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Python 3 planning

Paul McGuire edited this page Jan 14, 2019 · 9 revisions

Which Python 3 version will be targeted? For instance, if f-strings are used, then this will preclude use by Py3 prior to 3.6.

Desired Python 3 features:

  • use of nonlocal (3.0)
  • except exceptiontype as var: (3.0)
  • OrderedDict (3.1)
  • autonumbered str.format {} placeholders (3.1)
  • str.format_map (3.2)
  • callable() builtin (3.2)
  • yield from (3.3)
  • raise Exception from None to abbreviate exception tracebacks (3.3)
  • function __qualname__ (3.3)
  • types.SimpleNamespace (3.3)
  • ipaddress module (3.3)
  • enum module (3.4)
  • pathlib module (3.4)
  • infix @ operator (3.5)
  • typing module (3.5)
  • (3.5)
  • f-strings (3.6)
  • '_' in numeric literals and formats (3.6)
  • __init_subclass__ (3.6)
  • enum auto() numbering (3.6)
  • functools.singledispatch (method signature overrides) (3.6)
  • dataclasses (3.7)
  • postponed annotation eval (future) (3.7)
  • Forced UTF-8 runtime mode (3.7)
  • breakpoint() builtin (3.7)
  • module __getattr__
  • contextlib.nullcontext() (3.7)

Conversion of examples?

  • can be done any time, backward compatibility of examples is not a requirement
  • if examples use a later Python feature, should use future import or do upfront Py version validation

Py2 compatibility code to be deleted:

  • iterkeys, itervalues, iteritems in ParseResults
  • _ustr()
  • _MAX_INT
  • import compatibility try-excepts
  • unicode string literals (u"lskdjjf")
  • __nonzero__
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