -->

Important! Unlike some languages, comments aren't removed from the user. Any user can do a "View Source" in a web browser and see the comments. Therefore don't write comments that you wouldn't want everyone in the web to be able to read.


You can add headings. There are six "levels" to the headings, using tags h1...h6. For example:

<h1>First level heading</h1>

<h2>Second level heading</h2>

<h2>Another second level heading</h2>

<h1>Back to first level heading</h1>

Here is a list of some of the most commonly used tags:

Tag Description
<a> Defines a hyperlink
<address> Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document
<article> Defines an article
<aside> Defines content aside from the page content
<b> Defines the document's body
<body> Defines the document's body
<br> Defines a single line break
<div> Defines a section in a document
<em> Defines emphasized text
<figcaption> Defines a caption for a <figure> element
<figure> Specifies self-contained content
<footer> Defines a footer for a document or section
<h1> to <h6> Defines HTML headings
<head> Defines information about the document
<header> Defines a header for a document or section
<hr> Defines a thematic change in the content
<html> Defines the root of an HTML document
<i> Italics
<img> Defines an image
<kbd> Defines keyboard input
<li> Defines a list item
<link> Defines the relationship between a document and an external resource (most used to link to style sheets)
<main> Specifies the main content of a document
<meta> Defines metadata about an HTML document
<nav> Defines navigation links
<ol> Defines an ordered list
<p> Defines a paragraph
<pre> Defines preformatted text
<script> Defines a client-side script
<section> Defines a section in a document
<small> Defines smaller text
<span> Defines a section in a document
<strong> Defines important text
<style> Defines style information for a document
<sub> Defines subscripted text
<summary> Defines a visible heading for a <details> element
<sup> Superscripted text
<title> Title for the document. Should be in head tag, shows up as title name but not on page.
<u> Underline

One of the most popular tags is the <div> tag. This tag is used to define any sort of 'divisions' on your web page. Basically, anything you'd want to put in a box. Even other boxes. Because <div> is so generic, HTML5 added common elements like <article> <footer> <section> and <summary>. They act like <div> tags, but give a better description of their content.

Links and Tag Attributes

HTML tags can have attributes which give the web browser additional information ab out the tag. For example, the <a> tag allows us to create links to other pages and websites:

<a>My link</a>

But, what does that link to? As we haven't told the browser, that <a> tag won't do much yet. We specify where the the link goes by using an attribute name href. That's short for hyperlink reference.

<a href="">My link</a>

How do we know what attributes we can use? Or even what tags? The official documentation for the HTML5 <a> tag is here:

From that document, we can see other interesting attributes. For example target allows the developer to control if the new window opens up in a new window or tab.

But the official documentation is quite dry. Rather than use the official documentation, many people look it up on a website that is easier to navigate. For example w3schools:

Tags and tag attributes are not case sensitive. Code can use either. But for the sake of the developer's sanity, you should only use lower case.


In a manner similar to links, you can also load images in your web page. For this, we use the img tag, and the src attribute. For example this will load happy_face.png image off the server:

<img src="happy_face.png" />

It is good practice to keep images in a separate folder. For example:

<img src="images/happy_face.png" />

Images can and should have alt text specified. If the image can't load, this text will be displayed. If the user is blind, the screen reader will read back the alt text.

<img src="images/happy_face.png" alt="Happy Face" />

There are many image file formats. Here's the abridged version:

  • .jpg: Use JPEG's for photos or photo-like images.
  • .png: Use PNG's for graphic art.
  • .gif: Use GIF's for graphic art. These can be animated too.
  • .svg: Browser support for svg used to be poor, but is getting better. See SVG Can Do That? SVG can scale to any resolution because it does not store "dots" that make up the image, but instead stores the drawing commands used to draw the image.

Normally the resolution of the image should match the resolution that you want it to appear on the screen. Otherwise you force the user's browser to download extra image data, and then scale it. This makes for a slow website and poor image quality.

Note that each image file requires a separate request to the server to get the image. Each image on a page slows down the web page load time.

HTML Entities and Escape Characters

What happens if we want to display a < and not have it be part of a tag? For this and many other characters, we use HTML Entities (Also known as HTML Escape Characters.) You can encode any character this way, but most of them don't need to be encoded.

A full table of HTML Escape Characters can be found with a quick web search. These are also known as HTML Entities.

To complicate matters, there is a different encoding scheme for URLs. Remember, HTML makes up the structure of web documents. URLs are the links to them. URLs can't have spaces in them and there are many other characters that URLs can't have. So they need to be encoded. Check the end of the w3schools HTML Escape Character table to find the URL escape character table.

