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This document explains how to run :ref:`pypeit-coadd-2dspec`, including three examples using multi-slit observations:

When Running the Script

:ref:`pypeit-coadd-2dspec` is run only after a successful main reduction (i.e., :ref:`run-pypeit`). See :ref:`tutorials` for example executions of :ref:`run-pypeit` for a subset of instruments.

Coadd2d File

:ref:`pypeit-coadd-2dspec` requires an input file to guide the process, called the coadd2d file (see :ref:`coadd2d_file`). Similar to :ref:`pypeit_setup`, we provide a script that can be used to automatically generate one or more coadd2d files for you; see :ref:`here <pypeit_setup_coadd2d>`. Although this script will at least get you started with the coadd2d file, you may need to edit the file to ensure the coadding is performed as you desire. Here, we further explain the format of the file and some typical edits you might want to make.

The format of the coadd2d :ref:`Input File <input_files>` includes a Parameter Block (optional) and a Data Block (required).

Here is an example coadd2d file:

# User-defined execution parameters
    spectrograph = keck_mosfire
    offsets = maskdef_offsets
    weights = uniform
    manual = 1:22.4:608.1:3.,2:22.4:608.1:3.       # det:spat:spec:fwhm

# Data block
spec2d read
spec2d end

Data Block

The data block includes a list of reduced 2D spectra files, which can be found in the Science folder:

$ ls -1 Science/spec2d*.fits

Parameter Block

The parameter block includes the parameters used to guide the 2D coadding and the reduction (i.e., object finding and extraction) of the coadded spectra. The parameters for the reduction are the same as the ones used during the main PypeIt run, see :ref:`reducepar`. For the full set of 2D coadding parameters, see :ref:`coadd2dpar`. We highlight a few parameters below.


The coadd2d parameter manual provides the location of the objects that the user want to manually extract. Each object location is separated by a semi-colon and is constructed as det:spat:spec:fwhm, which means that the object is located in detector det at the spatial pixel spat and spectral pixel spec and it has a FWHM equal to fwhm. The location of the object must be in the 2D coadded frame, therefore :ref:`pypeit-coadd-2dspec` must be run twice: once to inspect the 2D coadded frame and locate the object, and a second time to perform the manual extraction. See :ref:`manual`.


This parameter defines the offsets in spatial pixels between the frames to be coadded. Here are the options:

  • offsets = auto: PypeIt will compute the offsets. If the parameter user_obj (see :ref:`coadd2dpar`) is also set, PypeIt will use the 1D extracted spectrum chosen by the user to compute the offsets, otherwise it will use the 1D extracted spectrum with the highest S/N. If such spectrum is not found in each frame that the user wants to coadd, PypeIt will stop with an error. In this case a list of offsets should be provided, or set offsets = maskdef_offsets if available. This is the default.
  • offsets is a list (e.g., offsets = 0.,1.2,-2.5): These values will be used as they are.
  • offsets = maskdef_offsets: PypeIt will use the offsets, determined during the main reduction run, between the position of the extracted objects and their expected position from the slitmask design information.
  • offsets = header: PypeIt will use the dither offsets recorded in the header, if available.


The offsets = maskdef_offsets option is only available for multi-slit observations and currently only for these :ref:`slitmask_info_instruments`. Set the parameters :ref:`slitmaskpar` in the :ref:`pypeit_file` during the main PypeIt run to determine how maskdef_offsets are computed. See :ref:`radec_object_report` for more info.


This parameter defines the weights to be used in the 2D coadding.

  • weights = auto: PypeIt will try to compute the (S/N)^2 weights. If the parameter user_obj (see :ref:`coadd2dpar`) is also set, PypeIt will use the 1D extracted spectrum chosen by the user to compute the weights, otherwise it will use the 1D extracted spectrum with the highest S/N. If such spectrum is not found in each frame that the user wants to coadd, PypeIt will use uniform weights. This is the default.
  • weights is a list (e.g., weights = 1.,1.,1.): These values will be used as they are.
  • weights = uniform: PypeIt will use uniform weights.

