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Slit Tracing


One of the first and most crucial steps of the pipeline is to auto-magically identify the slits (or orders) on a given detector. This is a challenging task owing to the wide variety in:

  • the number of slits/orders,
  • the separation between slits/orders (if any)
  • the varying brightness of flats across the detector

Developing a single algorithm to handle all of these edge cases (pun intended) is challenging if not impossible. Therefore, there are a number of user-input parameters that one may need to consider when running PypeIt (see below :ref:`slit_tracing_issues` and :ref:`slit_tracing_customizing`).

Underlying the effort is the :class:`~pypeit.edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet` class; see :func:`~pypeit.edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet.auto_trace` for a description of the algorithm.

Slit-mask design matching

PypeIt can incorporate information about the slit-mask design into the slit-tracing process. This is primarily performed by :func:`pypeit.edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet.maskdesign_matching`, which matches the slit edges traced by PypeIt to the slit edges predicted using the slit-mask design information stored in the observations. Moreover, :func:`~pypeit.edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet.maskdesign_matching` uses the predicted slit edges positions to add slit traces that have not been detected in the image.

This functionality at the moment is implemented only for these :ref:`slitmask_info_instruments` and is switched on by setting use_maskdesign flag in :ref:`edgetracepar` to True. Other parameters may need to be adjusted as well, depending on the instrument (see :ref:`slitmask_ids_report` and the relevant instrument documentation pages).

Slit-mask design Spectrographs


See :doc:`edges` and :doc:`slits` for notes on how to view the outputs related to Slit Tracing.

One can also run the :ref:`pypeit_parse_slits` script on the Slit output to get a terse description of the output.


Slit tracing is one of the steps in PypeIt that can be run independently of the full reduction, using the pypeit_trace_edges script. If you're having difficulty getting the slit tracing to perform as desired, we recommend you troubleshoot the tracing using this script.

pypeit_trace_edges can be run just by providing a trace image; however, this approach hasn't been well tested and may lead to different results from what you get with :ref:`run-pypeit`. Instead, we recommend that you first construct the :ref:`pypeit_file` you would use to fully reduce the data (see :ref:`pypeit_setup`) and supply that as the argument to pypeit_trace_edges.

The script usage can be displayed by calling the script with the -h option:

Specifically note that the --show option will show you the result of the tracing after each main step in the process. The --debug option provides additional output that can be used to diagnose the parameterized fits to the edge traces and the PCA decomposition. Fair warning that, for images with many slits, these plots can be laborious to wade through...

Known Slit Tracing Issues

No Slits

It is possible that the edge-tracing algorithm will not find any slit edges. This may be because the edges fall off the detector, that there truly is no data in a given detector of a multi-detector instrument (e.g., :doc:`../spectrographs/lris`), or the threshold for edge detection has been set too high. An inability to find slit edges can be common for long-slit observations, but occurs occasionally for multi-slit. If you know that a given detector should have well-defined slit edges, try adjusting the edge_thresh parameter (see :ref:`trace-edge-thresh`). Regardless, if PypeIt does not find any slit edges, there are two ways it can proceed:

  1. The default behavior for most (but not all) instruments is to simply skip any detectors where the edge-tracing algorithm does not find any edges. If this is the case, run_pypeit will issue a warning that the calibrations for a given detector have failed (in get_slits). For single-detector instruments, this means that PypeIt might exit gracefully without actually producing much output. For multi-detector instruments (e.g., DEIMOS), this means that PypeIt will skip any further processing of the detector and move on to the next one. If you already know the detectors that should be skipped, you can use the :ref:`pypeit_file` to select the detectors that should be processed (see the detnum parameter in :ref:`reduxpar`):

        detnum = 2,3,4
  2. You can force PypeIt to add left and right edges that bound the spatial extent of the detector using the bound_detector parameter in :ref:`edgetracepar`. This is required for instruments where the entire detector is illuminated so that the slit edges are projected off the detector, or for situations where the detector is windowed (Shane Kast) in such a way that the slit edges are not covered by the windowed detector. Although bounding the detector in this way allows the code to continue to subsequent analysis steps, using this approach comes with a significant warning:


    When bounding the spatial extent of the detector by straight slit edges, the spectral curvature is not properly traced. This can lead to errors in the subsequent processing steps and/or highly sub-optimal extraction of any object spectra. If available, users should be sure to add a standard-star observation to the PypeIt file (ensuring that is classified as a standard frame), so that PypeIt will use the standard star trace as a crutch for object tracing in the science frames.

