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Literal types and Enums

Literal types

Literal types let you indicate that an expression is equal to some specific primitive value. For example, if we annotate a variable with type Literal["foo"], mypy will understand that variable is not only of type str, but is also equal to specifically the string "foo".

This feature is primarily useful when annotating functions that behave differently based on the exact value the caller provides. For example, suppose we have a function fetch_data(...) that returns bytes if the first argument is True, and str if it's False. We can construct a precise type signature for this function using Literal[...] and overloads:

from typing import overload, Union, Literal

# The first two overloads use Literal[...] so we can
# have precise return types:

def fetch_data(raw: Literal[True]) -> bytes: ...
def fetch_data(raw: Literal[False]) -> str: ...

# The last overload is a fallback in case the caller
# provides a regular bool:

def fetch_data(raw: bool) -> Union[bytes, str]: ...

def fetch_data(raw: bool) -> Union[bytes, str]:
    # Implementation is omitted

reveal_type(fetch_data(True))        # Revealed type is "bytes"
reveal_type(fetch_data(False))       # Revealed type is "str"

# Variables declared without annotations will continue to have an
# inferred type of 'bool'.

variable = True
reveal_type(fetch_data(variable))    # Revealed type is "Union[bytes, str]"


The examples in this page import Literal as well as Final and TypedDict from the typing module. These types were added to typing in Python 3.8, but are also available for use in Python 2.7 and 3.4 - 3.7 via the typing_extensions package.

Parameterizing Literals

Literal types may contain one or more literal bools, ints, strs, bytes, and enum values. However, literal types cannot contain arbitrary expressions: types like Literal[my_string.trim()], Literal[x > 3], or Literal[3j + 4] are all illegal.

Literals containing two or more values are equivalent to the union of those values. So, Literal[-3, b"foo", MyEnum.A] is equivalent to Union[Literal[-3], Literal[b"foo"], Literal[MyEnum.A]]. This makes writing more complex types involving literals a little more convenient.

Literal types may also contain None. Mypy will treat Literal[None] as being equivalent to just None. This means that Literal[4, None], Union[Literal[4], None], and Optional[Literal[4]] are all equivalent.

Literals may also contain aliases to other literal types. For example, the following program is legal:

PrimaryColors = Literal["red", "blue", "yellow"]
SecondaryColors = Literal["purple", "green", "orange"]
AllowedColors = Literal[PrimaryColors, SecondaryColors]

def paint(color: AllowedColors) -> None: ...

paint("red")        # Type checks!
paint("turquoise")  # Does not type check

Literals may not contain any other kind of type or expression. This means doing Literal[my_instance], Literal[Any], Literal[3.14], or Literal[{"foo": 2, "bar": 5}] are all illegal.

Declaring literal variables

You must explicitly add an annotation to a variable to declare that it has a literal type:

a: Literal[19] = 19
reveal_type(a)          # Revealed type is "Literal[19]"

In order to preserve backwards-compatibility, variables without this annotation are not assumed to be literals:

b = 19
reveal_type(b)          # Revealed type is "int"

If you find repeating the value of the variable in the type hint to be tedious, you can instead change the variable to be Final (see :ref:`final_attrs`):

from typing import Final, Literal

def expects_literal(x: Literal[19]) -> None: pass

c: Final = 19

reveal_type(c)          # Revealed type is "Literal[19]?"
expects_literal(c)      # ...and this type checks!

If you do not provide an explicit type in the Final, the type of c becomes context-sensitive: mypy will basically try "substituting" the original assigned value whenever it's used before performing type checking. This is why the revealed type of c is Literal[19]?: the question mark at the end reflects this context-sensitive nature.

For example, mypy will type check the above program almost as if it were written like so:

from typing import Final, Literal

def expects_literal(x: Literal[19]) -> None: pass


This means that while changing a variable to be Final is not quite the same thing as adding an explicit Literal[...] annotation, it often leads to the same effect in practice.

The main cases where the behavior of context-sensitive vs true literal types differ are when you try using those types in places that are not explicitly expecting a Literal[...]. For example, compare and contrast what happens when you try appending these types to a list:

from typing import Final, Literal

a: Final = 19
b: Literal[19] = 19

# Mypy will choose to infer list[int] here.
list_of_ints = []
reveal_type(list_of_ints)  # Revealed type is "list[int]"

# But if the variable you're appending is an explicit Literal, mypy
# will infer list[Literal[19]].
list_of_lits = []
reveal_type(list_of_lits)  # Revealed type is "list[Literal[19]]"

Intelligent indexing

We can use Literal types to more precisely index into structured heterogeneous types such as tuples, NamedTuples, and TypedDicts. This feature is known as intelligent indexing.

