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Folks Involved

  • Jason: will be at MSASB and PyCon and is leading the charge on this. I'm planning to be the main presenter of the tutorial (especially if I'm the only one there!).
  • Tarun: We are trying to get funding for Tarun to come to PYCON, but he will be helping prepare regardless.
  • Gilbert: Is going to try to attend PYCON and will be helping prepare.
  • Obinna (grad student in Jason's lab): Is going to attend MASB and probably PYCON and will be helping prepare.
  • Chris: Probably not coming but said he could help out in preparation.


  • The MASB version of the tutorial should be accessible to graduate students (and above) in biomechanical engineering related fields.
  • The PYCON version of the tutorial must be accesible to people that have general technical degrees (not necessarily engineering). Many will be computer scientists, some will be makers/hackers, and others will be scientists of various backgrounds that are strong in programming skills. Most people will have good software development skills.
  • We'd like to give people a way to model basic systems, understand their motion through simulation/visualization, and maybe allow them to control their system.
  • We'd like to the students to complete an example problem that relates somewhat to the hacker/maker robotics world. This could be a robot arm, and RC car, or a heli/quad-copter, etc. Note: We are going to give the tutorial at a Biomechanics meeting in Akron on March 4th so I'm heavily leaning to a biomechanical influenced example problem that is applicable to robotics too.
  • Software installation on all platforms should work (and we need VirtualBox or Wakari backup plans in case it doesn't).
  • The tutorial must fit into 2 hours and 45 minutes.

Orginal Outline Submitting to PYCON

We will work through two parallel but similar problems in the tutorial. The first will be a demonstration problem in which the full solutions will be shown and each step will be explained, the second will be a similar problem that the attendees will work on in pairs to come up with the solution. I’ll introduce each stage of the problem derivation and development in short ~5 minute sections and then have the attendees complete the derivation of their problem using the software tools that have been presented.

  1. [00:00] Introduction
    • A wee bit about the presenter
    • Attendees introduce themselves to their neighbor and pair up
  2. [00:05] Brief introduction to multibody systems and controls
    • Newton’s Laws, reference frames, velocity, acceleration, forces/torques
    • Ordinary differential equations and their solutions
    • Applications: robots, vehicles, etc
  3. [00:10] Brief intro to the software stack (SymPy, SciPy, python-control)
    • SymPy and the Mechanics package
    • NumPy for array computations
    • SciPy for ODE integration (scipy.integrate.odeint)
    • matplotlib for 2D plotting and basic animation
    • IPython Notebook for interactive work
    • PyDy: Mechanics, CodeGen, Viz
    • Check to see everyone can import all of these and the versions are high enough
  4. [00:15] Derivation of a simple two body 2D problem by hand (the example problem)
    • This will be done on a chalkboard, whiteboard, large paper, or overhead projector
  5. [00:25] Exercise: Draw free body diagram of a two body 2D problem (the exercise problem)
  6. [00:40] Intro to SymPy Mechanics with a derivation of the simple 2D two body problem with SymPy Mechanics
  7. [00:50] Exercise: Derive equations of motion of simple 2D problem using SymPy Mechanics
  8. [01:05] ODE integration routine overview and various Python packages (scipy, assimulo, pydstool, sundials, etc)
  9. [01:15] Simulate the example problem with SciPy
  10. [01:25] Exercise: Simulate the exercise problem

11. [01:35] Break 11. [01:50] 2D plotting of the state trajectories with matplotlib 12. [01:55] Excercise: Plot the simulation results of the exercise problem 13. [02:05] Demonstrate 2D animation the free motion of the example model with

  1. [02:20] Exercise: Animate the 2D exercise problem
  2. [02:40] 3D animation of the example problem with PyDyViz
  3. [02:45] Exercise: Animate the exercist problem with PyDyViz
  4. [02:55] Demonstrate example of 3D dimensional problem, automation with Kane’s method and Lagrange’s method

I will also have some sessions on implementing controllers for the dynamic systems if the class is exceptionally fast.