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Releases: pyexcel/pyexcel-io

Support for pyramid-excel

03 Jul 19:18
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pyramid use zope.alchemy and transaction which will do commit after each handler and does not want custom library to do database commit. hence, I am provide the option to disable commit if requested for

Bug fixes

11 Jun 18:07
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  1. Bug fixes in django and sqlalchemy side: #1
  2. Bug fix in django side only: #2
  3. Pass on file type to reader and writers, due to pyexcel-text had one writer across many file types.

Indepence from pyexcel

20 May 20:32
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  • handle the delegate file interface to access various excel file formats
  • support read and write access to csv, csvz, django models and sqlalchemy tables
  • empower pyexcel-xls, pyexcel-xlsx, pyexcel-ods(3) as standalone library to read and write more formats

Optimization for loading single sheet from a multiple book

21 Feb 17:09
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  • Loads only one sheet from a multiple sheet book
  • Use New BSD License

Abstraction - Prevent developer from providing incomplete functions

15 Dec 21:49
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  • Programmatically guide pyexcel extension developers on what methods should have been implemented.
    • It wont allow you to instantiate from you custom class unless you implement all abstract methods
  • Passing custom keywords to your classes
  • Providing NamedContent as a helper class for data content that does not have a name but a name(sheet name) is required when writing a pyexcel extension.

initial release

07 Dec 16:59
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initial release Pre-release
  • the implementation of this package can be a plugin to pyexcel
  • And can also be an indenpendent read/write library for any file format in mind