For example, when we index into a tuple using some int, the inferred type is normally the union of the tuple item types. However, if we want just the type corresponding to some particular index, we can use Literal types like so:

from typing import TypedDict

tup = ("foo", 3.4)

# Indexing with an int literal gives us the exact type for that index
reveal_type(tup[0])  # Revealed type is "str"

# But what if we want the index to be a variable? Normally mypy won't
# know exactly what the index is and so will return a less precise type:
int_index = 0
reveal_type(tup[int_index])  # Revealed type is "Union[str, float]"

# But if we use either Literal types or a Final int, we can gain back
# the precision we originally had:
lit_index: Literal[0] = 0
fin_index: Final = 0
reveal_type(tup[lit_index])  # Revealed type is "str"
reveal_type(tup[fin_index])  # Revealed type is "str"

# We can do the same thing with with TypedDict and str keys:
class MyDict(TypedDict):
    name: str
    main_id: int
    backup_id: int

d: MyDict = {"name": "Saanvi", "main_id": 111, "backup_id": 222}
name_key: Final = "name"
reveal_type(d[name_key])  # Revealed type is "str"

# You can also index using unions of literals
id_key: Literal["main_id", "backup_id"]
reveal_type(d[id_key])    # Revealed type is "int"

Tagged unions

When you have a union of types, you can normally discriminate between each type in the union by using isinstance checks. For example, if you had a variable x of type Union[int, str], you could write some code that runs only if x is an int by doing if isinstance(x, int): ....

However, it is not always possible or convenient to do this. For example, it is not possible to use isinstance to distinguish between two different TypedDicts since at runtime, your variable will simply be just a dict.

Instead, what you can do is label or tag your TypedDicts with a distinct Literal type. Then, you can discriminate between each kind of TypedDict by checking the label:

from typing import Literal, TypedDict, Union

class NewJobEvent(TypedDict):
    tag: Literal["new-job"]
    job_name: str
    config_file_path: str

class CancelJobEvent(TypedDict):
    tag: Literal["cancel-job"]
    job_id: int

Event = Union[NewJobEvent, CancelJobEvent]

def process_event(event: Event) -> None:
    # Since we made sure both TypedDicts have a key named 'tag', it's
    # safe to do 'event["tag"]'. This expression normally has the type
    # Literal["new-job", "cancel-job"], but the check below will narrow
    # the type to either Literal["new-job"] or Literal["cancel-job"].
    # This in turns narrows the type of 'event' to either NewJobEvent
    # or CancelJobEvent.
    if event["tag"] == "new-job":

While this feature is mostly useful when working with TypedDicts, you can also use the same technique with regular objects, tuples, or namedtuples.

Similarly, tags do not need to be specifically str Literals: they can be any type you can normally narrow within if statements and the like. For example, you could have your tags be int or Enum Literals or even regular classes you narrow using isinstance():

from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Union

T = TypeVar('T')

class Wrapper(Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, inner: T) -> None:
        self.inner = inner

def process(w: Union[Wrapper[int], Wrapper[str]]) -> None:
    # Doing `if isinstance(w, Wrapper[int])` does not work: isinstance requires
    # that the second argument always be an *erased* type, with no generics.
    # This is because generics are a typing-only concept and do not exist at
    # runtime in a way `isinstance` can always check.
    # However, we can side-step this by checking the type of `w.inner` to
    # narrow `w` itself:
    if isinstance(w.inner, int):
        reveal_type(w)  # Revealed type is "Wrapper[int]"
        reveal_type(w)  # Revealed type is "Wrapper[str]"

This feature is sometimes called "sum types" or "discriminated union types" in other programming languages.

Exhaustiveness checking

You may want to check that some code covers all possible Literal or Enum cases. Example:

from typing import Literal

PossibleValues = Literal['one', 'two']

def validate(x: PossibleValues) -> bool:
    if x == 'one':
        return True
    elif x == 'two':
        return False
    raise ValueError(f'Invalid value: {x}')

assert validate('one') is True
assert validate('two') is False

In the code above, it's easy to make a mistake. You can add a new literal value to PossibleValues but forget to handle it in the validate function:

PossibleValues = Literal['one', 'two', 'three']

