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363 lines (267 loc) · 20.3 KB

Spark Graph API

A 2d scene graph API supporting the following:

  • 2d hierarchical affine scene graph;
  • Small set of atomic UI elements;
  • Complex components built through composition;
  • Animation primitives;
  • Rich masking primitives;
  • More to come...

Scene instance


root object - returns the root Object for the scene;
w num - returns the width in pixel-sized units of the scene;
h num - returns the height in pixel-sized units of the scene;
animation object - animation for animation-related constants;
stretch object - stretch for x/y stretch-related constants (for image);
alignVertical object - alignVertical for vertical alignment-related constants (for textBox);
alignHorizontal object - alignHorizontal for horizontal alignment-related constants (for textBox);
truncation object - truncation for truncation-related constants (for textBox);


create(json) object - create a subtree of scene graph Objects ;

use json t: to construct specific object types:

  • text;
  • textBox;
  • wayland;
  • image;
  • image9;
  • rect;
  • object;

create(json) resource - create resources that can be shared;
use json t: to construct specific resource types:

  • imageResource;
  • fontResource;

on(string, function) - registers a function callback for the specified event:

  • onMouseDown - parameter object has properties: x, y, flags;
  • onMouseUp - parameter object has properties: x, y, flags;
  • onMouseMove - parameter object has properties: x, y;
  • onMouseEnter - parameter object has properties: target, stopPropagation();
  • onMouseLeave - parameter object has properties: target, stopPropagation();
  • onFocus - parameter object has properties: target, stopPropagation();
  • onBlur - parameter object has properties: target, stopPropagation();
  • onKeyDown - parameter object has properties: target, keyCode, flags, stopPropagation();
  • onKeyUp - parameter object has properties: target, keyCode, flags, stopPropagation();
  • onChar - parameter object has properties: target, charCode, stopPropagation();
  • onResize - parameter object has properties w, h;

delListener(string, function) - unregister a callback function for the specified event;
getFocus() - will return the object that has keyboard focus;

Object instance


parent object - returns this object's parent Object;
x num - x-coordinate used as input into the object's transform function in pixel units;
y num - y-coordinate used as input into the object's transform function in pixel units;
w num - pixel unit width of the object;
h num - pixel unit height of the object;
cx num - x offset used as the center of rotation and scale;
cy num - y offset used as the center of rotation and scale;
sx num - scale factor in the x dimension;
sy num - scale factor in the y dimension;
a num - opacity of the object [0-1];
r num - angle of rotation in degrees;
id string - user-assigned associated string identifier for the object, defaults to "";
interactive bool - determines whether the object is mouse interactive. defaults to true;
painting bool - when set to false the object and it's children will be snapshot'ted; when set to true the object and it's children will immediately reflect any changes;
clip bool - determines whether the drawing done by the object and it's children will be clipped by the objects w and h properties. defaults to false;
mask bool - determines whether this object will be used to define an alpha layer mask for the siblings of this object. defaults to false;
draw bool - determines whether this object will be drawn;
focus bool - when set to true, this object will be given keyboard focus. the object that had previous focus will be blurred;
numChildren num - returns the number of immediate child objects that this object parents;
children Array - returns a collection of child objects for this object;


getChild(i) object - returns the i-th child for this object;
remove - removes this object from the scene;
removeAll - removes all children and their descendants from the scene;
moveToFront - moves this child to the top of the z-order within its siblings;
moveToBack - moves this child to the bottom of the z-order within its siblings;
moveForward - moves this child one forward in the z-order within its siblings;
moveBackward - moves this child one backward in the z-order within its siblings;

animateTo(json, duration, tween, type, count) promise - tween the object's properties to the targets specified over the specified duration using the tween function;

  • tween indicates the interpolator to be used for the animation. See animation constants for valid values. Defaults to TWEEN_LINEAR;
  • type (option) determines whether the animation loops or oscillates. See animation constants for valid values. Defaults to OPTION_LOOP;
  • count is the number of times the animation should repeat. Defaults to 1. Use COUNT_FOREVER to create an animation that won't end until canceled;
    returns a promise that will fulfill when the animation is complete;

on(string, function) - registers a function callback for the specified event:

