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Storing bot, user and chat related data

Bibo-Joshi edited this page Apr 19, 2022 · 20 revisions

Sometimes you need to temporarily store some information about the current user and/or chat for later use. An example of this would be a survey bot that asks the user a series of questions one after another and saves them to your database when all answers are collected.

bot_data, user_data and chat_data

The telegram.ext framework provides a built-in solution for this common task. Let's jump straight to an example:

from uuid import uuid4
from telegram.ext import Application, CommandHandler

async def put(update, context):
    """Usage: /put value"""
    # Generate ID and separate value from command
    key = str(uuid4())
    # We don't use context.args here, because the value may contain whitespaces
    value = update.message.text.partition(' ')[2]

    # Store value
    context.user_data[key] = value
    # Send the key to the user
    await update.message.reply_text(key)

async def get(update, context):
    """Usage: /get uuid"""
    # Seperate ID from command
    key = context.args[0]

    # Load value and send it to the user
    value = context.user_data.get(key, 'Not found')
    await update.message.reply_text(value)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    application = Application.builder().token('TOKEN').build()

    application.add_handler(CommandHandler('put', put))
    application.add_handler(CommandHandler('get', get))


By using context.user_data in any Handler callback, you have access to a user-specific dict.

Every time the bot receives a message, the handler for that message finds (or creates) the user_data of the user who sent the message. This dictionary is shared across all handlers of the bot.

What about bot_data and chat_data?

chat_data works in the exact same way as user_data, except it is managed per chat instead of every user. Use context.chat_data to get access to this dict. As of version 12.4 bot_data is provided as well and works in the exact same way as user_data, except it's a single dictionary for your bot. Use context.bot_data to get access to this dict.

Notes & Tips

  • Everything is stored in memory. This means that all bot_data, user_data and chat_data is deleted when the bot process ends. If you don't want this, have a look at the persistence page.
  • If not empty, bot_data, user_data and chat_data will be kept until the process ends.
  • user_data and chat_data are different dictionaries even for private chats.
  • You can not assign a new value to bot_data, user_data or chat_data. Instead of user_data = {} and user_data = other_dict, use user_data.clear() and/or user_data.update(other_dict) respectively.

Chat Migration

If a group chat migrates to supergroup, its chat id will change. Since the chat_data dicts are stored per chat id you'll need to transfer the data to the new id. Here are the two situations you may encounter:

Status Updates sent by Telegram

When a group migrates, Telegram will send an update that just states the new info. In order to catch those, simply define a corresponding handler:

async def chat_migration(update, context):
    message = update.message
    application = context.application

def main():
    application = Application.builder().token('TOKEN').build()
        MessageHandler(filters.StatusUpdate.MIGRATE, chat_migration)


See also: migrate_chat_data

To be entirely sure that the update will be processed by this handler, either add it first or put it in its own group.

ChatMigrated Errors

If you try e.g. sending a message to the old chat id, Telegram will respond by a BadRequest including the new chat id. You can access it using an error handler:

async def error(update, context):
    """Log Errors caused by Updates."""
    logger.warning('Update "%s" caused error "%s"', update, context.error)

    if isinstance(context.error, ChatMigrated):
        new_chat_id = context.error.new_chat_id

Unfortunately, Telegram does not pass along the old chat id, so there is currently no simple way to perform a data transfer like above within the error handler. So make sure, that you catch the status updates! Still, you can wrap your requests into a try-except-clause:

async def my_callback(update, context):
    application = context.application

        await, text)
    except ChatMigrated as exc:
        new_id = exc.new_chat_id

        # Resend to new chat id
        await, text)

        # Get old and new chat ids
        old_id = message.migrate_from_chat_id or message.chat_id
        new_id = message.migrate_to_chat_id or message.chat_id

        # transfer data, only if old data is still present
        # this step is important, as Telegram sends *two* updates
        # about the migration
        if old_id in application.chat_data:
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