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MX formats with native PyTorch POC

This is a POC of training and inference with tensors in the MX format from the OCP spec ( in native PyTorch.

Note that the current version of the code is written for readability and numerical correctness and not yet for optimal performance. We welcome contributions on performance improvements.

Note that there are no BC guarantees at the moment and we plan to evolve this code as the hardware specifics of MX-accelerated matmuls become known.

Current status

user API (subject to change)


This is casts between high precision and MX formats implemented in native PyTorch. Currently only torch.float32 and torch.bfloat16 are supported as high precision formats.

from torchao.prototype.mx_formats.mx_tensor import MXTensor
# Note: MX int8 is not implemented yet
from torchao.prototype.mx_formats.constants import DTYPE_FP6_E2M3, DTYPE_FP6_E3M2, DTYPE_FP4
x = torch.randn(32, 32, device='cuda')

# elem_dtype can be torch.float8_e4m3fn, torch.float8_e5m2, DTYPE_FP6_E2M3, DTYPE_FP6_E3M2, DTYPE_FP4
elem_dtype = torch.float8_e4m3fn

# high precision to MX, block size defaults to 32
x_mx = MXTensor.to_mx(x, elem_dtype)

# mx back to high precision
x_hp = x_mx.to_dtype(torch.float)


This is a module to do MX training, the MX matmul is currently emulated.

from torchao.prototype.mx_formats.mx_linear import swap_linear_with_mx_linear

m = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(32, 32)).cuda()
elem_dtype = torch.float8_e4m3fn
block_size = 32
swap_linear_with_mx_linear(m, elem_dtype, block_size)

# training loop (not shown)


This is a module to do MX inference, weights are in MX and matmul is in high precision.

from torchao.prototype.mx_formats.mx_linear import swap_linear_with_mx_inference_linear

m = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(32, 32)).cuda()
elem_dtype = torch.float8_e4m3fn
block_size = 32
swap_linear_with_mx_inference_linear(m, elem_dtype, block_size)

# do inference (not shown)

accuracy status

  • we match bitwise to other implementations of the OCP MX spec (code not in this repo), with a couple of edge cases left to resolve
  • approximate numerics pass for MXLinear and MXInferenceLinear on sample inputs
  • LLaMa 3 8B pretraining on 4 GPUs for 500 iterations shows that loss convergence is not meaningfully degraded (code not in this repo)

performance status

quant and dequant

testing and benchmarking

# numerical testing of custom fp4 and fp6 casts
pytest test/prototype/mx_formats/
# testing of MXTensor
pytest test/prototype/mx_formats/
# testing of MXLinear and MXInferenceLinear
pytest test/prototype/mx_formats/

# run the quant and dequant benchmark
python torchao/prototype/mx_formats/benchmarks/

floating point format convenience functions

We have a convenience script which summarizes the various properties of floating point formats:

python torchao/prototype/mx_formats/
# example output: