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File metadata and controls

49 lines (27 loc) · 2.6 KB


How to use them:


Go to pyGSTi/hooks directory, and run ./
This copies the contents of pyGSTi/hooks/git into pyGSTi/.git/hooks
It also copies pyGSTi/test/helpers/automation_tools into the hooks directory After hooks have been configured, any pull or merge will update them again
(If the post-merge hook breaks, and stops automatically updating hooks, they will need to be re-updated by another call to, after a fix is made)

Hook operations, by branch:

(See hooks/ for succinct settings)


prepare-commit-msg - Adds [ci skip] to commit message if only .md and .txt files have changed

post-commit reindents pygsti. DOES add changes to the commit but will abort if there are unchanged files (So that they aren't accidentally added!).

post-commit starts linting in a background process - output will be generated in pyGSTi/test/output/pylint/all.out

pre-push lints for errors in pygsti and fails if any are found. This takes a bit of time, but it will prevent any syntax errors or other minor mistakes from being pushed to the repository


post-commit - updates gh-pages


deploy - Merges develop into beta if there are no merge conflicts

Important note:

restrictive git hooks (i.e. pre-push) can be bypassed with the flag --no-verify

How to maintain them:

  • The setup script outlined above is pretty important in keepings hooks updated. If something breaks, you might want to check that and potentially the post-merge script that calls it. This also means that you'll have to call the setup script manually when working on the hooks.

  • Some hooks rely on the automation_tools package. This gets copied from test/helpers whenever the setup script is called. (So, the setup script would have to be called to update the version that the hooks use)

  • The hooks can be run manually (for testing) by first calling the setup script, and then moving the the top-level pygsti directory (pyGSTi), and issuing a command like ./.git/hooks/pre-commit (if in the hooks/git directory, try the command cd ..; ./; cd ..; ./.git/hooks/hook; cd hooks/git). Note that the travis hooks are run from the hooks/travis directory, but the git hooks are run from pyGSTi

  • Use the --no-verify flag whenever anything breaks

  • Be careful with issuing git commands from the hooks (I did this with the post-commit hook, and even though I used --no-verify, I ended up with in infinite loop of hooks calling hooks, since the post-commit hook runs even when --no-verify is used)