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Installation guide


This guide describes how to install HappyBase.

On this page

Setting up a virtual environment

The recommended way to install HappyBase and Thrift is to use a virtual environment created by virtualenv. Setup and activate a new virtual environment like this:

$ python -m venv venv_name
$ source venv_name/bin/activate

Installing the AIOHappyBase package

The next step is to install AIOHappyBase. The easiest way is to use pip to fetch the package from the Python Package Index (PyPI). This will also install the Thrift package for Python.

(venv_name) $ pip install aiohappybase


Generating and installing the HBase Thrift Python modules (using thrift --gen py on the .thrift file) is not necessary, since HappyBase bundles pregenerated versions of those modules.

Testing the installation

Verify that the packages are installed correctly:

(venv_name) $ python -c 'import aiohappybase'

If you don't see any errors, the installation was successful. Congratulations!

Next steps

Now that you successfully installed AIOHappyBase on your machine, continue with the user guide <user> to learn how to use it.