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  1. Basic Commands

    • qstat

qstat displays basic information about the currently running (R), queued (Q), and recently completed (C) jobs. The most basic usage of qstat is:

        [user@magic]$ qstat

This displays all current and recently completed jobs. If a number of people are using the cluster, this is likely too much information. Therefore, we can look at just a single user using:

        [user@magic]$ qstat -au <username>

The output then looks like:


The columns of this output show: * Job ID - When communicating or querying a specific job it is possible to use either the numeric job identifier (3574202) or the fully qualified name (3574204.systemimager.magic).
* Username - The user who initiated the job. * Queue - The queue type the job is waiting or processing in. * Jobname - The user defined jobname. * SessID - A system generated identifier. * NDS - The number of nodes requested. * Req'd TSK - The total number of cores requested as computed by $nodes requested * cores per node requested$. * Req'd Memory - The total amount of memory requested for the job. * Time - The maximum walltime requested for the job. * S - The jobs status. * R - Running * Q - Queued * C - Completed * E - Error * Time - The total time (hours:minutes) that the job ran or has been running for. Many of these parameters are user defined when initiating the job. For full documentation see the cluster resources manual page for qstat. * ##### qselect qselect is a convenient way to get a listing of the JOB_IDs based on some criteria. For example, if I want all the jobs for a specific user I can run:

        [user@magic]$ qselect -u jlaura

This provides a listing of fully qualified Job Ids. It is also possible to get jobs of only a specific status using:

        [user@magic]$ qselect -u jlaura -s <Status Code>

For example, if I want to know the Job Ids for all currently running jobs for my user I would use:

        [user@magic]$ qselect -u jlaura -s R

The ability to get a listing of job status without additional processing information is useful for both BASH scripting of some functionality (see qdel below) and parsing within a python script. * ##### qdel qdel is used to delete queued on held jobs. The most basic usage, to delete a sinlge job is:

        [user@magic]$ qdel <Job ID>

This removes the job from the queue and sets the job status to completed (C). When running a larger job it may be possible that a log file is being incorretly written, or the first jobs to be run take significantly longer than expected. In this case it is convenient to be able to delete all the queued jobs using a single command. qselect and xargs can be used in conjunction with qdel to do this:

        [user@magic]$ qselect -u jlaura -s Q | xargs qdel

Here, qselect selects the jobs, -u flags that a single user's jobs are to be listed, -s flags that only a specific status of job is to be listed (queued (Q) in this case). The output of this select statement is then piped to qdel using xargs. For full documentation see the cluster resources manual page for qdel. * #####qrun qrun can be used to force a queued job to run. On Magic I have been seeing jobs sit queued when all resources are available. It is unclear whether this is due to how the Python launching script is working, the way that mpi4py and the scheduler are interacting to lock and free resources, or some other issue. If resources are available and a job is sitting queued for a long period of time, it can be manually run using:

        [user@magic]$ qrun <Job ID>

For full documentation see the cluster resources manual page for qrun. * #####qsig qsig can be used to send linux style signals to processes. This is useful if a job has hung and it should be killed. qsig usage is:

        [user@magic]$ qsig -s <SIGNAL CODE> <Job Id>

For example, if Job ID 3574204.systemimager.magic is not responding I can send a KILL (SIGKILL / 9) to the processes using:

        [user@magic]$ qsig -s KILL 3574204.systemimager.magic

This should terminate the job. Alternatively, if the job is hung and you might normally kill it with ctrl-c you can send a SIGINT to interrupt. For example:

        [user@magic]$ qsig -s SIGINT 3574204.systemimager.magic

For full documentation see the cluster resources manual page for qsig. * ##### qalter qalter allows the user to alter queued jobs. This is useful when the requested walltime is less than the total expected walltime. For example:

        [user@magic]$ qalter <Job ID> -l walltime=00:00:00

For full documentation see the cluster resources manual page for qalter.

  1. Message Passing Interface (MPI)

    • Overview

Message Passing Interface is the method used to communicate and transfer data between processes and nodes. Communication is handled in the background, and the methods provided by MPI wrap these communication protocols. * #####mpi4py mpi4py is a python module that wraps many of the MPI (written in C) methods. When writing a python script, mpi4py provides all the tools necessary to manage communication and data passing. * Installation We assume that you are using the newest Anaconda Python release. Installation should have asked whether you wished to append your .profile or .bash_rc. We assume that you have and that running python from the command prompt launches an interactive Anaconda Python session. To install mpi4py for your user on the cluster simply run pip install mpi4py. * #####Data Passing mpi4py broadly provides two methods of data passing - efficient NumPy arrays and generic Python objects. * NumPy Arrays Passing data an NumPy arrays is the most method of data sharing. NumPy arrays can be typed by MPI and therefore do not need to be pickled. For example:

    # Generate a random, normally distributed (0,1] vector with length 10
    data_to_share = np.random.random(10)
    #Broadcast the array to all processes from the parent (root=0) as type Double
    data = comm.bcast([data_to_share, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0) 

