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albanD edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 20 revisions

Page Maintainers: @alband, @soulitzer


  • Understand how backpropagation works in theory
  • Understand how to derive backward formulas and how to add a backward formula to an operator
  • Understand what a composite autograd operators is and when it is useful
  • Know when to use gradcheck and custom autograd Functions
  • (optional) Understand how the autograd graph gets built and executed

Introduction to backpropagation

Read through link.

Given an operator, how do I derive a backward formula for it?

  • How to derive a simple formula: torch.sin link.
  • How to derive a more advanced formula: link.

Given a new operator, how do I write a new backward formula? (using derivatives.yaml)

Coming soon!

When should I write a new backward formula?

Coming soon!

How do I test an autograd formula?

Coming soon!

What are custom autograd functions?

Coming soon!

Try out the Autograd Onboarding Lab

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