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Developing New PypeIt Scripts

All of the PypeIt executable scripts are located in the pypeit/scripts directory, and they all have roughly the same structure:

from pypeit.scripts import scriptbase

class NewScript(scriptbase.ScriptBase):

    def get_parser(cls, width=None):
        parser = super().get_parser(description='A new PypeIt script', width=width)

    def main(args):

The important components of the scripts are:

  • To ease installation and documentation of the scripts, they all must use ~pypeit.scripts.scriptbase.ScriptBase as their base class. Note that the class has no instantiation method.
  • The ~pypeit.scripts.scriptbase.ScriptBase.get_parser function is used to return an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser used to parse the command-line arguments.
  • The ~pypeit.scripts.scriptbase.ScriptBase.main function performs the primary operations of the script. It needs no return value, but a return is not prohibited (see, e.g., ~pypeit.scripts.chk_for_calibs.ChkForCalibs).
  • Each file in the pypeit/scripts directory should only contain one script class. The function sets the name of the script to pypeit_{module} by default, where {module} is the name of the file. E.g., if the file name of the new script is the executable installed will be pypeit_new_script. This can be altered by overriding the base class name function (see ~pypeit.scripts.run_pypeit.RunPypeIt).

The base class, ~pypeit.scripts.scriptbase.ScriptBase, provides the common entry point function (~pypeit.scripts.scriptbase.ScriptBase.entry_point) used during installation. To ensure that the script is properly installed by pip, you need to add this entry point to the setup.cfg file. All of the PypeIt scripts are listed in the [options.entry_points] group. To add your script, you enter a new line with the following format:

pypeit_new_script = pypeit.scripts.new_script:NewScript.entry_point

Lastly, you should add the import of the script module to the pypeit/scripts/ file; i.e., add:

from pypeit.scripts import new_script

Note that the script files in the pypeit/scripts directory:

  • Should not be executable (i.e., no xs in their permissions)
  • Should not start with an env statement; i.e., #!/usr/bin/env python
  • Should not end with the if __name__ == '__main__': block

Creating the executables from the raw script files is all handled by pip installing PypeIt. To ensure the script is installed, from the top-level directory run, e.g.:

pip install -e ".[dev]"

If the new script doesn't appear in your path after running this, you may need to uninstall (pip uninstall pypeit) and reinstall using the command above.