    * Generic Python Objects

Caveats: 1. Data passed as generic python objects will generally be less efficient than passing a typed NumPy array.
2. Python objects must be pickable. This includes all native datatypes: booleans, integers, floats, strings, and None. Additionally, lists, tuples, and dictionaries of this objects are pickable. Generally, class instances (objects) are pickable, but I have not been able to pass a class instance as a python type (i.e. passing self to a class or passing foo where foo = myClass()). * #####Comminication Paradigms The University of Texas at Austin Advanced Computing Center presentation (© UT Austin) on mpi4py provides a wonderful graphical representation of the message passing methods available via mpi4py: Available communication methods are: 1. Point-to-Point * comm.Send() * comm.Recv() 2. Collective * comm.bcast(data, root)
Referencing the above image, we see that bcast broadcasts the data from the parent node to all child nodes. * comm.Scatter(source_data, destination_data, root) Python Objects
* comm.Scatter([source_data, type], [destination_data, type], root) NumPy Arrays
By way of example, assume a a vector of length 100, one parent core (A), 4 available child processing cores (B-E). After computing the best possible decomposition (segmentation) of the vector it is possible to scatter the data to the children such that B processes vector indices [0-24], C processes vector indices [25-49], D processes vector indices [50-74], and E processes vector indices [75-99]. The root or parent process waits and gathers the data once processing is complete. * comm.Gather(source_data, destination_data, root) Python Objects
* comm.Gather([source_data, type], [destination_data, type], root) NumPy Arrays
Using the above scatter example, once processing is complete, the root or parent process can gather the results to a local array (or pickable python data structure) for further processing, e.g. to write to a log file or generate a figure. * comm.Allgather([data1, type], [data2, type], [data_n, type]) Gathers the results to all cores. For example, if core A scatters data to cores B-E, B-E process that data, and then Allgather() all cores will have the results of the data. * #####Sample Scatter Gather Using NumPy Arrays To run the code below, either clone the pPysal repository and navigate to the geoda_cluster directory (the script is named or copy the code to a new python file (using vim).

To run use: mpirun -np 4 python

from mpi4py import MPI
import time
import numpy as np

#Create the communicator object
#Get the IDs of the cores
rank = comm.Get_rank()
#Get the number of cores
ncores = comm.Get_size()

local_size = 100
global_size = local_size * ncores

#Create the sample data in the parent process
if rank == 0:
    data = np.arange(global_size, dtype=np.float64)
    data = None

#A local place to store the array
localdata = np.empty((local_size))

#Scatter(from, to)
comm.Scatter([data, MPI.DOUBLE],[localdata, MPI.DOUBLE],root=0)

#Add the child rank to all the values
#This could be any array manipulation, a function, return a masked array, etc.
localdata += ((rank + 1) * 3)

#Gather(from, to)
comm.Gather([localdata, MPI.DOUBLE], [data, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)

#Since this used gather() and not Allgather, only rank 0 has all the data.
if rank == 0:
    print data
  1. PBS

PBS scripts are used to schedule jobs on the cluster. In the previous section a job was run directly using mpirun. This job did not take advantage of the cluster's scheduling. Therefore, always schedule jobs using PBS. The scrupt can be run as a BASH script or wrapped in Python. * ##### Basic Script Below is a simple PBS script designed to run the script above. Note that in line 10, needs to be replaced with your username. Additionally, this script assumes that you have cloned the pPysal repo to your home directory on the cluster. (git clone
Also note that the script must be executable. This is true for all scripts (python or bash) that you might want to use.
To make the script executable use: chmod +x script_name.
Then execute it: ./

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N square_my_array
#PBS -l walltime=00:00:10
#PBS -l processors=nodes:2:ppn:2
#PBS -o $JOB_ID.out
#PBS -e $JOB_ID.err
#PBS -A my_account
use openmpi-1.6.4
cd /home/<username>/pPysal/geoda_cluster
mpiexec -np 1 python 1>output 2>error

When this runs - nothing will happen in the terminal. The job completes extremely quickly and the results are written to output. If an error occurs, the message is written to error. * ##### Arguments * ##### PBS via Python * ##### Basic Wrapper 5. Fisher-Jenks Example * Fisher-Jenks Python / PBS Script * Fisher-Jenks MPI Script * Analytics (Pandas) 6. Python on the Cluster * Parallel Reads and Writes * Logging * Timing 7. MPE * Better profiling * Example MPE Script


Parallel Contiguity


  1. Basic Commands
  2. Message Passing Interface
  3. PBS
    • Basic Script
    • Arguments
  4. PBS via Python
    • Basic Wrapper
  5. Fisher-Jenks Example
    • Fisher-Jenks Python / PBS Script
    • Fisher-Jenks MPI Script
    • Analytics (Pandas)
  6. Python on the Cluster
    • Parallel Reads and Writes
    • Logging
    • Timing
  7. MPE
    • Better profiling
    • Example MPE Script
  8. Q&A
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