  • onMouseDown - parameter object has properties: x, y, flags;
  • onMouseUp - parameter object has properties: x, y, flags;
  • onMouseMove - parameter object has properties: x, y;
  • onMouseEnter - parameter object has properties: target, stopPropagation();
  • onMouseLeave - parameter object has properties: target, stopPropagation();
  • onFocus - parameter object has properties: target, stopPropagation();
  • onBlur - parameter object has properties: target, stopPropagation();
  • onKeyDown - parameter object has properties: target, keyCode, flags, stopPropagation();
  • onKeyUp - parameter object has properties: target, keyCode, flags, stopPropagation();
  • onChar - parameter object has properties: target, charCode, stopPropagation();
  • onSize - parameter object has properties w, h;

delListener(string, function) - unregister a callback function for the specified event;
getObjectById(id) - returns object with associated id. search scope is this object and its children;

Rectangle instance inherits from Object

fillColor num - specifies the color to fill the interior of the rectangle. eg. 0xff0000ff, opaque red, 0xrrggbbaa;
lineColor num - specifies the color to stroke the edge of the rectangle. eg. 0xff0000ff, opaque red, 0xrrggbbaa;
lineWidth num - specifies the width of the line to stroke around the ege of the rectangle. defaults to 0;

Image instance inherits from Object


url string - specifies the url of the image to load. supports .png and .jpg;
stretchX num - specifies the stretch option to use for the x-coordinate. See stretch constants;
stretchY num - specifies the stretch option to use for the y-coordinate. See stretch constants;
ready promise - returns a promise for when the object is ready;
resource resource - specifies the imageResource to be used by this image;

Note that setting url will create an imageResource and set the resource property for this image;
Note that w or h equal to -1 will cause the image to be rendered using the imageResource's associated property.

Image9 instance inherits from Object


url string - specifies the url of the image to load. supports .png and .jpg;
insetLeft num - specifies the first slicing offset on the x-axis;
insetTop num - specifies the first slicing offset on the y-axis;
insetRight num - specifies the second slicing offset on the x-axis;
insetBottom num - specifies the second slicing offset on the y-axis;
ready promise - returns a promise for when the object is ready;
resource resource - specifies the imageResource to be used by this image9; note that setting url will create an imageResource and set the resource property for this image9;

Text instance inherits from Object


text string - specifies the text to render;
textColor num - specifies the color to render the text. eg. 0xff0000ff,opaque red ,0xrrggbbaa. defaults to opaque black 0x000000ff;
pixelSize num - specifies the pixelSize of the rendered text;
fontUrl string - specifies the url of the face to use;
ready promise - returns a promise for when the object is ready;
font resource - specifies the fontResource to be used by this text; note that setting url will create a fontResource and set the font property for this text;

TextBox instance inherits from Text

Unlike Text, the height and width of TextBox does NOT change based on the text value; instead, the height and width values in constructor and assignments are respected, and the text is rendered within those dimensions, according to the property values, below.

Behaviors for alignment, wordWrap and clip:

  • If truncation is none and wrap is true, then the text will continue to flow beyond the height of the bounding rectangle, possibly cut off if clip is applied;
  • If truncation is none, and wrap is false, then the line(s) (that /n case has to be taken into consideration) should be centered in the view, even if the text goes beyond its x/width boundaries. If clip is true, text is cut off on either end. Such as:

alignHorizontal CENTER

The qu|ick brown fox jumped over the la|zy dog
      |ick brown fox jumped over the la|

alignHorizontal RIGHT

The quick br|own fox jumped over the lazy dog|
            |own fox jumped over the lazy dog|


wordWrap bool - when width > 0, and wordWrap is true, wraps text at width of text box. defaults to false;
xStartPos num - x position relative to the text box object, in pixels, for the first line of text only, similar to an indent. defaults to 0;
xStopPos num - x position where text must stop flowing on the last line of text only. If ellipses are applied, the ellipses must also stop at this location. defaults to 0;