Keck/LRIS Example

LRIS: Create coadd2D file

Using the keck_lris_blue/multi_600_4000_d560 dataset from the :ref:`dev-suite` as an example, a successful execution of :ref:`run-pypeit` using the keck_lris_blue_multi_600_4000_d560.pypeit should result in the following spec2d files:

$ ls -1 Science/spec2d*.fits

You can automatically generate the coadd2d script by executing

pypeit_setup_coadd2d -f keck_lris_blue_multi_600_4000_d560.pypeit --only_slits 30 70 111 156 216 --det 2

The --only_slits option allows you to specify specific slits to coadd, instead of coadding all that are available. We also select to only combine the data on detector 2. The result of the script is a file called keck_lris_blue_multi_600_4000_d560_c17_60L..coadd2d, which looks like this:

# Auto-generated Coadd2D input file using PypeIt version: 1.12.3.dev337+g096680b06.d20230503
# UTC 2023-05-08T19:45:26.885

# User-defined execution parameters
    spectrograph = keck_lris_blue
    redux_path = /path/to/PypeIt-development-suite/REDUX_OUT/keck_lris_blue/multi_600_4000_d560
    scidir = Science
    qadir = QA
    detnum = 2,
    calib_dir = Calibrations
        refframe = observed
    offsets = auto
    weights = auto
    only_slits = 30, 70, 111, 156, 216
    spec_method = skip
        skip_skysub = True

# Data block
spec2d read
 path /path/to/PypeIt-development-suite/REDUX_OUT/keck_lris_blue/multi_600_4000_d560/Science
spec2d end

Note that the default :ref:`coadd2dpar` parameters are set to offsets = auto and weights = auto. See :ref:`pypeit_setup_coadd2d` for additional parameters.


The :ref:`pypeit_setup_coadd2d` script is new as of version 1.13.0. Some of the options that were passed to pypeit_coadd2d in previous versions are now passed to pyepit_setup_coadd2d instead. One example is the use of --only_slits above; another is that objects are selected in pypeit_setup_coadd2d, not pypeit_coadd_2dspec.


Once the coadd2d file is ready, the main call is simply:

$ pypeit_coadd_2dspec keck_lris_blue_multi_600_4000_d560_c17_60L..coadd2d

At the beginning of the run, the user should inspect the information printed on the terminal by the script, and verify that the offsets and the way the weights are computed are accepted. This is an example of the information printed on the terminal:

[INFO]    :: Get Weights
[INFO]    :: Weights computed using a unique reference object in slit=582 with the highest S/N
[INFO]    ::
               Summary for highest S/N object
                   found on slitid = 582
                        exp#        S/N
                         0          5.44
                         1          4.31
                         2          5.64
                         3          5.21
[INFO]    :: Get Offsets
[INFO]    :: Determining offsets using brightest object found on slit: 582 with avg SNR= 5.15
              Summary of offsets from brightest object found on slit: 582 with avg SNR= 5.15
                        exp#      offset
                         0         0.00
                         1         0.13
                         2         0.24
                         3        -0.04

This confirms that both weights and offsets are computed using an object with the highest S/N and shows the report on what was found.

LRIS: Output

At the end of the run the code will generate 2D and 1D spectra outputs located in the Science_coadd/ folder. These outputs are identical to the ones generated by the main PypeIt reduction.

LRIS: Inspecting spec2d output

Here is a screen shot from the third tab in the `ginga`_ window (sky_resid-DET02) after using :ref:`pypeit_show_2dspec`, with this explicit call:

$ pypeit_show_2dspec Science_coadd/spec2d_b170320_2083-b170320_2091-c17_60L..fits --det DET02


The green/magenta lines are the slit edges. The orange line shows the PypeIt trace of the object and the orange text is the PypeIt assigned name.

See :doc:`../out_spec2D` for further details.

