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feat(jfr): Split wall events into both CPU and Wall profile types. (#…
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* feat(jfr): Split wall events into both CPU and Wall profile types.

When wall is used for CPU profiling, the thread state can be used to
differentiate between runnable and sleeping threads.
Using this information, we can extract two different profile types:
- wall profile type, with all the execution samples.
- cpu profile type, with only the runnable threads.

In order to do so, jfr-parser version has been upgraded, as thread
state was not being properly retrieved.

* chore: move chunk parsing to its own function.

That should make the linter happy.
  • Loading branch information
abeaumont committed Apr 6, 2022
1 parent b11d044 commit 06dabcf
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Showing 3 changed files with 103 additions and 78 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion go.mod
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ require ( v0.0.0-20211206204731-3fd0a4b8239c v1.2.1 v0.4.2-0.20220218190441-817afcc3a7f1 v0.2.0 v0.3.0 v0.5.0 v3.21.4+incompatible v1.8.1
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions go.sum
Expand Up @@ -618,8 +618,8 @@ v1.2.1 h1:3XEMrfFJnZ87BiEhozyQKmCUAuMd/Spq7KC v1.2.1/go.mod h1:eFUEHCp4eD1TgcXMlJihC+R4MrqGf7nTRdWxNADbDHA= v0.4.2-0.20220218190441-817afcc3a7f1 h1:T1fDdt3E3UpaGZ7tRF2IYrUFwNyuPlIWGeCOjfINp1s= v0.4.2-0.20220218190441-817afcc3a7f1/go.mod h1:PbX5bxlj/WxyKIEAxYgNMNWUpXP4rt9GqtjfvTf8m+I= v0.2.0 h1:vwUTqn8CKKNh3zDAauIJwR9Gzqqb1VXP4Zy3Q/jYBOI= v0.2.0/go.mod h1:ZMcbJjfDkOwElEK8CvUJbpetztRWRXszCmf5WU0erV8= v0.3.0 h1:d37SB6tW5h45kFpglfT/YRflWXDZTo9wjWKoSLdspGM= v0.3.0/go.mod h1:ZMcbJjfDkOwElEK8CvUJbpetztRWRXszCmf5WU0erV8= v1.0.6-0.20210330033039-4a71146f9dc1 h1:0v9lBNgdmVtpyyk9PP/DfpJlOHkXriu5YgNlrhQw5YE= v1.0.6-0.20210330033039-4a71146f9dc1/go.mod h1:tSw34BaGZ0iF+oVKDOjq1/LuxGifgW7shaJ6+dBYFXg= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:J6wj4VEh+S6ZtnVlnTBMWIodfgj8LQOQFoIToxlJtxc=
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175 changes: 100 additions & 75 deletions pkg/convert/jfr/parser.go
Expand Up @@ -19,89 +19,114 @@ func ParseJFR(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader, s storage.Putter, pi *storage.Pu
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse JFR format: %w", err)
for _, c := range chunks {
var event, alloc string
cpu := tree.New()
inTLABObjects := tree.New()
inTLABBytes := tree.New()
outTLABObjects := tree.New()
outTLABBytes := tree.New()
for _, e := range c.Events {
switch e.(type) {
case *parser.ExecutionSample:
es := e.(*parser.ExecutionSample)
if fs := frames(es.StackTrace); fs != nil {
if pErr := parse(ctx, c, s, pi); pErr != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, pErr)
pi.Val = nil
return err

func parse(ctx context.Context, c parser.Chunk, s storage.Putter, pi *storage.PutInput) (err error) {
var event, alloc string
cpu := tree.New()
wall := tree.New()
inTLABObjects := tree.New()
inTLABBytes := tree.New()
outTLABObjects := tree.New()
outTLABBytes := tree.New()
for _, e := range c.Events {
switch e.(type) {
case *parser.ExecutionSample:
es := e.(*parser.ExecutionSample)
if fs := frames(es.StackTrace); fs != nil {
if es.State.Name == "STATE_RUNNABLE" {
cpu.InsertStackString(fs, 1)
case *parser.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB:
oa := e.(*parser.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB)
if fs := frames(oa.StackTrace); fs != nil {
inTLABObjects.InsertStackString(fs, 1)
inTLABBytes.InsertStackString(fs, uint64(oa.TLABSize))
case *parser.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB:
oa := e.(*parser.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB)
if fs := frames(oa.StackTrace); fs != nil {
outTLABObjects.InsertStackString(fs, 1)
outTLABBytes.InsertStackString(fs, uint64(oa.AllocationSize))
case *parser.ActiveSetting:
as := e.(*parser.ActiveSetting)
switch as.Name {
case "event":
event = as.Value
case "alloc":
alloc = as.Value
labels := pi.Key.Labels()
prefix := labels["__name__"]
if event == "cpu" || event == "itimer" || event == "wall" {
labels["__name__"] = prefix + "." + event
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = cpu
pi.Units = "samples"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
if alloc != "" {
labels["__name__"] = prefix + ".alloc_in_new_tlab_objects"
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = inTLABObjects
pi.Units = "objects"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
wall.InsertStackString(fs, 1)
labels["__name__"] = prefix + ".alloc_in_new_tlab_bytes"
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = inTLABObjects
pi.Units = "bytes"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
case *parser.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB:
oa := e.(*parser.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB)
if fs := frames(oa.StackTrace); fs != nil {
inTLABObjects.InsertStackString(fs, 1)
inTLABBytes.InsertStackString(fs, uint64(oa.TLABSize))
labels["__name__"] = prefix + ".alloc_outside_tlab_objects"
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = inTLABObjects
pi.Units = "objects"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
case *parser.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB:
oa := e.(*parser.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB)
if fs := frames(oa.StackTrace); fs != nil {
outTLABObjects.InsertStackString(fs, 1)
outTLABBytes.InsertStackString(fs, uint64(oa.AllocationSize))
labels["__name__"] = prefix + ".alloc_outside_tlab_bytes"
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = inTLABObjects
pi.Units = "bytes"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
case *parser.ActiveSetting:
as := e.(*parser.ActiveSetting)
switch as.Name {
case "event":
event = as.Value
case "alloc":
alloc = as.Value
pi.Val = nil
labels := pi.Key.Labels()
prefix := labels["__name__"]
if event == "cpu" || event == "itimer" || event == "wall" {
profile := event
if event == "wall" {
profile = "cpu"
labels["__name__"] = prefix + "." + profile
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = cpu
pi.Units = "samples"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
if event == "wall" {
labels["__name__"] = prefix + "." + event
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = wall
pi.Units = "samples"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
if alloc != "" {
labels["__name__"] = prefix + ".alloc_in_new_tlab_objects"
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = inTLABObjects
pi.Units = "objects"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
labels["__name__"] = prefix + ".alloc_in_new_tlab_bytes"
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = inTLABObjects
pi.Units = "bytes"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
labels["__name__"] = prefix + ".alloc_outside_tlab_objects"
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = inTLABObjects
pi.Units = "objects"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
labels["__name__"] = prefix + ".alloc_outside_tlab_bytes"
pi.Key = segment.NewKey(labels)
pi.Val = inTLABObjects
pi.Units = "bytes"
pi.AggregationType = "sum"
if putErr := s.Put(ctx, pi); err != nil {
err = multierror.Append(err, putErr)
return err

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