Slit PCA fails

The default tracing uses a PCA analysis that requires a minimum number of slits to succeed. If there aren't enough, you should revert back to the nearest mode by setting the sync_predict keyword in :ref:`edgetracepar`, e.g.:

        sync_predict = nearest

Another option is to set sync_predict = auto. This will let PypeIt determine which mode to use between pca and nearest. In general, PypeIt will first try pca, and if that is not possible, it will use nearest.

Missing a Slit

It is common for some spectrographs for the code to miss one or more slits. This may be mitigated by modifying the edge_thresh or minimum_slit_length keywords of :ref:`edgetracepar`.

Otherwise, the code may be instructed to add slits at user-input locations. The syntax is a list of lists, with each sub-list having syntax (all integers) detector:y_spec:x_spat0:x_spat1.

For example:

        add_slits = 2:2000:2121:2322,3:2000:1201:1500

The above will add one slit on detector 2 with left/right edge at 2121/2322 at row 2000. The shapes of the slit will be taken from the ones that are nearest or the PCA model if it exists.

Too Many Slits

The code may identify stray light or some other spurious feature as a slit. This might be mitigated by increasing the value of edge_thresh in :ref:`edgetracepar`. Indeed, this is required for longslit observations with the red camera of :doc:`../spectrographs/lris`.

Otherwise, the code may be instructed to remove slits at user-input locations. The syntax is a list of lists, with each sub-list having syntax (all integers): detector:y_spec:x_spat For example:

        rm_slits = 2:2000:2121,3:2000:1500

This will remove any slit on detector 2 that contains x_spat=2121 at y_spec=2000 and similarly for the slit on det=3.

Slit Tracing Customizing

The following are settings that the user may consider varying to improve the slit tracing.

Remember, you can test the performance of the slit-edge tracing with different parameters using :ref:`pypeit_trace_edges`, instead of executing :ref:`run-pypeit`.

Detection Threshold

The detection threshold for identifying slits is set relatively low to err on the side of finding more as opposed to fewer slit edges. The algorithm can be fooled by scattered light and detector defects. One can increase the threshold with the edge_thresh parameter:

        edge_thresh = 30.

Then monitor the number of slits detected by the algorithm.

Presently, we recommend that you err on the conservative side regarding thresholds, i.e. higher values of edge_thresh, unless you have especially faint trace flat frames.

On the flip side, if slit defects (common) are being mistaken as slit edges then increase edge_thresh and hope for the best.

Trace Length Threshold

When tracing, edges are found first independently, and then edge pixels are connected by following the detected edges along the spectral direction. Only traces that span a specified fraction of the spectral length of the detector are included in the set of "valid" traces to be fit with a low-order polynomial. The specified fraction is set by the parameter fit_min_spec_length.

The default value is 0.6, which may be too large for some instruments (e.g. LRISb with the 300 grism). Consider lowering the value, especially if the code raised a warning on too few edges for the PCA decomposition of the traces:

        fit_min_spec_length = 0.45

You may also need to adjust the Smash Range.

Smash Range

One of the final steps in slit/order definition is to identify edges by smashing a rectified version of the Sobolev image. The default is to smash the entire image, but if the spectra are primarily in a subset of the image one should consider modifying the default parameter. This is frequently the case for low-dispersion data, e.g. LRISb 300 grism spectra (which has a different default value). Modify it as such:

        smash_range = 0.5,1.


See documentation for :func:`~pypeit.edgetrace.EdgeTraceSet.auto_trace` and the subfunctions referenced therein.

Open Issues

  1. Bad columns yield fake edges. These should be masked out by the pipeline using the instrument-specific bad pixel mask.
  2. Overlapping slits are notoriously difficult to detect. One may need to add/subtract individual slits on occasion.