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39 lines (25 loc) · 996 Bytes


File metadata and controls

39 lines (25 loc) · 996 Bytes

Contributing to testinfra

First, thanks for contributing to testinfra and make it even more awesome !

Pull requests

You're encouraged to setup a full test environment, to add tests and check if all the tests pass before submitting your pull request. To run the complete test suite you must install:

To run all tests run:


To run only some selected tests:

# Only tests matching 'ansible' on 4 processes with pytest-xdist
tox -- -v -n 4 -k ansible test

# Only modules tests on a specific Python 3, e.g., 3.8 and spawn a pdb on error
tox -e py38 -- -v --pdb test/

Code style

Your code must pass without errors under flake8 with the extension hacking:

pip install hacking
flake8 testinfra