Mypy won't catch that 'three' is not covered. If you want mypy to perform an exhaustiveness check, you need to update your code to use an assert_never() check:

from typing import Literal, NoReturn

PossibleValues = Literal['one', 'two']

def assert_never(value: NoReturn) -> NoReturn:
    # This also works at runtime as well
    assert False, f'This code should never be reached, got: {value}'

def validate(x: PossibleValues) -> bool:
    if x == 'one':
        return True
    elif x == 'two':
        return False

Now if you add a new value to PossibleValues but don't update validate, mypy will spot the error:

PossibleValues = Literal['one', 'two', 'three']

def validate(x: PossibleValues) -> bool:
    if x == 'one':
        return True
    elif x == 'two':
        return False
    # Error: Argument 1 to "assert_never" has incompatible type "Literal['three']";
    # expected "NoReturn"

If runtime checking against unexpected values is not needed, you can leave out the assert_never call in the above example, and mypy will still generate an error about function validate returning without a value:

PossibleValues = Literal['one', 'two', 'three']

# Error: Missing return statement
def validate(x: PossibleValues) -> bool:
    if x == 'one':
        return True
    elif x == 'two':
        return False

Exhaustiveness checking is also supported for match statements (Python 3.10 and later):

def validate(x: PossibleValues) -> bool:
    match x:
        case 'one':
            return True
        case 'two':
            return False


Mypy will not understand expressions that use variables of type Literal[..] on a deep level. For example, if you have a variable a of type Literal[3] and another variable b of type Literal[5], mypy will infer that a + b has type int, not type Literal[8].

The basic rule is that literal types are treated as just regular subtypes of whatever type the parameter has. For example, Literal[3] is treated as a subtype of int and so will inherit all of int's methods directly. This means that Literal[3].__add__ accepts the same arguments and has the same return type as int.__add__.


Mypy has special support for :py:class:`enum.Enum` and its subclasses: :py:class:`enum.IntEnum`, :py:class:`enum.Flag`, :py:class:`enum.IntFlag`, and :py:class:`enum.StrEnum`.

from enum import Enum

class Direction(Enum):
    up = 'up'
    down = 'down'

reveal_type(Direction.up)  # Revealed type is "Literal[Direction.up]?"
reveal_type(Direction.down)  # Revealed type is "Literal[Direction.down]?"

You can use enums to annotate types as you would expect:

class Movement:
    def __init__(self, direction: Direction, speed: float) -> None:
        self.direction = direction
        self.speed = speed

Movement(Direction.up, 5.0)  # ok
Movement('up', 5.0)  # E: Argument 1 to "Movemement" has incompatible type "str"; expected "Direction"

Exhaustiveness checking

Similar to Literal types, Enum supports exhaustiveness checking. Let's start with a definition:

from enum import Enum
from typing import NoReturn

def assert_never(value: NoReturn) -> NoReturn:
    # This also works in runtime as well:
    assert False, 'This code should never be reached, got: {0}'.format(value)

class Direction(Enum):
    up = 'up'
    down = 'down'

Now, let's use an exhaustiveness check:

def choose_direction(direction: Direction) -> None:
    if direction is Direction.up:
        reveal_type(direction)  # N: Revealed type is "Literal[Direction.up]"
        print('Going up!')
    elif direction is Direction.down:
    # This line is never reached

If we forget to handle one of the cases, mypy will generate an error:

def choose_direction(direction: Direction) -> None:
    if direction == Direction.up:
        print('Going up!')
    assert_never(direction)  # E: Argument 1 to "assert_never" has incompatible type "Direction"; expected "NoReturn"

Exhaustiveness checking is also supported for match statements (Python 3.10 and later).

Extra Enum checks

Mypy also tries to support special features of Enum the same way Python's runtime does:

  • Any Enum class with values is implicitly :ref:`final <final_attrs>`. This is what happens in CPython:

    >>> class AllDirection(Direction):
    ...     left = 'left'
    ...     right = 'right'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Other: cannot extend enumeration 'Some'

    Mypy also catches this error:

    class AllDirection(Direction):  # E: Cannot inherit from final class "Some"
        left = 'left'
        right = 'right'
  • All Enum fields are implictly final as well.

    Direction.up = '^'  # E: Cannot assign to final attribute "up"
  • All field names are checked to be unique.

    class Some(Enum):
       x = 1
       x = 2  # E: Attempted to reuse member name "x" in Enum definition "Some"
  • Base classes have no conflicts and mixin types are correct.

    class WrongEnum(str, int, enum.Enum):
        # E: Only a single data type mixin is allowed for Enum subtypes, found extra "int"
    class MixinAfterEnum(enum.Enum, Mixin): # E: No base classes are allowed after "enum.Enum"