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PyFyre - The Python Web Frontend Framework


GitHub Version Github Star License

A fast, declarative, and incrementally adoptable Python web frontend framework for building reactive web user interfaces.


  • Component-based framework. Developers who have experience in using other frontend frameworks should feel quite at home when using PyFyre.
  • Truly reactive. PyFyre's virtual DOM allows for simple and efficient state management.
  • Quick navigation. Navigation between pages is quick with PyFyre's single-page application design.
  • Pythonic code with static typing. Developing with PyFyre is much easier with its type hinting and Pythonic style of coding.
  • Asynchronous programming. Run non-blocking functions out of the box.
  • CPython interoperability. Developers can limitedly use CPython packages on the client-side web.
  • JavaScript interoperability. Allowing developers to leverage NPM packages and integrate with existing JavaScript applications.
  • Pure Python. Build web apps without ever touching other languages like HTML and JavaScript.
  • And more!


See the examples directory for more. If you want to quickly test how PyFyre feels or looks like, try our playground! But here is a super simple example. See how easy it is to create a simple Counter app with PyFyre:

from browser import DOMEvent
from pyfyre import render, State
from pyfyre.nodes import Node, Widget, Text, Button

class App(Widget):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.count = State[int](0)

    def build(self) -> list[Node]:
        def increment(event: DOMEvent) -> None:
            self.count.set_value(self.count.value + 1)

        def decrement(event: DOMEvent) -> None:
            self.count.set_value(self.count.value - 1)

        return [
            Button(onclick=decrement, children=lambda: [Text("-")]),
            Button(onclick=increment, children=lambda: [Text("+")]),

render({"/": lambda: App()})


Learn PyFyre by reading the documentation. It is also advisable to learn Brython alongside PyFyre as it is built on top of Brython.
