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Contributing to piceli

Thank you for your interest in contributing to piceli! At this moment, the project is in its initial development phase and is not yet ready for contributions from the community. We are working hard to reach a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and establish a solid foundation for the project.

Once the project reaches a stage where we are ready to accept contributions, we will update this CONTRIBUTING guide with detailed instructions on how to contribute. In the meantime, feel free to watch the repository for updates and engage in discussions in the issues.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to collaborating with you in the near future!

Best regards, piceli

Setting Up the Development Environment

To contribute to piceli once it's open for contributions, follow these steps to set up your development environment:

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the piceli repository on GitHub to your own account.

  2. Clone the Fork: Clone your fork to your local machine.

git clone
cd piceli
  1. Install Docker: Ensure you have Docker installed on your system as it might be used for running services such as databases or other dependencies.
  1. Install Poetry: piceli uses Poetry for dependency management. Install Poetry as per the official documentation: Poetry Installation.

  2. Set Up the Project: Inside the project directory, set up your local development environment using Poetry. This will install all dependencies, including those needed for development.

poetry install
  1. Install Pre-commit Hooks: Set up pre-commit hooks in your local repository.
poetry run pre-commit install
  1. Activate the Virtual Environment: Use Poetry to activate the virtual environment.
poetry shell
  1. Start Development: You're now ready to start development. Feel free to make changes, commit them, and push them to your fork.

Running Tests and Checking Coverage

Maintaining a high standard of code quality is crucial, which includes thorough testing and good test coverage. Here's how to run tests and check coverage:

  1. Running Tests: After setting up your development environment, run the tests to ensure everything works as expected.
poetry run pytest
  1. Checking Test Coverage: Use the coverage tool to check the code coverage by tests.
  • Run the tests with coverage tracking:
    poetry run coverage run -m pytest
  • Generate a coverage report. You can view the coverage report in two ways:
    • For a console summary:
      poetry run coverage report
    • For a detailed HTML report:
      poetry run coverage html
      This generates a report in the htmlcov directory. Open htmlcov/index.html in a web browser to view it.

Remember, these guidelines will become relevant once the project is open for contributions. Until then, feel free to familiarize yourself with the codebase and the project's goals.