LRIS: Inspecting spec1d output

Like for the main PypeIt reduction, a summary of all the extracted sources can be found in the Science_coadd/spec1d_b170320_2083-b170320_2091-c17_60L..txt file. Here is an example of how it looks:

| slit |                    name | spat_pixpos | spat_fracpos | box_width | opt_fwhm |  s2n |
|   28 | SPAT0029-SLIT0028-DET02 |        28.7 |        0.492 |      3.00 |    1.392 | 0.85 |
|   77 | SPAT0077-SLIT0077-DET02 |        77.0 |        0.501 |      3.00 |    1.030 | 0.76 |
|  124 | SPAT0129-SLIT0124-DET02 |       128.7 |        0.608 |      3.00 |    1.325 | 1.90 |
|  176 | SPAT0168-SLIT0176-DET02 |       168.4 |        0.331 |      3.00 |    1.145 | 1.20 |
|  240 | SPAT0244-SLIT0240-DET02 |       244.2 |        0.563 |      3.00 |    1.045 | 0.87 |

The spec1d can also be inspected with the script pypeit_chk_noise_1dspec, which show the spec1D for visual inspection and a noise diagnostic plot. Here is an example of the call and how the plots looks:

$ pypeit_chk_noise_1dspec Science_coadd/spec1d_b170320-b170320-c17.fits --pypeit_name SPAT0244-SLIT0240-DET02



The exact name of the object may change due to slight spatial shifts in where the object is found.

The plot on the right is showing the distribution of Flux/Noise of the extracted spectrum. In this example there is clearly flux coming from the object that biases the Flux/Noise diagnostic plot. However, this script provides the possibility to select a region in the spectrum without emission to be used for the diagnostic plot. The script usage can be displayed by calling the script with the -h option:

Keck/DEIMOS Example

DEIMOS: Create coadd2D file

After a successful reduction with :ref:`run-pypeit`, we create a coadd 2D file. Our coadd2d file is called keck_deimos_1200g_m_7750_dra11.coadd2d and looks like this:

# User-defined execution parameters
    spectrograph = keck_deimos
    detnum = 7
        snr_thresh = 10.0
    offsets = maskdef_offsets
    weights = auto
    user_obj = 1037,1

# Data block
spec2d read
spec2d end

In this example we 2D coadd only one detector (det 7); however, note that PypeIt uses, as default, a mosaic approach for the reduction of Keck/DEIMOS, for which a mosaic is constructed for each blue-red detector pair. See :doc:`../spectrographs/deimos` for more detail.

Because weights = auto, the parameter user_obj in this example instructs PypeIt to use the 1D extracted spectrum with OBJID equal to 1 and SLITID equal to 1037 to compute the weights. See :doc:`../out_spec1D` for more info about SLITID and OBJID.


As you can see we set offsets = maskdef_offsets. For this DEIMOS dataset we computed the maskdef_offsets in the main PypeIt reduction by using these parameters in the :ref:`pypeit_file`:

        use_alignbox = True

which means that the offsets have been computed using the stars in the alignment boxes.


Once the coadd2d file is ready, the main call is simply:

$ pypeit_coadd_2dspec keck_deimos_1200g_m_7750.coadd2d

The script will print in the terminal something like this:

[INFO]    :: Get Weights
[INFO]    :: Weights computed using a unique reference object in slit=1037 provided by the user
[INFO]    :: Get Offsets
[INFO]    :: Determining offsets using maskdef_offset recoded in SlitTraceSet
[INFO]    ::
              Summary of offsets from maskdef_offset
                        exp#      offset
                         0         0.00
                         1         0.24
                         2         0.96

This confirms our choice for how to compute weights and offsets and shows the report on what was found.

