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Predefined Algebras

The easiest way to get started with clifford is to use one of several predefined algebras:

  • .. module:: clifford.g2

    g2: 2D Euclidean, Cl(2). See :doc:`tutorials/g2-quick-start` for some examples.

  • .. module:: clifford.g3

    g3: 3D Euclidean, Cl(3). See :doc:`tutorials/g3-algebra-of-space` for some examples.

  • .. module:: clifford.g4

    g4: 4D Euclidean, Cl(4).

  • .. module:: clifford.g2c

    g2c: Conformal space for G2, Cl(3, 1). See :doc:`tutorials/cga/index` for some examples.

  • .. module:: clifford.g3c

    g3c: Conformal space for G3, Cl(4, 1).

  • .. module:: clifford.pga

    pga: Projective space for G3 Cl(3, 0, 1).

  • .. module:: clifford.gac

    gac: Geometric Algebra for Conics, Cl(5, 3).

  • .. module:: clifford.dpga

    dpga: Double PGA also referred to as the Mother Algebra, Cl(4, 4).

  • .. module:: clifford.dg3c

    dg3c: Double Conformal Geometric Algebra, effectively two g3c algebras glued together Cl(8, 2).

.. currentmodule:: clifford.<predefined>

By using the pre-defined algebras in place of calling Cl directly, you will often find that your program starts up faster.

.. data:: clifford.<predefined>.e<ijk>

    All of these modules expose the basis blades as attributes, and can be used like so

    .. ipython::

        In [138]: from clifford import g2

        In [138]: g2.e1 * g2.e2
        Out[138]: (1^e12)

Additionally, they define the following attributes, which contain the return values of :func:`clifford.Cl`:

.. data:: layout

    The associated :class:`clifford.Layout`

    .. ipython::

        In [138]: g2.layout
        Out[138]: Layout([1, 1],
               names=['', 'e1', 'e2', 'e12'])

.. data:: blades

    A shorthand for :meth:`Layout.blades`

    .. ipython::

        In [138]: g2.blades
        Out[138]: {'': 1, 'e1': (1^e1), 'e2': (1^e2), 'e12': (1^e12)}

For interactive use, it's very handy to use import *

.. ipython::

    In [138]: from clifford.g2 import *

    In [138]: e1, e2, e12
    Out[138]: ((1^e1), (1^e2), (1^e12))

For the conformal layouts :mod:`~clifford.g2c` and :mod:`~clifford.g3c`, the full contents of the stuff result of :func:`clifford.conformalize` is also exposed as members of the module.