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History / Common Pitfalls When Writing Parsers


  • Update stopOn to include new support for this behavior using slice notation; also convet examples to use PEP8 names

    @ptmcg ptmcg committed Jun 1, 2024
  • Add notes on Using scan_string with an expression using negative lookahead (see #323)

    @ptmcg ptmcg committed Jan 23, 2022
  • Updated Common Pitfalls When Writing Parsers (markdown)

    @ptmcg ptmcg committed Oct 23, 2021
  • Updated Common Pitfalls When Writing Parsers (markdown)

    @ptmcg ptmcg committed Sep 2, 2021
  • Updated Common Pitfalls When Writing Parsers (markdown)

    @ptmcg ptmcg committed Sep 2, 2021
  • Updated The Classic Blunders (markdown)

    @ptmcg ptmcg committed Dec 3, 2020