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221 lines (174 loc) · 7.19 KB


Build Status License: MIT Maven Central

Functions for use in JSON parsing and formatting


These functions are used by other libraries to perform common functions related to JSON parsing and formatting.

The output functions take two alternative forms:

  • functions that append to an Appendable (usually a StringBuilder, but possibly a Writer or some other class implementing that interface)
  • functions that output characters to an IntConsumer (the IntConsumer is always the final parameter, allowing Kotlin users to provide a lambda in the Kotlin idiomatic form)

The functions that use Appendable are all declared as throwing IOException, but they only do so if the Appendable implementation class does so. If the functions are used with a StringBuilder, the exception may safely be ignored.

There is also an escapeString function that returns the string in its escaped form, along with a version of this function that omits the enclosing quotes.

The parsing functions make use of the textmatcher library. The TextMatcher class holds a string to be parsed, with indexes to represent the start and end of the current parsed element.


The functions are static members of the JSONFunctions class.


This function appends a JSON string to an Appendable, enclosing it in quotes and escaping special characters according to the JSON specification. The parameters are:

  • the Appendable
  • the string to be output (actually a CharSequence)
  • a boolean indicator – if set to true, characters above the base ASCII set will be output unencoded; if set to false, any such characters will be output as Unicode escape sequences


    JSONFunctions.appendString(stringBuilder, "Müller Straße", false);

will output:

"M\u00fcller Stra\u00dfe"


This function outputs a string to an IntConsumer character at a time, preceded and followed by quote characters, and with special characters escaped according to the JSON specification. The parameters are:

  • the string to be output (actually a CharSequence)
  • a boolean indicator (see the description above under appendString)
  • the IntConsumer output function


    JSONFunctions.outputString("Müller Straße", false, ch -> outputStream.write(ch));

will output:

"M\u00fcller Stra\u00dfe"


This function converts a JSON string to another string, enclosing it in quotes and escaping special characters according to the JSON specification. The parameters are:

  • the string to be output (actually a CharSequence)
  • a boolean indicator – if set to true, characters above the base ASCII set will be output unencoded; if set to false, any such characters will be output as Unicode escape sequences

The function returns the converted string.


    String escaped = JSONFunctions.escapeString("Müller Straße", false);

will return:

"M\u00fcller Stra\u00dfe"

Or, if the option is set to return characters above the base ASCII set unencoded is selected::

    String escaped = JSONFunctions.escapeString("Müller Straße", true);

will return:

"Müller Straße"


This function converts a JSON string to an escaped form of the string like the above function, but without the enclosing quotes. The parameters are:

  • the string to be output (actually a CharSequence)
  • a boolean indicator – if set to true, characters above the base ASCII set will be output unencoded; if set to false, any such characters will be output as Unicode escape sequences

The function returns the converted string, or if no characters in the string require conversion, it returns the original string unmodified (avoiding the need for object allocations).


    String escaped = JSONFunctions.escapeStringUnquoted("Müller Straße", false);

will return:

M\u00fcller Stra\u00dfe


This appends a single character to an Appendable with the appropriate escaping. The parameters are:

  • the Appendable
  • the character to be output
  • a boolean indicator (see the description above under appendString)


    JSONFunctions.appendChar(stringBuilder, '£', false);

will output:



This outputs a single character to an IntConsumer with the appropriate escaping. The parameters are:

  • the character to be output
  • a boolean indicator (see the description above under appendString)
  • the IntConsumer output function


    JSONFunctions.outputChar('£', false, ch -> outputStream.write(ch));

will output:



There is often a requirement to display a JSON string in an error message, limiting the output to a maximum number of characters. This function converts a string a form suitable for display, abbreviating it if necessary by splicing the characters “...” into the middle. The parameters are:

  • the string
  • the maximum number of characters


    String message = JSONFunctions.displayString("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 21);

will return:

"the quic ... lazy dog"


The parseString function parses an input string, decoding JSON escape sequences and terminating on an unescaped double quote character. The function makes use of the textmatcher library; the TextMatcher class allows a parse position index to be maintained along with the text, and this is used by the parseString function to determine where to start decoding, and to indicate where parsing completed.

The single parameter to the function is:

  • the TextMatcher, with the index positioned after the opening double quote character

The function returns the decoded string, and the index of the TextMatcher is left positioned after the closing double quote.


This function simply tests whether a character is a whitespace character according to the JSON specification.

Dependency Specification

The latest version of the library is 1.9, and it may be obtained from the Maven Central repository.




    implementation 'net.pwall.json:json-functions:1.9'

Gradle (kts)


Peter Wall
