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File metadata and controls

184 lines (140 loc) · 5.36 KB


A registry for documents written for Node.js.

With reg, you can easily manage sequences of documents in a MongoDB. It has support for adding, removing and retrieving documents from a given collection. You can either query single documents, the whole collection or multiple pages.


npm install reg



Reg(collection[, indexFields], cb)

Creates a new registry.

  • collection is a reference to a mongodb collection. (see Collections)

  • indexFields (optional) is an object, that defines which fields should be indexed. If a value is positive, the index is created in ascending order. Otherwise it is created in descending order.

    default = {
      _id: -1,
      created: -1,
      modified: -1
  • cb is a callback function that gets two arguments (err, reg), where err is an error or null and reg is a reference to the created registry.


Modification, obj, cb)

Inserts or replaces an existing document in the collection. An existing document will be replaced, if the id already exists in the database.

  • id is the ID of a resource.
  • obj is the document or object that you want to save.
  • cb is a callback function that gets one argument (err), where err is an error or null.
reg.extend(id, obj, cb)

Extends an existing document in the collection. This method replaces existing fields.

  • id is the ID of a resource.
  • obj is the document or object that you want to extend.
  • cb is a callback function that gets one argument (err), where err is an error or null.
reg.remove(id, cb)

Removes an existing document in the collection.

  • id is the ID of a resource.
  • cb is a callback function that gets one argument (err), where err is an error or null.


reg.get(query, fields, order, limit, cb)

Queries the collection and gets a single cursor.

  • query is an object that defines a MongoDB query (see Queries).
  • fields is an object that defines, which fields should be includet in the result set. You can pass {} to get all fields. You can set single fields to true if you want to include them (e.g. { title: true }).
  • order defines how the result set should be ordered (see section “Sorting” at Queries).
  • limit is a numeric value that says how many records will be contained in the result set. If limit is 0, all documents will be retrieved.
  • cb is a callback function that gets two arguments (err, cursor), where err is an error or null and cursor is a MongoDB cursor (see section “Cursors” in Queries).
reg.getPages(query, fields, order, limit, cb)

Queries the collection and gets an array of cursors. One cursor for each page.

  • query is an object that defines a MongoDB query (see Queries).
  • fields is an object that defines, which fields should be includet in the result set. You can pass {} to get all fields. You can set single fields to true if you want to include them (e.g. { title: true }).
  • order defines how the result set should be ordered (see section “Sorting” at Queries).
  • limit is a numeric value that says how many records will be contained in each page. The last page may contain fewer records. If limit is 0, all documents will be retrieved in a single page.
  • cb is a callback function that gets two arguments (err, cursors), where err is an error or null and cursors is an array of MongoDB cursors (see section “Cursors” in Queries). There is one cursor for every page in the right order.


Usually you would use something like the path of a document for it's ID.

var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var Reg = require('reg');

// setup a connection to a mongo db
new mongodb.Db('test', new mongodb.Server('localhost', 27017))
    .open(function (err, db) {
  if (err)
    return console.error(err);

  db.collection('test', function (err, collection) {
    if (err)
      return console.error(err);

    new Reg(collection, function (err, reg) {
      if (err)
        return console.error(err);'path/to/document.html', {
        title: 'Example document',
        created: new Date()
      }, function (err) {
        if (err)
          return console.error(err);

      /* Save or extend some more documents... */

      // get pages for all files, that end on '.html'
      reg.getPages({ _id: /\.html$/ }, { title: true, created: true },
          function (err, pages) {
        if (err)
          return console.error(err);

        // for each page
        for (var i in pages) {
          pages[i].toArray(function (err, docs) {
            if (err)
              return console.error(err);

            // print the page
            console.log('---\n' + docs);

Bugs and Issues

If you encounter any bugs or issues, feel free to open an issue at github.


The MIT license.