Example Document Structure

What does a bare-bones HTML5 document look like? Here is an example that will validate without error using HTML Validator:

.. literalinclude:: base_web_document.html
    :language: html

There are some new things in this structure, let's go through them.

HTML Document Type

There have been several versions of HTML. Browsers need to know what version is being given to them. For HTML version 5, all documents start with the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>

It seems odd that there's no "5" in there, but all your documents should start with that. You might have some comments above, but that's it.

The HTML Tag

Around all your HTML code, should go an <html> tag. It will start right after the doctype, and the last tag in your document should be a close </html> tag.

HTML tags should also tell the browser what language the document is in. This tag says the document is in English:

<html lang="en">

See below for the full list of languages and abbreviations:

HTML Head Section

The <head> has meta-info about the document that doesn't show up on the document, but instead is about the document.

Confusingly, many documents also have a <header> which is at the top of the document and totally different than <head>.

The head section contains a <meta> tag that specifies how the letters are encoded. For Cyrillic, Kanji, Spanish characters, etc. The world has mostly standardized on UTF-8, so you can use it for about anything. For more info on character sets, see:

The <title> is what will be used when you bookmark a site, or the text that's on the tab. You don't see this on the main document at all.

No images, no paragraphs can go in the head, as it is not displayed in the document.

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Sample HTML5 Document</title>

HTML Body Section

HTML has a <body> tag that should contain all the document that you can see. It should go right below the <head> tag, and still inside the <html> tag. Only one body is allowed. Do not put anything after the close of the body tag.


Lists can be used for representing any hierarchical data. With CSS formatting, they can look very different than what you might think of as a classic list. For example, drop down menus are often done with lists.

Here is an example list. The main list is surrounded by an unordered list tag ul. Each list item is surrounded by a li tag.

  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

You can also have an ordered list, with the ol tag. Style sheets can change a ul into a ol, but good practice is to use ol for numbered lists.

  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

You can also have lists inside of lists. Notice how Item 3's li tag does not end until after the inside list closes.

  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3
      <li>Sub item A</li>
      <li>Sub item B</li>
      <li>Sub item C</li>
  <li>Item 4</li>
  <li>Item 5</li>

Here is a slightly more complex HTML5 example that has some lists:

.. literalinclude:: simple_web_document.html
    :language: html


Tag Description
<table> Surrounds the entire table
<tr> Surrounds cells in a row
<td> Surrounds a cell. Can use attributes rowspan and colspan to span multiple rows or columns.
<th> Surrounds a header cell.
<thead> Optional, usually surrounds the header row(s)
<tbody> Optional, surrounds the main data rows
<tfoot> Optional, surrounds the summary/footer rows
      <th>Column 1</th>
      <th>Column 2</th>
      <th>Column 3</th>
      <td>Summary 1</td>
      <td>Summary 2</td>
      <td>Summary 3</td>

More Information

How do you learn more?

Books, Books, and More Books

What we will learn in this class only scratches the surface of what there is to learn. Take time to look at the resources that are available at Dunn Library. Search for HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, and PHP. Spend some time in the library and bookstores to see what is available.


I really like W3Schools for tutorials and as a reference on HTML and many other web technologies. Do note that they do not have anything to do with the W3C organization, and there is some hate for them on the Internet. Plus the "certifications" they sell for passing tests aren't really worth anything.

Viewing HTML

Did you know you can see the HTML of any web page? When a web page is up, right-click and select "view source" or type Ctrl-U. Is that too much HTML to wade through? Only want to see the HTML of a particular element? Right click on it and select "inspect element." Browsers have a "debug" menu available by hitting the F12 key. Give it a try. Browsers offer many developer add-ons. For example, Firebug is a popular add-on for Firefox. The built-in tools are good enough I rarely use add-ons anymore, but you should know they are out there.

Validating HTML

The CSE HTML Validator is great for HTML work. You can use it to load a URL and check if for correctness. You can have it automatically check as you browse a website. It can even scan an entire website for errors in "batch" mode. CSE Validator has an option under "Tools" for "Pretty Print/Fix." This will clean up the HTML formatting to make it easier to read. This can be useful in learning techniques to make your HTML readable and structured. If you don't want to shell out money, you can few a page's source, copy it, and then paste it into Introduce W3C for validation. This isn't as convenient, and you'll lose time compared to HTML Validator, but it does work if you are on a budget.

Final HTML Sample Document

.. literalinclude:: basic_html.html
    :language: html