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JungDev edited this page May 26, 2017 · 33 revisions

A list of projects that are somehow related to python-telegram-bot. This includes integrations with other projects like django, projects that are built on top of this library for specific use-cases and potentially others.

Note: For bots that are built with this library, please use the Examples page and not this one.

If you are developing a project that fits this description, please add it here in alphabetical order. If you found a project that project that fits this description, please suggest to the maintainer of the project to add it here.

Please try to keep this page up-to-date.

Project Description python-telegram-bot version Development Status
django-telegrambot A simple app to develop Telegram bots with Django >=6.0.1 Stable
ownbot Ownbot provides some cool decorators to protect your command handler functions from unauthorized users! 5.1.1 Beta
permabots Connect instant messaging bots to your APIs. 4.2.0 Beta
telegram-send Send messages and files over Telegram from the command-line >=2.9 Beta
flexget Use telegram as a notifier 3.4 Stable
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