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.. currentmodule:: sdl2.ext

Sprite, texture and pixel surface routines

.. data:: TEXTURE

   Indicates that texture-based rendering or sprite creation is wanted.

.. data:: SOFTWARE

   Indicates that software-based rendering or sprite creation is wanted.

A simple 2D object, implemented as abstract base class.

.. attribute:: x

   The top-left horizontal offset at which the :class:`Sprite`

.. attribute:: y

   The top-left vertical offset at which the :class:`Sprite`

.. attribute:: position

   The top-left position (:attr:`x` and :attr:`y`) as tuple.

.. attribute:: size

   The width and height of the :class:`Sprite` as tuple.

   .. note::

      This is an abstract property and needs to be implemented by inheriting

.. attribute:: area

   The rectangular area occupied by the :class:`Sprite`.

.. attribute:: depth

   The layer depth on which to draw the :class:`Sprite`.
   :class:`Sprite` objects with higher :attr:`depth` values will be
   drawn on top of other :class:`Sprite` values by the

A rendering system for :class:`Sprite` components. This is a base class for rendering systems capable of drawing and displaying :class:`Sprite` based objects. Inheriting classes need to implement the rendering capability by overriding the render() method.

.. attribute:: sortfunc

   Sort function for the component processing order. The default sort order
   is based on the depth attribute of every sprite. Lower depth values will
   cause sprites to be drawn below sprites with higher depth values.  If
   :attr:`sortfunc` shall be overridden, it must match the callback
   requirements for :func:`sorted()`.

.. method:: process(world : World, components : iterable) -> None

   Renders the passed :class:`Sprite` objects via the
   :meth:`render()` method. The :class:`Sprite` objects are sorted
   via :attr:`sortfunc` before they are passed to :meth:`render()`.

.. method:: render(sprite : iterable) -> None

   Renders the :class:`Sprite` objects.

   .. note::

      This is a no-op function and needs to be implemented by inheriting

A factory class for creating :class:`Sprite` objects. The :class:`SpriteFactory` can create :class:`TextureSprite` or :class:`SoftwareSprite` instances, depending on the sprite_type being passed to it, which can be SOFTWARE or TEXTURE. The additional kwargs are used as default arguments for creating sprites within the factory methods.

.. attribute:: sprite_type

   The sprite type created by the factory. This will be either
   ``SOFTWARE`` for :class:`SoftwareSprite` or ``TEXTURE`` for
   :class:`TextureSprite` objects.

.. attribute:: default_args

   The default arguments to use for creating new sprites.

.. method:: create_software_sprite(size, bpp=32, masks=None) -> SoftwareSprite

   Creates a software sprite. A *size* tuple containing the width and
   height of the sprite and a *bpp* value, indicating the bits per
   pixel to be used, need to be provided.

.. method:: create_sprite(**kwargs) -> Sprite

   Creates a :class:`Sprite`. Depending on the :attr:`sprite_type`,
   this will return a :class:`SoftwareSprite` or

   *kwargs* are the arguments to be passed for the sprite
   construction and can vary depending on the sprite type. Usually
   they have to follow the :meth:`create_software_sprite()` and
   :meth:`create_texture_sprite()` method signatures. *kwargs*
   however will be mixed with the set :attr:`default_args` so that
   one does not necessarily have to provide all arguments, if they
   are set within the :attr:`default_args`. If *kwargs* and
   :attr:`default_args` contain the same keys, the key-value pair of
   *kwargs* is chosen.

.. method:: create_sprite_render_system(*args, **kwargs) -> SpriteRenderSystem

   Creates a new :class:`SpriteRenderSystem`, based on the set
   :attr:`sprite_type`. If :attr:`sprite_type` is ``TEXTURE``, a
   :class:`TextureSpriteRenderSystem` is created with the the
   ``renderer`` from the :attr:`default_args`. Other keyword
   arguments are ignored in that case.

   Otherwise a :class:`SoftwareSpriteRenderSystem` is created and *args*
   and *kwargs* are passed to it.

.. method:: create_texture_sprite(renderer : object, size, pformat=sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, access=sdl2.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC) -> TextureSprite

   Creates a texture sprite. A *size* tuple containing the width and
   height of the sprite needs to be provided.

   :class:`TextureSprite` objects are assumed to be static by
   default, making it impossible to access their pixel buffer in
   favour for faster copy operations. If you need to update the pixel
   data frequently or want to use the texture as target for rendering
   operations, *access* can be set to the relevant

.. method:: from_color(color : object , size, bpp=32, masks=None) -> Sprite

   Creates a :class:`Sprite` with a certain color.

.. method:: from_image(fname : str) -> Sprite

   Creates a :class:`Sprite` from an image file. The image must be
   loadable via :func:`sdl2.ext.load_image()`.

.. method:: from_object(obj: object) -> Sprite

   Creates a :class:`Sprite` from an object. The object will be
   passed through :func:`sdl2.rwops_from_object()` in
   order to try to load image data from it.

.. method:: from_surface(surface : SDL_Surface[, free=False]) -> Sprite

   Creates a :class:`Sprite` from the passed
   :class:`sdl2.SDL_Surface`. If *free* is set to
   ``True``, the passed *surface* will be freed automatically.

.. method:: from_text(text : str[, **kwargs]) -> Sprite

   Creates a :class:`Sprite` from a string of text. This method
   requires a :class:`sdl2.ext.FontManager` to be in *kwargs* or