NOTE: xStartPos and xStopPos are only applied when horizontalAlign=LEFT.
NOTE: xStopPos can only be applied when truncation is true.

ellipsis bool - indicates if ellipsis shall be shown when truncation occurs. Ignored if truncation=NONE; defaults to false;
truncation num - see truncation constants; defaults to NONE;
alignHorizontal num - see horizontal alignment constants. defaults to LEFT;
alignVertical num - see vertical alignment constants; defaults to TOP;
leading num - number of pixels of height to apply between lines of text when multiple lines of text exist. May be negative. defaults to 0;


measureText object - returns an object with the following properties (measurements are relative to (x,y) of the TextBox object):

  • bounds - object - {x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:0}- The two points representing the bounding rectangle of the complete text;
  • charFirst - {x:0, y:0} - The x position represents the left most rendered pixel of the first character on the first line of text. The y position represents the baseline;
  • charLast - {x:0, y:0} - The x position represents the right most rendered pixel of the last character on the last line of text. The y position represents the baseline;

Wayland instance inherits from Object


displayName string - specifies the name of the Wayland display. If no value is assigned a unique name will be generated cmd;
cmd string - specifies a command to launch a Wayland client app to connect to the display. Consists of the client name optionally followed by arguments;
remoteServer string - specifies the name of an rtRemote server;
clientPID num - gives the process pid of the connected Wayland client;
fillColor num - specifies the color to fill the interior of the element. eg. 0xff0000ff, opaque red, 0xrrggbbaa. This will provide background for the connected Wayland client;
hasApi bool - indicates if the element exports an API;
remoteReady promise - returns a promise for when the remote object is ready;


suspend(bool) - causes the element to cease drawing;
resume(bool) - causes the element to resume drawing;
destroy(bool) - destroys the element;

SceneContainer instance inherits from Object


url string - specifies the url of the JavaScript to use for the child scene;

Resource instance

Note: Once Resource is created, the url and proxy are readonly.


url string - specifies the url of the JavaScript to use for the child scene;
proxy string - http proxy url to be used while downloading;
ready promise - returns a promise for when the object is ready;
loadStatus Array - array of status values (Read only);

imageResource instance inherits from Resource


w num - pixel unit width of the image;
h num - pixel unit height of the image;

fontResource instance inherits from Resource


getFontMetrics(pixelSize) object - Returns information about the font based on pixelSize. See section 3.a in The returned object has the following properties:

  • height - float - the distance between baselines;
  • ascent - float - the distance from the baseline to the font ascender (note that this is a hint, not a solid rule);
  • descent - float - the distance from the baseline to the font descender (note that this is a hint, not a solid rule);
  • naturalLeading - float - the distance that must be placed between two lines of text (See linegap in section 2 in;
  • baseline - float - the baseline position for a line of text ;

measureText(pixelSize, textToMeasure) object - returns an object from which height and width of the measured text can be obtained. Note that this measurement does not consider truncation, word wrapping or alignment that could be used in a TextBoxcontaining this text.

  • h - float - the height of the text;
  • w - float - the width of the text;


The Animate object is returned from the animate() method. It can be used to check on the status of an animation, as well as to cancel the animation.


done promise - promise that indicates completion of the animation;
type num - the type (option) of the animation, e.g. whether the animation loops or oscillates. See option animation constants for valid values. (Read only);
interp num - Indicates the interpolator used for this animation. See interpolator animation constants for valid values. (Read only);
status string - status of the animation. See status animation constants for valid values. Note that this is the constant name returned as a string rather than as its numeric value. (Read only);
provduration num - duration value used when the animate function was called (Read only);
provcount num - count value used when the animate function was called. Could be positive numeric value or a constant. See animation constants for valid constant values. (Read only);
canceled bool - reflects whether or not the animation has been canceled. (Read only);
props object - object whose properties are the properties that are being animated, and those property values are the target values for the animation ;
details object - object whose properties are the properties that are being animated, and those property values are an AnimationDetail object reflecting the current state of the animation for that property;


cancel object - cancels the animation;

