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Running examples

Configure settings

In order to run protocols you need to specify a bpod '' file that should be located at the execution folder.

Example of 'examples/' file:

# -*- coding: utf-8-*-



# if you do not define the next variable, the PYBPOD_SESSION
# will assume the current datetime value.

SERIAL_PORT   = '/dev/ttyACM0'

Running protocol examples

Example for running the '':

cd PROJECT_FOLDER/examples
python -m function_examples.add_trial_events

Available examples

Obtain Bpod Info

Basic example demonstrating how to initialize Bpod and read version, firmware version and machine type version.


Run the example with:

python -m function_examples.bpod_info

One state example

Simple example of adding a state to the state machine and run it. A timer is used to change state.


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.one_state

Light chasing example (3 pokes)

Simulation of a light chasing scenario. Follow the light on 3 pokes.

Connect noseports to ports 1-3.


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.light_chasing

Light chasing example (2 pokes)

Simulation of a light chasing scenario. Follow the light on 2 pokes.

Connect noseports to ports 1-2.


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.light_chasing_2_pokes

Add trial events

Demonstration of AddTrialEvents used in a simple visual 2AFC session.

AddTrialEvents formats each trial's data in a human-readable struct, and adds to (to save to disk later)

Connect noseports to ports 1-3.


Run the example with:

python -m function_examples.add_trial_events

Add trial events 2

Similiar to previous example but using a global timer and adding more states.

Connect noseports to ports 1-3.


Run the example with:

python -m function_examples.add_trial_events2

Manual override

Manually interact with Bpod hardware. For a detailed explanation, please refer to Manual control of Bpod <manual-label>.


Run the example with:

python -m function_examples.manual_override

Serial messages

Example on how to use serial capabilities of Bpod.


Run the example with: :

python -m function_examples.serial_messages

Global timers examples

Several examples demonstrating how to interact with Bpod timers.


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.global_timer_example


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.global_timer_example_digital


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.global_timer_start_and_end_events

Global counter example

After poke2 (PWM2) LED turns off, one will have an infinite loop between LED of poke1 (PWM1) and LED of poke3 (PWM1).

To interrupt the infinite loop one have to interrupt poke1 or poke3 a number of times equal to threshold (in this case is 5 times).


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.global_counter_example

Setting a condition example

Example on how to set a condition.


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.condition_example

UART triggered state example

Example on how a UART event can trigger a state change.


Run the example with:

python -m state_machine_examples.uart_triggered_state_change