DEIMOS: Inspecting spec2d output

Here is a screen shot from the third tab in the ginga`_ window (sky_resid-DET07) after using :ref:`pypeit_show_2dspec`, with this explicit call:

$ pypeit_show_2dspec Science_coadd/spec2d_DE.20170425.50487-DE.20170425.53065-dra11.fits --det DET07


The green/magenta lines are the slit edges. The orange line shows the PypeIt trace of the object and the orange text is the PypeIt assigned name plus the object name from the slitmask design. Yellow lines and text indicate sources that had insufficient S/N for detection, but were force extracted using the information in the slitmask design.

See :doc:`../out_spec2D` for further details.

DEIMOS: Inspecting spec1d output

A summary of all the extracted sources can be found in the spec1d_DE.20170425.50487-DE.20170425.53065-dra11.txt file in the Science_coadd/ folder. See :ref:`deimos_howto_spec1d` for an example of this file with the explanation for some columns.

The spec1d can also be inspected with the script pypeit_chk_noise_1dspec, which show the spec1D for visual inspection and a noise diagnostic plot. See example in :ref:`inspecting_spec1d`.

Keck/MOSFIRE Example

MOSFIRE: Create coadd2D file

After a successful reduction with :ref:`run-pypeit`, we create a coadd 2D file. Our coadd2d file is called keck_mosfire.coadd2d and looks like this:

    spectrograph = keck_mosfire
    offsets = maskdef_offsets
    weights = auto
    only_slits = 1987, 721, 410, 151

# Data block
spec2d read
spec2d end


For this MOSFIRE dataset we computed the maskdef_offsets in the main PypeIt reduction by using these parameters in the :ref:`pypeit_file`:

        use_dither_offset = False
        bright_maskdef_id = 1

which means that the offsets have been computed using a bright object in the slit with Slit_Number=1.


Once the coadd2d file is ready, the main call is simply:

$ pypeit_coadd_2dspec keck_mosfire.coadd2d

The script will print in the terminal something like this:

[INFO]    :: Get Weights
[INFO]    :: Weights computed using a unique reference object in slit=151 with the highest S/N
[INFO]    ::
               Summary for highest S/N object
                   found on slitid = 151
                        exp#        S/N
                         0         18.77
                         1         19.36

[INFO]    :: Get Offsets
[INFO]    :: Determining offsets using maskdef_offset recoded in SlitTraceSet
[INFO]    ::
              Summary of offsets from maskdef_offset
                        exp#      offset
                         0         0.00
                         1        -27.81

MOSFIRE: Inspecting spec2d output

Here is a screen shot from the third tab in the `ginga`_ window (sky_resid-DET01) after using :ref:`pypeit_show_2dspec`, with this explicit call:

$ pypeit_show_2dspec Science_coadd/spec2d_m120910-m120910-MOSFIRE.fits


MOSFIRE: Inspecting spec1d output

A summary of all the extracted sources can be found in the spec1d_m120910-m120910-MOSFIRE.txt file in the Science_coadd/ folder. Here is an example:

| slit |                    name | maskdef_id | objname |     objra |   objdec | spat_pixpos | spat_fracpos | box_width | opt_fwhm |   s2n | maskdef_extract |
|   65 | SPAT0071-SLIT0065-DET01 |          1 |  TARG24 | 344.92242 | 33.00392 |        70.9 |        0.549 |      3.00 |    0.730 | 19.25 |           False |
|  207 | SPAT0208-SLIT0207-DET01 |          8 |  TARG12 | 345.00158 | 33.00703 |       207.7 |        0.501 |      3.00 |    0.630 | 22.81 |           False |
|  416 | SPAT0401-SLIT0416-DET01 |         10 |   TARG6 | 345.02304 | 33.01136 |       401.2 |        0.437 |      3.00 |    0.640 | 18.35 |           False |
|  710 | SPAT0669-SLIT0710-DET01 |         11 |   TARG2 | 345.04113 | 33.01283 |       668.7 |        0.373 |      3.00 |    0.656 | 28.52 |           False |

The spec1d can also be inspected with the script pypeit_chk_noise_1dspec, which show the spec1D for visual inspection and a noise diagnostic plot. See example in :ref:`inspecting_spec1d`.