Animation Detail


from num - the start value for the current state of this animation. (Read only) ;
to num - the end value for the current state of this animation. (Read only) ;
duration num - the duration value for the current state of this animation. (Read only) ;
count num - current count number for this animation. (Read only) ;
status string - current status for this animation. See status animation constants for valid values. Note that this is the constant name returned as a string rather than as its numeric value. (Read only) ;

Animation Constants demonstrates the different animation interpolators available.


Returns a collection of valid TWEEN_ and EASE_ interpolator constants:

TWEEN_LINEAR num - constant for specifying a linear tween. constant value is 0;
TWEEN_EXP1 num - constant for specifying a exp1 tween. constant value is 1;
TWEEN_EXP2 num - constant for specifying a exp2 tween. constant value is 2;
TWEEN_EXP3 num - constant for specifying a exp3 tween. constant value is 3;
TWEEN_STOP num - constant for specifying a stop (easein) tween. constant value is 4;
EASE_IN_QUAD num - constant for specifying a "inquad" tween. constant value is 5;
EASE_IN_CUBIC num - constant for specifying a "incubic" tween. constant value is 6;
EASE_IN_BACK num - constant for specifying a "inback" tween. constant value is 7;
EASE_IN_ELASTIC num - constant for specifying a "easeinelastic" tween. constant value is 8;
EASE_OUT_ELASTIC num - constant for specifying a "easeoutelastic" tween. constant value is 9;
EASE_OUT_BOUNCE num - constant for specifying a "easeoutbounce" tween. constant value is 10;

Returns a collection of valid options constants:

OPTION_OSCILLATE num - constant for use as the type in the animateTo method. the animation with oscillate back and forth. constant value is 1;
OPTION_LOOP num - constant for use as the type in the animateTo method. the animation will loop continuously. constant value is 2;
OPTION_FASTFORWARD num - constant for use as an option in the animateTo method. This value can be OR'd with the OPTION type to indicate that any animations in progress should fast forward to their ending values. constant value is 8;
OPTION_REWIND num - constant for use as the type in the animateTo method. This value can be OR'd with the OPTION type to indicate that any animations in progress should rewind to their beginning values. constant value is 2;

Returns a collection of valid count constants:

COUNT_FOREVER num - constant to use as count to indicate the animation should never end. When using this value, the promise for the animation will resolve immediately. constant value is -1;

Returns a collection of valid status constants:

IDLE num - constant to indicate that the animation has not yet started. constant value is 0;
INPROGRESS num - constant to indicate that the animation is in progress. constant value is 1.;
CANCELLED num - constant to indicate that the animation has been cancelled. constant value is 2;
ENDED num - constant to indicate that the animation has ended. constant value is 3;

Stretch Constants


NONE num - constant for use in image stretch options. constant value is 0;
STRETCH num - constant for use in image stretch options. constant value is 1;
REPEAT num - constant for use in image stretch options. constant value is 2;

Vertical Alignment Constants


TOP num - begin text at the upper-most y-coordinate of the textBox; constant value is 0;
CENTER num - center text vertically within the textBox; constant value is 1;
BOTTOM num - justify text to the bottom of the textBox; constant value is 2;

Horizontal Alignment Constants


LEFT num - left-justify text in the textBox; constant value is 0;
CENTER num - center text horizontally in the textBox; constant value is 1;
RIGHT num - right-justify text in the textBox; constant value is 2;

Truncation Constants


NONE num - text is not truncated; constant value is 0;
TRUNCATE num - text is truncated at the bottom of the textBox. The last word may be partially truncated; constant value is 1;
TRUNCATE_AT_WORD num - text is truncated at the bottom of the textBox. Truncation occurs at the word boundary; constant value is 2;

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