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Releases: pysiral/pysiral

5th bugfix release to v0.6.4

23 Oct 15:06
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Minor changes to overwrite protection (default value now is false) and naming of weekly period (default_week -> weekly)

4th bugfix release to v0.6.4

19 Oct 11:40
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Added pysiral configuration update script to python package

Update of AWI CryoSat-2 v2.1

19 Oct 11:30
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Rollback of CryoSat-2 AWI v2.1 surface type classification algorithm to the CCI one. RickerTC2014 was causing issues of SARin areas.

2nd minor update of v0.6.4

18 Oct 09:15
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Changed Level-3 processor setting for the CryoSat-2 AWI v2.1 product (harmonizing l2i data of radar_freeboard, freeboard & thickness)

Bugfix release to v0.6.4

17 Oct 17:03
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A few bugs were fixed that caused error in the uncertainties of AWI CryoSat-2 v2.1 l3c files

AWI CryoSat-2 v2.1 release

15 Oct 16:05
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⚠️ The definition for auxiliary data sets in the Level-2 processor definition files has changed (see 2.)
⚠️ Update of .pysiral-cfg required (see 3.)

Most significant changes & additions

  1. Code changes and new settings for the AWI CryoSat-2 v2.1 sea ice product

  2. Level-2 processor now accepts a customizable list of auxiliary datasets. Each auxiliary data handler can add a varying number of variable to the Level-2 data object, without restrictions on variable names. The handlers will be called in the order of their appearance in the L2 processor definition file and thus can depend on each other. The changes required refactoring of all auxiliary data handlers. This also have been moved into the new auxdata submodule of pysiral.

    Old Notation in Level-2 processor definition files (defined set of auxiliary classes):

            name: dtu15
            name: osisaf
            name: osisaf
            name: warren99

    New Notation (list of auxiliary classes). In the yaml language, this translates into a list of dictionaries:

        - region:
                name: nsidc_mod
        - mss:
                name: dtu18
        - sic:
                name: osisaf
        - sitype:
                name: osisaf
        - snow: 
                name: clim_w99amsr2
  3. Updates of the pysiral configuration in user home. (empty local_machine_def.yaml will be created on startup, in python scrips folder can be used to update the .pysiral.cfg folder)

  4. Added region auxiliary type and modified NSDIC region mask that can be injected into the Level-2 data.


26 Aug 12:13
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Most significant changes & additions

  1. New snow data handler for a Merged Warren99 / AMSR2 snow depth climatology (snow.Warren99AMSR2Clim). The climatology is based on the modified Warren Climatology in the Central Arctic Basin and a monthly composite of the AMSR2 snow depth (IUP Bremen) everywhere else. The intention is to improve freeboard & thickness retrieval in the marginal seas and eliminate data gaps in some regions. The utilization of snow depth from re-analysis is still under investigation. Required settings in the Level-2 processor definition:
        name: clim_w99amsr2
            fyi_correction_factor: 0.5

snow_depth in l3c-awi-seaice-cryosat2-ntc-nh25

  1. Changes to auxiliary data handler (in preparation for new auxiliary data handler system):
    • new class for extracting track data from grids (auxdata.GridTrackInterpol) that should replace the implementation in the various auxiliary data handler subclasses
    • More functionality of auxdata.AuxdataBaseClass to reduce code necessary for auxiliary data handler subclasses in sic, sitype, snow, ... modules
  2. Added an option for the OSI-401 sic products to automatically fill the pole hole (see full description here):
        name: osisaf
            # All NaN values inside the pole hole latitude threshold will be set to pole_hole_fill_value
                pole_hole_lat_threshold: 87.0
                pole_hole_fill_value: 100.

Full change log here.

Bugfix release (v0.6.2)

20 Aug 11:45
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Mainly fixed bugs that were introduced in the code & config structure changes in v0.6.1

Test release of python package version

13 Aug 14:53
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This is the first test release of pysiral in a version that can be installed with pip:

pip install pysiral-0.6.1.tar.gz

Most significant changes

  1. pysiral & config & settings files are now located in the user home directory (~/.pysiral-cfg). This directory is created by pysiral if it does not exist. The user should copy the local_machine_def.yaml config file into this new directory

  2. The scripts in the bin folder are installed in the Scripts folder of the python installation or environment. Windows batch files have been added to call them from everywhere in the file system and shell scripts are following shortly.

  3. The collection, catalog & visualization modules have been removed to reduce the feature creep. The first two have been moved into, while the visualization module has been removed for now.

  4. General cleanup of old & obsolete config files