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Inlined wrap_cell_expression utility into
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jlstevens committed Feb 12, 2020
1 parent 9fc3833 commit da5e52a
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 2 deletions.
40 changes: 38 additions & 2 deletions nbsite/gallery/
@@ -1,16 +1,52 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os, sys, subprocess
import os, sys, subprocess, ast
from nbconvert.preprocessors import Preprocessor

from holoviews.core import Dimensioned, Store
from holoviews.ipython.preprocessors import OptsMagicProcessor, OutputMagicProcessor
from holoviews.ipython.preprocessors import StripMagicsProcessor, wrap_cell_expression
from holoviews.ipython.preprocessors import StripMagicsProcessor
from holoviews.util.command import export_to_python

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def wrap_cell_expression(source, template='{expr}'):
If a cell ends in an expression that could be displaying a HoloViews
object (as determined using the AST), wrap it with a given prefix
and suffix string.
If the cell doesn't end in an expression, return the source unchanged.
cell_output_types = (ast.IfExp, ast.BoolOp, ast.BinOp, ast.Call,
ast.Name, ast.Attribute)
node = ast.parse(comment_out_magics(source))
except SyntaxError:
return source
filtered = source.splitlines()
if node.body != []:
last_expr = node.body[-1]
if not isinstance(last_expr, ast.Expr):
pass # Not an expression
elif isinstance(last_expr.value, cell_output_types):
expr_end_slice = filtered[last_expr.lineno-1][:last_expr.col_offset]
expr_start_slice = filtered[last_expr.lineno-1][last_expr.col_offset:]
start = '\n'.join(filtered[:last_expr.lineno-1]
+ ([expr_end_slice] if expr_end_slice else []))
ending = '\n'.join(([expr_start_slice] if expr_start_slice else [])
+ filtered[last_expr.lineno:])

if ending.strip().endswith(';'):
return source
# BUG!! Adds newline for 'foo'; <expr>
return start + '\n' + template.format(expr=ending)
return source

def strip_specific_magics(source, magic):
Given the source of a cell, filter out specific cell and line magics.
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