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322 lines (261 loc) · 11.7 KB

End-to-end testing for the PyWBEM client

This directory contains YAML files that are test cases for testing the PyWBEM client end-to-end.

Each YAML file contains a list of test cases.

The test module will iterate through the YAML files in this directory, and execute each testcase in each file.

Example YAML

The following YAML is an example for one testcase in such a file:

    name: demo1
    description: Demo #1, using GetInstance
    ignore_test: false  # default
    ignore_python_version: null  # default
    ignore_debug_comparison: false  # default
            - username
            - password
        namespace: root/cimv2
        timeout: 10
        debug: false
        enable_stats: true
            pywbem_method: GetInstance
                pywbem_object: CIMInstanceName
                classname: PyWBEM_Person
                    Name: Fritz
            LocalOnly: false
        request_len: 100
        reply_len: 100
            pywbem_object: CIMInstance
            classname: PyWBEM_Person
                Name: Fritz
                Address: Fritz Town
                pywbem_object: CIMInstanceName
                classname: PyWBEM_Person
                namespace: root/cimv2
                    Name: Fritz
        verb: POST
            CIMOperation: MethodCall
            CIMMethod: GetInstance
            CIMObject: root/cimv2
        data: >
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
            <CIM CIMVERSION="2.0" DTDVERSION="2.0">
              <MESSAGE ID="1001" PROTOCOLVERSION="1.0">
                  <IMETHODCALL NAME="GetInstance">
                      <NAMESPACE NAME="root"/>
                      <NAMESPACE NAME="cimv2"/>
                    <IPARAMVALUE NAME="InstanceName">
                      <INSTANCENAME CLASSNAME="PyWBEM_Person">
                        <KEYBINDING NAME="Name">
                          <KEYVALUE VALUETYPE="string">Fritz</KEYVALUE>
                    <IPARAMVALUE NAME="LocalOnly">
        status: 200
            CIMOperation: MethodResponse
        data: >
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
            <CIM CIMVERSION="2.0" DTDVERSION="2.0">
              <MESSAGE ID="1001" PROTOCOLVERSION="1.0">
                  <IMETHODRESPONSE NAME="GetInstance">
                      <INSTANCE CLASSNAME="PyWBEM_Person">
                        <PROPERTY NAME="Name" TYPE="string">
                        <PROPERTY NAME="Address" TYPE="string">
                          <VALUE>Fritz Town</VALUE>

Top-level elements

The top-level elements in the test case YAML are:

  • name: A name for the test case that is used in error messages.

  • description: A short description of the testcase.

  • ignore_python_version A single digit python version (2 or 3) that tells the client code to ignore this test for that python version. Should only be used in rare cases where a test is really version dependent. To date the only case is in HTTPS timeout processing where python 2 has an issue with mock.

  • ignore_test If this element exists, the test is bypassed. This is a way to temporarily bypass tests that are causing problems without hiding or removing the code. It should only be used in rare cases. Please document any use of this options. If the command line option to run a single test is set this element is ignored.

  • pywbem_request: A specification of the PyWBEM client function to test, and the input arguments for its invocation.

  • pywbem_response: A specification of the expected result of the PyWBEM client function that is being tested. It is possible to specify expected CIM status codes, other Python exceptions, or the resulting object in case of success.

  • http_request: A specification of the expected HTTP request the PyWBEM client produced for the client function that is being tested. This includes the first line of the HTTP request, any HTTP headers, and the CIM body data (the CIM-XML)

  • http_response: The HTTP response for the PyWBEM client function that will be handed back to the client function that is being tested. It is possible to specify successful eresponses, error responses, and even inconsistent or illegal responses in order to verify how the client handles those.

Elements in pywbem_request element

  • url, creds, namespace, timeout: The same-named arguments of pywbem.WBEMConnection()

  • debug: Boolean indicating whether the PyWBEM client enables debug mode.

  • enable_stats: Boolean indicating whether the PyWBEM client enables gathering statistical information on operations.

  • operation: A specification of the WBEMConnection method (= CIM operation) to be invoked. Its child elements are:

    • pywbem_method: Name of the Python method of pywbem.WBEMConnection as a string (e.g. "GetInstance").

    • arguments for that Python method. Each element has the argument's name.

      If its Python type is boolean, string, or numerical, the element's value is directly the desired argument value.

      Otherwise, the element has child elements that specify how the Python object is constructed, as follows:

      • pywbem_object: Name of the Python type to construct (i.e. the constructor), as a string. (e.g. "CIMInstanceName").

      • arguments for that constructor. Each element has the argument's name. This can be nested at arbitraty depth, see the description of the arguments one level up.

Elements in pywbem_response element

  • cim_status: The numerical expected CIM status code of the operation. This is optional; if not specified, it defaults to 0 (=Success).

  • exception: The name of the Python exception that is expectd to be raised. This is optional; if not specified, it defaults to None (=no exception is raised).

  • request_len: Defines expected length of the request. If this element exists, the value is tested against the last_req_len field of the connection. If not specified the test is bypassed.

  • reply_len: Defines expected length of the response. If this element exists, the value is tested against the last_reply_len field of the connection. If not specified the test is bypassed.

  • result: A specification of the expected result (= return value) of the operation, implying that the operation succeeded when this is not the result to one of the pull operations (Open..., Pull...). Use the pullresult element to define the results of the pull operations.

    If the Python type of the result is boolean, string, or numerical, the element's value is directly the desired argument value.

    Otherwise, the element has child elements that specify how the Python object is constructed, as follows:

    • pywbem_object: Name of the Python type to construct (i.e. the constructor), as a string. (e.g. "CIMInstanceName").

    • arguments for that constructor. Each element has the argument's name. This can be nested at arbitraty depth, see the description of the arguments one level up.

  • pullresult: A specification of the expected result (=return values) of the operation implying that the operation succeeded for any of the pull operation requests. This is required because, unlike the original operations, the pull operations return a tuple of information for every response including (context for the enumeration session, end_of_sequence indicator, and the array of instances that were included in the response by the server).

    The return is a named tuple with the element names defined as follows: TBD

    The subelements of pullresult are:

    • context Specified either as a string or null if no context is to be returned to the user

    • eos Boolean True or False indicating whether this was the final response of an enumeration session. To be correct the context must be null if the eos is True.

    • instances or paths depending on whether instances or instance names are being returned. The chile element to this element specifies the Python object to be constructed in the same manner as the child elements of result.

Elements in http_request element

  • verb: The expected HTTP verb / method the PyWBEM client issues (e.g. "POST").

  • url: The expected URL the PyWBEM client targets the HTTP request to (e.g. ""). Note that this is the url specified as an argument to pywbem.WBEMConnection, appended with "/cimom".

  • headers: The expected HTTP header fields in the HTTP request. Only the onese specified here are verified, others may be present and will not be verified.

    The name of the element is the header field name, and its value is the header field value. Header field names are treated case insensitively.

  • data: The expected CIM-XML payload of the request. When comparing the actual CIM-XML to the expected CIM-XML, whitespace in between XML elements (tags) and attributes are being ignored.

Elements in http_response element

  • exception: The specification of an expected exception at the socket level, during sending of the HTTP request, by specifying the name of the static method of the test_client.CallBack class.

    This is optional; if not specified, it defaults to None (=no exception is raised). If specified, the other elements will be ignored.

    The following method names can be specified:

    • socket_ssl A socket.sslerror exception with arbitrary error code.

    • socket_104 A socket.error exception with error code 104.

    • socket_32 A socket.error exception with error code 32.

  • status: The numerical HTTP status in the HTTP response handed back to the PyWBEM client (e.g. 200).

  • headers: The HTTP header fields in the HTTP response handed back to the PyWBEM client.

    TBD: Does HTTPretty have any standard header fields it adds?

    The name of the element is the header field name, and its value is the header field value. Header field names are treated case insensitively.

  • data: The CIM-XML payload in the HTTP response handed back to the PyWBEM client. The CIm-XML is handed back as resulting from the specified YAML, including any whitespace.