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Profiling and debugging delegates

Delegate backends are a prominent component of Edge Models. One attribute of delegated backends is that they operate mostly as an opaque transformation. This gives delegate authors greater freedom when defining backend behavior, but also prevents the Executorch authoring flow from tracking underlying changes.

This makes associating profiling and debug information through delegated graphs difficult. We have provided a framework that will enable delegate authors to propagate this information and retrieve it for post run analysis. The process is broken down into two stages:

  1. Ahead-of-time delegation stage - Delegate authors need to generate a debug handle map using the process described below.

  2. Runtime stage - Delegate authors need to log the profiling data along with the delegate debug identifiers generated in stage 1 using the API's described below in the runtime section.

1). AOT (ahead-of-time) delegation Stage

Generating a debug handle map:

Delegate debug identifiers are used by delegate authors to mark points of interest in the lowered graph. Identifiers are associated with operator nodes of the pre-lowered model graph.

  • For example: If a delegate author wants to signal the fusion of 3 operators into a single operator of the lowered graph, they would register the 3 original operators to the delegate debug identifier ahead-of-time and then log using the delegate debug identifier at runtime.

This is tracked by the debug_handle_map and returned as a part of PreprocessResult by the call to preprocess from the ahead-of-time implementation of the delegated backends. The debug_handle_map is essentially used as a mechanism to communicate what transformations occurred in the backend.

class PreprocessResult:
    processed_bytes: bytes = bytes()

    debug_handle_map: Optional[
        Union[Dict[int, Tuple[int]], Dict[str, Tuple[int]]]
    ] = None


The construction of this map is done via a DelegateMappingBuilder.


DelegateMappingBuilder is a helper class for managing and constructing delegate_handle_map. A new instance should be used in each preprocess call and the result of this builder should be passed in when constructing PreprocessResult

First, create a DelegateMappingBuilder instance that uses either manually provided identifiers or generated identifiers for node association.

  • DelegateMappingBuilder()
    • With manual identifiers, users pass in a str or int delegate debug identifier when creating entries
  • DelegateMappingBuilder(generated_identifiers=True)
    • With generated identifier, the builder will auto-assign an delegate debug identifier

Note: A single DelegateMappingBuilder instance can use either manual or generated identifiers, but not both

Next, use insert_delegate_mapping_entry to iteratively construct the delegate_map. It takes Node(s) to associate and an optional delegate debug identifier (only intended to be used for the manual identifiers case described above). The identifier used is returned from the call.

def insert_delegate_mapping_entry(
    nodes: Union[fx.Node, List[fx.Node]],
    identifier: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
) -> Union[int, str]:

Finally, use get_delegate_mapping to retrieve the constructed map. The return value can be directly passed to PreprocessResults.

def get_delegate_mapping(
) -> Union[Dict[int, Tuple[int]], Dict[str, Tuple[int]]]

2). Runtime stage

NOTE : These API's are not available yet but shown here to give a representation of what the runtime side of things looks like.

ID based API's:

If users used integer ID's to generate delegate_debug_identifiers during the AOT process then they should log their profiling events using the following API's.

Option 1 (For when users can explicitly mark the start and end of an event):

EventEntry event_entry = EVENT_TRACER_BEGIN_DELEGATE_PROFILING_EVENT_ID(event_tracer, id)

Option 2 (For when users only have access to the start and end time of the events after they have occurred.)

EVENT_TRACER_LOG_DELEGATE_PROFILING_EVENT_ID(event_tracer, id, start_time, end_time)

String based API's:

If users used strings to generate delegate_debug_identifiers during the AOT process then they should log their profiling events using the following API's.

Option 1 (For when users can explicitly mark the start and end of an event):


Option 2 (For when users only have access to the start and end time of the events after they have occurred.)

EVENT_TRACER_LOG_DELEGATE_PROFILING_EVENT_NAME(event_tracer, name, start_time, end_time)


To indicate how these API's can be used we have provided an end-to-end representative example.

Demo backend that generates delegate mapping for a model that undergoes some simple transformations in the backend. executorch/exir/backend/test/

Corresponding runtime backend code that logs the delegate debug identifiers that were generated during the ahead-of-time processing done in the above backend example.
