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Labelling & linking reported issues

Dan Lawrence edited this page Feb 20, 2023 · 1 revision

Labelling issues correctly

It is helpful when searching the issues in the repository if they have useful labels:

  • What Pygame CE submodule they relate to.
  • The specific platform(s) if the issue only happens on one or two platforms.
  • Specific versions of software the issue occurs on (i.e. Python 3.7 or SDL 2.0.8)
  • The general subject area they are trying to address (e.g. performance, accuracy, compatibility)
  • Is it a bug or an enhancement?

Adding, removing and updating labels is the broad responsibility of all members of the contributors team. A nice tidy issues list helps us clear out problems faster and tie similar issues together.

Linking issues

You can also helpfully link issues to both other issues and pull requests through the machinery of GitHub and this can be very helpful when cleaning up the repository issues list after a pull request gets merged.