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Screenshot 2023-03-24 at 11 32 53 PM


Build a simple React App with the following pages for a hypothetical automotive company.


  • You are required to push your project source code to Github for evaluation.
  • You are required to deploy the project to Vercel/Netlify or any other hosting provider of choice.
  • You are required to make your submission here before Saturday 25th March 2023 5pm Central Daylight Time (GMT-5).

Table of Contents


To install and run this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: yarn install
  3. Start the development server: yarn dev


Folder Structure

Here is an overview of the project's folder structure:

  • __tests__: Contains units tests files.
  • __e2e__: Contains end to end tests files.
  • assets: Contains static assets such as images, fonts, and stylesheets.
  • components: Contains reusable components.
  • modules: Contains the main functionality of the application, any new modules will be included here
    • nav: Anything that involves navigation is in here.
    • vehicles: Contains the pages and components for the vehicles section.
  • stores: Contains all the zustand stores.
  • styles: Containsa the css files.
  • utils: Contains helper functions, constants, types, and other utilities.
    • data.ts: Mock vehicles data
    • type.d.ts: Some types that are used and will be used on many sections, put it here.
  • App.tsx: The entry points of the app, where there Route are defined.


To contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Make changes and commit them: git commit -am "feat: new feature"
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-feature
  5. Create a pull request.
  6. Check if all tests passed
  7. Merge PR