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File metadata and controls

165 lines (128 loc) · 6.11 KB

Custom Functions

Science analysis is built upon custom data processing. To simplify this task and enable instrument independent analysis, custom functions may be attached to the Instrument object. Each function is run automatically when new data is loaded before it is made available in

This feature enables a user to hand an Instrument object to an independent routine and ensure any desired customizations required are performed without any additional user intervention. This feature enables for the transparent modification of a dataset in between its state at rest on disk and when the data becomes available for use at


Custom arguments and keywords are supported for these methods. However, these arguments and keywords are only evaluated initially when the method is attached to an Instrument object. Thus the objects passed in must be static or capable of updating themselves from within the custom method itself.

Modify Functions

The instrument object is passed to function in place, there is no Instrument copy made in memory. The method is expected to modify the supplied Instrument object directly. 'Modify' methods are not allowed to return any information via the method itself.

def custom_func_modify(inst, optional_param=False):
    """Modify a pysat.Instrument object in place

    inst : pysat.Instrument
        Object to be modified
    optional_param : stand-in
        Placeholder to indicate support for custom keywords
        and arguments

    if optional_param:
        inst['double_mlt'] = 2.0 * inst['mlt']
        inst['double_mlt'= -2.0 * inst['mlt']

Add Functions

A copy of the Instrument is passed to the method thus any changes made directly to the object are lost. The data to be added must be returned via 'return' in the method and is added to the true Instrument object by pysat. Multiple return types are supported.

Type Notes


(data_name, data_to_be_added)


Data to be added keyed by data_name


((name1, name2, ...), (data1, data2, ...))


Variable name must be in .name


Columns used as variable names


Variable name must be in .name
def custom_func_add(inst, optional_param=False):
    """Calculate data to be added to pysat.Instrument object

    inst : pysat.Instrument
        pysat will add returned data to this object
    optional_param : stand-in
        Placeholder indicated support for custom keywords
        and arguments

    return ('double_mlt', 2.0 * inst['mlt'])

Add Function Including Metadata

Metadata may also be returned when using a dictionary object as the return type. In this case, the data must be in 'data', with other keys interpreted as metadata parameters. Multiple data variables may be added in this case only when using the DataFrame.

def custom_func_add(inst, optional_param1=False, optional_param2=False):
    return {'data': 2.*inst['mlt'], 'name': 'double_mlt',
            'long_name': 'doubledouble', 'units': 'hours'}

Attaching Custom Function

Custom methods must be attached to an Instrument object for pysat to automatically apply the method upon ever load.

ivm.custom.attach(custom_func_modify, 'modify', optional_param2=True)
ivm.load(2009, 1)
ivm.custom.attach(custom_func_add, 'add', optional_param2=True)
# can also set via a string name for method
ivm.custom.attach('custom_func_add', 'add', optional_param2=False)
# set bounds limiting the file/date range the Instrument will iterate over
ivm.bounds = (start, stop)
# perform analysis. Whatever modifications are enabled by the custom
# methods are automatically available within the custom analysis

The output of custom_func_modify will always be available from instrument object, regardless of what level the science analysis is performed.

We can repeat the earlier DMSP example, this time using nano-kernel functionality.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas

# create custom function
def filter_dmsp(inst, limit=None):
    # isolate data to locations near geomagnetic equator
    idx, = np.where((dmsp['mlat'] < 5) & (dmsp['mlat'] > -5))
    # downselect data = dmsp[idx]

# get list of dates between start and stop
start = dt.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
stop = dt.datetime(2001, 1, 10)
date_array = pysat.utils.time.create_date_range(start, stop)

# create empty series to hold result
mean_ti = pandas.Series()

# instantiate pysat.Instrument
dmsp = pysat.Instrument(platform='dmsp', name='ivm', tag='utd',
# attach custom method from above
dmsp.custom.attach(filter_dmsp, 'modify')

# iterate over season, calculate the mean Ion Temperature
for date in date_array:
   # load data into
   # check if data present
   if not dmsp.empty:
       # compute mean ion temperature using pandas functions and store
       mean_ti[] = dmsp['ti'].mean(skipna=True)

# plot the result using pandas functionality
mean_ti.plot(title='Mean Ion Temperature near Magnetic Equator')
plt.ylabel(dmsp.meta['ti', dmsp.desc_label] + ' (' +
           dmsp.meta['ti', dmsp.units_label] + ')')

Note the same result is obtained. The DMSP instrument object and analysis are performed at the same level, so there is no strict gain by using the pysat nano-kernel in this simple demonstration. However, we can use the nano-kernel to translate this daily mean into an versatile instrument independent function.