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Also, add deletion of "another-index" to a tearDown method, because, once one test run fails to delete it, you'd have to delete it manually to get future runs to pass.
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erikrose committed Apr 5, 2013
1 parent 986d7aa commit 758ef8f
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Showing 5 changed files with 324 additions and 288 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions pyelasticsearch/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Unit tests for pyelasticsearch
These require an elasticsearch server running on the default port
import unittest

from import eq_

# Test that __all__ is sufficient:
from pyelasticsearch import *

class ElasticSearchTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.conn = ElasticSearch('http://localhost:9200/')

def tearDown(self):
except Exception:

def assert_result_contains(self, result, expected):
for (key, value) in expected.items():
eq_(value, result[key])
292 changes: 4 additions & 288 deletions pyelasticsearch/ → pyelasticsearch/tests/
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Unit tests for pyelasticsearch. These require an elasticsearch server running on the default port (localhost:9200).
import sys
from datetime import datetime, date
from decimal import Decimal
import unittest

from mock import patch
Expand All @@ -15,32 +9,17 @@

# Test that __all__ is sufficient:
from pyelasticsearch import *
from pyelasticsearch.client import es_kwargs
from pyelasticsearch.tests import ElasticSearchTestCase

def arbitrary_response():
response = requests.Response()
response._content = six.b('{"some": "json"}')
response.status_code = 200
return response

class ElasticSearchTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.conn = ElasticSearch('http://localhost:9200/')

class IndexingTestCase(ElasticSearchTestCase):
def tearDown(self):
except Exception:
super(IndexingTestCase, self).tearDown()

def assert_result_contains(self, result, expected):
for (key, value) in expected.items():
eq_(value, result[key])

class IndexingTestCase(ElasticSearchTestCase):
def test_indexing_with_id(self):
result = self.conn.index('test-index', 'test-type', {'name': 'Joe Tester'}, id=1)
self.assert_result_contains(result, {'_type': 'test-type', '_id': '1', 'ok': True, '_index': 'test-index'})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,266 +435,3 @@ def update_all_settings(self):
self.conn.update_all_settings({'joe': 'bob'})
'PUT', ['_settings'], body={'joe': 'bob'})

class DowntimePoolingTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for failover, pooling, and auto-retry"""

def test_retry(self):
"""Make sure auto-retry works at least a little."""
first_url = [] # a mutable just so we can close over and write to it

def get_but_fail_the_first_time(url, **kwargs):
Raise ConnectionError for the first URL passed, but return a
plausible response for later ones.
# Monkeypatching random instead would have made too many
# assumptions about the code under test.
if first_url and url not in first_url:
return arbitrary_response()
raise ConnectionError

conn = ElasticSearch(['',

with patch.object(conn.session, 'get') as session_get:
session_get.side_effect = get_but_fail_the_first_time
# Try to request something with max_retries=1. This should make 2
# calls to session.get():
conn.get('test-index', 'test-type', 7)

# Assert that one server was tried and then the other.
eq_(session_get.call_count, 2)
calls = session_get.call_args_list
down_server = calls[0][0]
assert_not_equal(calls[1][0], down_server)

# Assert there's one item in the live pool and one in the dead.
# That oughta cover a fair amount.
eq_(len(, 1)
eq_(len(conn.servers.dead), 1)

def test_death_and_rebirth(self):
If a server fails, mark it dead. If there are no remaining live
servers, start trying dead ones. If a dead one starts working, bring it
back to life.
This is kind of an exploratory,
test-as-much-as-you-can-for-the-least-effort test.
conn = ElasticSearch(['',

with patch.object(conn.session, 'get') as session_get:
session_get.side_effect = Timeout

# This should kill off both servers:
for x in range(2):
conn.get('test-index', 'test-type', 7)
except Timeout:

# Make sure the pools are as we expect:
eq_(len(conn.servers.dead), 2)
eq_(len(, 0)

# And this should use a dead server, though the request will still
# time out:
conn.get('test-index', 'test-type', 7)
except Timeout:
raise AssertionError('That should have timed out.')

with patch.object(conn.session, 'get') as session_get:
session_get.return_value = arbitrary_response()

# Then we try another dead server, but this time it works:
conn.get('test-index', 'test-type', 7)

# Then that server should have come back to life:
eq_(len(conn.servers.dead), 1)
eq_(len(, 1)

class KwargsForQueryTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for the ``es_kwargs`` decorator and such"""

def test_to_query(self):
"""Test the thing that translates objects to query string text."""
to_query = ElasticSearch._to_query
eq_(to_query(4), '4')
eq_(to_query(4.5), '4.5')
eq_(to_query(True), 'true')
eq_(to_query(('4', 'hi', 'thomas')), '4,hi,thomas')
eq_(to_query(datetime(2000, 1, 2, 12, 34, 56)),
eq_(to_query(date(2000, 1, 2)),
assert_raises(TypeError, to_query, object())

