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File metadata and controls

199 lines (149 loc) · 7.08 KB



This doc summarizes the main calibrations performed by PypeIt. As per standard spectroscopic reduction, there are a series of calibrations files generated to correct the detector response and perform wavelength calibration.

Although fluxing is certainly a calibration step, this is not performed as a standard part of PypeIt's main data reduction procedure, run-pypeit. Instead, it is treated as a post-processing procedure; see ../fluxing.

Calibration Groups

After pypeit_setup has organized your files into distinct instrument configurations, the simplest approach (and PypeIt's default approach) is to use all calibrations for all science frames; however, that isn't always the best approach. For example, you may want to associate different science frames with calibrations taken either in the evening or the morning. To ensure the best calibrations are used with each science frame, you could split the data between two PypeIt Files<pypeit_file> or you can use PypeIt's calibration group designations.

To assign specific calibration frames to each science frame, you must edit the calib column in the data_block of the pypeit_file, which is used to pair science frames with calibration frames. Here's an example:

filename |                 frametype | ... | calib |

DE.20170425.09554.fits.gz | arc,tilt | ... | all | DE.20170425.09632.fits.gz | pixelflat,illumflat,trace | ... | 1,2 | DE.20170425.09722.fits.gz | pixelflat,illumflat,trace | ... | 1,2 | DE.20170425.09803.fits.gz | pixelflat,illumflat,trace | ... | 3 | DE.20170425.50487.fits.gz | science | ... | 1 | DE.20170425.51771.fits.gz | science | ... | 2 | DE.20170425.53065.fits.gz | science | ... | 3 |

Here, the arc,tilt frame is used for the calibration of every science frame, so the value in its calib entry can be set to all (1,2,3 also works). The first two illumflat,pixelflat,trace frames will be combined and are used for the calibration of the first two science frames, while the third is used for the calibration of the third science frame.


  • Calibration group numbers must be integers and unique for each group; however, they do not need to follow any particular sequence.
  • There is currently a limit of no more than 63 calibration groups.
  • Calibration frames can be assigned to multiple calibration groups, but science frames can only be assigned to one calibration group.

".calib" File

A PypeIt .calib file is written both when running pypeit_setup and run-pypeit, a yaml file that provides a summary of the calibration groups used during the reduction. The file lists all the source file of each frame type ordered by their calibration group and looks roughly like this:

# Auto-generated calibration association file using PypeIt version:  1.12.2.dev137+g95b15695a
# UTC 2023-03-28T17:09:20.359
# NOTE: DET01 is a placeholder for the reduced detectors/mosaics
    dichroic: d55
    dispname: 600/4310
      - /rdx/path/shane_kast_blue_A/Calibrations/Arc_A_0_DET01.fits
      - /rdx/path/shane_kast_blue_A/Calibrations/WaveCalib_A_0_DET01.fits
      - /raw/path/b1.fits.gz
      - /rdx/path/shane_kast_blue_A/Calibrations/Bias_A_0_DET01.fits
      - /raw/path/b14.fits.gz
    - /raw/path/b27.fits.gz
    - /raw/path/b28.fits.gz
    - /raw/path/b24.fits.gz

The outermost element gives the setup/configuration identifier, A in this case. This is immediately followed by the instrument configuration details. Then, for each calibration group, the file provides the associated raw science and standard files, the raw calibration files, and the processed calibration files the code expects to create. Whether or not the processed calibration files exist after executing run-pypeit will depend on the success of the run and any relevant user-based parameters.

Calibration Steps

The primary calibration procedures are, in the order they're performed:

image_proc slit_tracing flexure wave_calib Slit Alignment (IFU only) <alignment> flat_fielding scattlight

Follow the above links for a detailed description of each step, and how the default calibration procedures may be modified to suit your needs.


As the calibrations are completed, PypeIt will save the results to files in the Calibrations/ folder (see outputs-dir). Unless otherwise indicated, all output files are in FITS format.

Saving the results of each calibration step to a file allows:

  • the user to inspect the calibrations, and
  • for a quicker re-reduction (i.e. these steps can be skipped) including in cases where the code crashed, things were fixed, and then one re-runs the script.

Below is the full list of possible calibration frames produced by PypeIt. For any given run, the files actually produced will depend on the spectrograph <../spectrographs/spectrographs> and the files listed in the pypeit_file.

Alignment Image (Alignment; IFU only) <align> Processed arc spectral image (Arc) <arc> Processed bias image (Bias) <bias> Processed dark image (Dark) <dark> Images used to trace slit edges (Edges) <edges> Consolidated slit traces (Slits) <slits> Normalized flat field images (Flat) <flat> Image used to trace wavelengths within each slit (Tiltimg) <tilt> Mapping of pixels to constant wavelength (Tilts) <tilts> Solution of 1D wavelength calibration (WaveCalib) <wvcalib>

Calibration Frame Naming

All reduced calibration frames are named according to their primary calibration type (e.g., Arc). They are also assigned a unique identifier that is a combination of:

  1. the instrument configuration (setup) identifier (e.g., A),
  2. a compressed list of associated calibration groups (e.g., 1+2 or all), and
  3. the detector or mosaic identifier (e.g., DET01 or MSC01).

For the second component, sequential numbers are reduced to a range; e.g., '0-1-2-3-4' becomes '0+4' and '3-5-6-10-11-12-15-18-19' becomes '3-5+6-10+12-15-18+19'.


If you have a lot of calibration groups in your pypeit file, you may end up with very long file names! This may cause a fault when the file name is included in the header of the output fits files. If using the calibration group all doesn't solve the problem or isn't possible given your application, please Submit an issue.