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Tutorial 6 - Logging variables and stopping

We often want to output non-state values during calculation. We may want to end the calculation when a condition is met. Fortunately, these are both easy to do both with npsolve.

npsolve provides a special Integrator class to help you do these. By default, it uses the LSODA integrator in scipy (if scipy is present). However, it's built to use any set of integrators that work like scipy's ode. It works by breaking up the time domain into short frames. It uses the integrator to integrate between each frame as normal. scipy's integrators are stateful, so they can continue with the next frame with minimal overhead.

At each frame, the Integrator class sets a special status flag, which can be anywhere else in the code. When this flag (npsolve.solvers.Final) is set, it means the state values for that time are the 'final' (not guesses by the variable-time-step solver). Partial classes can then add values to be logged. The solver also listens to a flag to stop the integration at that point that can be set from anywhere else in the code.

Here's an example. Let's change the step method of the Pendulum class in Tutorial 4 to add some logging and raise a stop flag. We'll first do some imports:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import npsolve
from tutorial_4 import Slider, Pendulum

Now let's set up our status dictionary and our logger.

from npsolve.solvers import FINAL, STOP
status = npsolve.get_status('demos_status')
logger = npsolve.get_logger('demos_logger')

We'll use the FINAL and STOP flags with the status dictionary.

Now let's modify the stop method of the Pendulum class so it looks like this:

class Pendulum2(Pendulum):
    def step(self, state_dct, t, *args):
        ''' Called by the solver at each time step
        Calculate acceleration based on the
        F_pivot = self.F_pivot(t)
        F_gravity = self.F_gravity()
        F_net = F_pivot + F_gravity
        acceleration = F_net / self.mass
        if status[FINAL]:
        if F_pivot[1] > 90.0:
            status[STOP] = True
        derivatives = {'p_pos': state_dct['p_vel'],
                       'p_vel': acceleration}
        return derivatives

We've added some logging under if status[FINAL]: and raised a stop flag under if F_pivot[1] > 90.0:.

We'll use the Integrator class to solve this, since it knows how to use those flags. We'll write a new run method to use it.

def run(partials, t_end=20.0, n=100001):
    solver = npsolve.solvers.Integrator(status=status,

Now some plotting functions:

def plot_F_pivot(dct):
    plt.plot(dct['time'], dct['F_pivot'][:,0], label='F_pivot_x')
    plt.plot(dct['time'], dct['F_pivot'][:,1], label='F_pivot_y')

def plot_acc(dct):
    plt.plot(dct['time'], dct['p_vel'][:,0], label='x_velocity')
    plt.plot(dct['time'], dct['acceleration'][:,0], label='x_acceleration')

Finally, we'll execute the new code:

def execute(freq):
    partials = [Slider(freq=freq), Pendulum2()]
    dct = run(partials, t_end=20.0, n=10001)




It's as easy as that. Notice first that the integrator has stopped early because the Pendulum2 instance raised a status[STOP] = True flag.

Our logged outputs are now in the output dictionary along with our state variables, which makes it easy to work with them. The logging is controlled by the Partial instances, and we don't have to change anything else in our code. As a bonus, the Pendulum2 class will still work as normal with the original solver in Tutorial 2 - the logging and stopping just won't work with it because that solver doesn't use them.

Be sure that logged variables are logged only once per time step, since otherwise the outputs won't match up right. In tricky situations, you can use the @npsolve.mono_cached() decorator to do that, since it will only execute the code inside the function once per time step.