# do not use unittest.skipIf because of python 2.6
if not six.PY3:
eq_(to_query(long(4)), '4')

def test_es_kwargs(self):
Make sure ``es_kwargs`` bundles es_ and specifically called out kwargs
into the ``query_params`` map and leaves other args and kwargs alone.
@es_kwargs('refresh', 'es_timeout')
def index(doc, query_params=None, other_kwarg=None):
:arg some_arg: Here just so es_kwargs doesn't crash
return doc, query_params, other_kwarg

eq_(index(3, refresh=True, es_timeout=7, other_kwarg=1),
(3, {'refresh': True, 'timeout': 7}, 1))
eq_(index.__name__, 'index')

def test_index(self):
"""Integration-test ``index()`` with some decorator-handled arg."""
def valid_responder(*args, **kwargs):
"""Return an arbitrary successful Response."""
response = requests.Response()
response._content = six.b('{"some": "json"}')
response.status_code = 200
return response

conn = ElasticSearch('')
with patch.object(conn.session, 'put') as put:
put.side_effect = valid_responder
{'some': 'doc'},

# Make sure all the query string params got into the URL:
url = put.call_args[0][0]
ok_('routing=boogie' in url)
ok_('snorkfest=true' in url)
ok_('borkfest=gerbils%3Agreat' in url)
ok_('es_' not in url) # We stripped the "es_" prefixes.

def test_arg_cross_refs_with_trailing(self):
Make sure ``es_kwargs`` adds "see ES docs" cross references for any
es_kwargs args not already documented in the decorated method's
docstring, in cases where there is trailing material after the arg
@es_kwargs('gobble', 'degook')
def some_method(foo, bar, query_params=None):
Do stuff.
:arg degook: Whether to remove the gook
It's neat.

if some_method.__doc__ is None:
raise SkipTest("This test doesn't work under python -OO.")

# Make sure it adds (only) the undocumented args and preserves anything
# that comes after the args block:
Do stuff.
:arg degook: Whether to remove the gook
:arg gobble: See the ES docs.
It's neat.

def test_arg_cross_refs_with_eof(self):
Make sure ``es_kwargs`` adds "see ES docs" cross references for any
es_kwargs args not already documented in the decorated method's
docstring, in cases where the docstring ends after the arg list.
@es_kwargs('gobble', 'degook')
def some_method(foo, bar, query_params=None):
Do stuff.
:arg degook: Whether to remove the gook

if some_method.__doc__ is None:
raise SkipTest("This test doesn't work under python -OO.")

Do stuff.
:arg degook: Whether to remove the gook
:arg gobble: See the ES docs.

class JsonTests(ElasticSearchTestCase):
"""Tests for JSON encoding and decoding"""

def test_decimal_encoding(self):
"""Make sure we can encode ``Decimal`` objects and that they don't end
up with quotes around them, which would suggest to ES to represent them
as strings if inferring a mapping."""
ones = '1.111111111111111111'
eq_(self.conn._encode_json({'hi': Decimal(ones)}),
'{"hi": %s}' % ones)

def test_set_encoding(self):
"""Make sure encountering a set doesn't raise a circular reference
eq_(self.conn._encode_json({'hi': set([1])}),
'{"hi": [1]}')

def test_tuple_encoding(self):
"""Make sure tuples encode as lists."""
eq_(self.conn._encode_json({'hi': (1, 2, 3)}),
'{"hi": [1, 2, 3]}')

def test_unhandled_encoding(self):
"""Make sure we raise a TypeError when encoding an unsupported type."""
assert_raises(TypeError, self.conn._encode_json, object())

def test_encoding(self):
"""Test encoding a zillion other types."""
eq_(self.conn._encode_json('abc'), u'"abc"')
eq_(self.conn._encode_json(u'☃'), r'"\u2603"')
eq_(self.conn._encode_json(123), '123')
eq_(self.conn._encode_json(12.25), '12.25')
eq_(self.conn._encode_json(True), 'true')
eq_(self.conn._encode_json(False), 'false')
date(2011, 12, 30)),
datetime(2011, 12, 30, 11, 59, 32)),
eq_(self.conn._encode_json([1, 2, 3]), '[1, 2, 3]')
eq_(self.conn._encode_json({'a': 1}), '{"a": 1}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

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