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File metadata and controls

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PyMTL RTL Translation

For PyMTL3 RTL designs, the framework provides translation passes that translate the RTL design into various backends (e.g., Verilog). A typical PyMTL3 workflow starts from implementing and testing the DUT in the Python environment. When the designer is confident about the correctness of the DUT, he/she can simply apply the desired translation pass and use the translation result to drive an ASIC or FPGA flow.

Translatable PyMTL RTL

Translation passes only accept a translatable subset of all possible component constructs. The following constructs are translatable:

  • Structural constructs
    • Data types: all Bits and BitStruct types; list of translatable data types.
    • Constants: Python integer, Bits object, and BitStruct constant instance.
    • Signals: InPort, OutPort, and Wire of Bits or BitStruct type.
    • Interfaces: all interfaces whose all child interfaces are translatable.
    • Components: all components which have translatable interfaces, signals, and update blocks.
    • List of the translatable structural constructs.
  • Behavioral constructs (update blocks)
    • @update, @update_ff update blocks.
    • If-else statements
    • For-loop statements of single loop index whose range is specified through range()
    • Assignment statements to signals through @= and <<=
    • Assignment statements to temporary variables through =
    • Constants: Python integer, Bits object, and BitStruct constant instance
    • Function calls
      • BitsN(), BitStruct(), zext(), sext(), trunc()
    • Comparison between signals and constants
    • Arithmetic and logic operations between/on signals and constants

Some common non-translatable constructs include:

  • use of common Python data structures including: set, dict, list of non-translatable constructs, etc.
  • arbitrary function calls

Example: translate a PyMTL RTL component into Verilog

We will demonstrate how to translate the full adder PyMTL RTL component that is included in the PyMTL3 package. Note that if you are also interested in simulating the translated component using PyMTL3, you might find :ref:`the translate-import feature<translate-import>` useful because it translates the DUT and imports the translated module back for simulation.

First we need to import the full adder; the following code also dumps out how it is implemented:

>>> from pymtl3 import *
>>> from pymtl3.examples.ex00_quickstart import FullAdder
>>> import inspect
>>> print(inspect.getsource(FullAdder))
class FullAdder( Component ):
  def construct( s ):
    s.a    = InPort()
    s.b    = InPort()
    s.cin  = InPort()
    s.sum  = OutPort()
    s.cout = OutPort()

    def upblk():
      s.sum  @= s.cin ^ s.a ^ s.b
      s.cout @= ( ( s.a ^ s.b ) & s.cin ) | ( s.a & s.b )

To translate a component, it must have metadata that enables the translation pass and the translation pass needs to be applied on it. The following code shows how these can be done. The name VerilogTranslationPass, which refers to the Verilog translation pass, has already been included previously when we did from pymtl3.passes.backends.verilog import *. Note that you can set metadata of a component anytime after that object has been created, but you should only apply the translation pass after it has been elaborated.

>>> from pymtl3.passes.backends.verilog import *
>>> m = FullAdder()
>>> m.elaborate()
>>> m.set_metadata( VerilogTranslationPass.enable, True )
>>> m.apply( VerilogTranslationPass() )

After that you should be able to inspect the translated Verilog code in the current working directory.

.. prompt:: bash $

    less FullAdder_noparam__pickled.v

The string noparam indicates this translation result came from a PyMTL component whose construct method requires no arguments except for the self object self. If the DUT had extra arguments, those will contribute to this string. And the suffix __pickled indicates the translation result is a standalone Verilog source file that can be used to drive an ASIC or FPGA flow. In fact, this is true for all PyMTL translation results with the exception being your hierarchy includes a :ref:`placeholder<Placeholder components>` whose source file assumes an implicit Verilog include path.

Advanced Verilog translation

Using :ref:`the metadata mechanism <communicate with passes using metadata>`, we can customize the translation pass to have the following behaviors. See :ref:`here <Verilog translation pass>` for a complete list of options.

Use an explicit name for the translated top module

Assuming component m is the top module to be translated, the following code enforces an explicit name on the translation result of m

m.set_metadata( VerilogTranslationPass.explicit_module_name, 'FooModule' )

Use an explicit name for the translated .v file

Assuming component m is the top module to be translated, the following code enforces an explicit file name on the translated .v file

m.set_metadata( VerilogTranslationPass.explicit_file_name, 'FooModule.v' )

You can use an absolute path to dump the translation result to places other than the current working directory.

Disable components during logic synthesis in an ASIC flow

This behavior is usually desired when you want a behavioral SRAM module in the translation result but you want to disable that and swap in the real SRAM generated by a memory compiler during synthesis.

Assuming component m is the module to be disabled, the following code tells the translation pass to generate the appropriate Verilog code

m.set_metadata( VerilogTranslationPass.no_synthesis, True )

Also, since PyMTL3 assumes each component has implicit clk and reset pins, you can set VerilogTranslationPass.no_synthesis_no_clk and VerilogTranslationPass.no_synthesis_no_reset to True to remove the clk and reset pins from the module itnerfae during synthesis.

Common Verilog translation questions

Is it possbile to generate parametrized Verilog modules?

Unfortunately, the current translation mechanism relies heavily on the premise that the translated Verilog module is a design instance rather than a parametrized design. Supporting this requires non-trivial modification (even a re-design) to the translation framework and is currently not on our roadmap.

One possible workaround is to declare the desired parameters as input ports and connect these ports in the test harness or the parent module. For example, let's say we are modeling a module that takes its x-y coordinates in a mesh network as its parameters. Declaring the coordinates as parameters will lead to numerous design instances in the translation result because they are seen as different components by the translation framework. If you declare the coordinates as input ports, then there will be only one instance of the target module in the translation result because you can instantiate multiple target modules and supply different coordinates through the ports.