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pyxem is a community maintained project. We welcome contributions in the form of bug reports, documentation, code, feature requests, and more. These guidelines provide resources on how best to contribute.

For new users, checking out the GitHub guides are recommended.

Questions, comments, and feedback

Have any questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, or any other inquiries regarding the project? Feel free to ask a question, open an issue or make a pull request in our GitHub repository.

First Time Contributing

One of the best things that first time contributors can do is help to improve our documentation, our demos or report a bug.

If you have a workflow that you don't see covered in the demos feel free to submit an issue and someone can help you with the process of adding to the demos.

Setting up a development installation

You need a fork of the repository in order to make changes to pyxem.

Make a local copy of your forked repository and change directories:

git clone
cd pyxem

Set the upstream remote to the main pyxem repository:

git remote add upstream

We recommend installing in a conda environment with the Miniconda distribution:

conda create --name pyxem
conda activate pyxem

Then, install the required dependencies while making the development version available globally (in the conda environment):

pip install --editable .[dev]

This installs all necessary development dependencies, including those for running tests and building documentation.

Code style

The code making up pyxem is formatted closely following the Style Guide for Python Code with The Black Code style. Note that black won't format docstrings.

Package imports should be structured into three blocks with blank lines between them (descending order): standard library (like os and typing), third party packages (like numpy and hyperspy) and finally pyxem imports.

Making changes

Create a new feature branch:

git checkout main -b your-awesome-feature-name

When you've made some changes you can view them with:

git status

Add and commit your created, modified or deleted files:

git add my-file-or-directory
git commit -s -m "An explanatory commit message"

The -s makes sure that you sign your commit with your GitHub-registered email as the author. You can set this up following this GitHub guide.

Keeping your branch up-to-date

Switch to the main branch:

git checkout main

Fetch changes and update main:

git pull upstream main --tags

Update your feature branch:

git checkout your-awesome-feature-name
git merge main

Sharing your changes

Update your remote branch:

git push -u origin your-awesome-feature-name

You can then make a pull request to pyxem's main branch. Good job!


We attempt to adhere to semantic versioning as best we can. This means that as little, ideally no, functionality should break between minor releases. Deprecation warnings are raised whenever possible and feasible for functions/methods/properties/arguments, so that users get a heads-up one (minor) release before something is removed or changes, with a possible alternative to be used.

The decorator should be placed right above the object signature to be deprecated:

@deprecate(since=0.8, removal=0.9, alternative="bar")
def foo(self, n):
    return n + 1

@deprecate(since=0.9, removal=0.10, alternative="another", is_function=True)
def this_property(self):
    return 2

Running and writing tests

All functionality in pyxem is tested via the pytest framework. The tests reside in a test directory within each module. Tests are short methods that call functions in pyxem and compare resulting output values with known answers. Install necessary dependencies to run the tests:

pip install --editable .[tests]

To run the tests:

pytest --cov --pyargs pyxem

The --cov flag makes print a nice report in the terminal. For an even nicer presentation, you can use directly:

coverage html

Then, you can open the created htmlcov/index.html in the browser and inspect the coverage in more detail.

Docstring examples are tested with pytest as well:

pytest --doctest-modules --ignore-glob=pyxem/*/tests

Building and writing documentation

We use Sphinx for documenting functionality. Install necessary dependencies to build the documentation:

pip install --editable .[doc]

In addition, you will need to download the pyxem-demos repository and place it in the doc/tutorial directory. This is necessary to build the documentation.

The easiest way to download the pyxem-demos repository is to use the make demos command which will clone the repository into the correct location.:

cd doc
make demos

Then build the documentation.

make html

If the build is successful, the documentation will be available in the doc/_build/html directory. You can open the created index.html in the browser and inspect the documentation in more detail.


If you have already cloned the pyxem-demos repository, you can use the make demos command again to update the repository to the latest version.

The documentation's HTML pages are built in the doc/_build/html directory from files in the reStructuredText (reST) plaintext markup language. They should be accessible in the browser by typing file:///your-absolute/path/to/pyxem/doc/_build/html/index.html in the address bar.

Tips for writing Jupyter notebooks that are meant to be converted to reST text files by nbsphinx:

  • Use _ = ax[0].imshow(...) to disable Matplotlib output if a Matplotlib command is the last line in a cell.
  • Refer to our API reference with this general markdown syntax. [azimuthal_integrator2d()](reference.rst#pyxem.signals.DiffractionSignal2D.azimuthal_integrator2d). Remember to add the parentheses ().
  • Reference external APIs via standard markdown like [Signal2D](
  • The Sphinx gallery thumbnail used for a notebook is set by adding the nbsphinx-thumbnail tag to a code cell with an image output. The notebook must be added to the gallery in the README.rst to be included in the documentation pages.

Continuous integration (CI)

We use GitHub Actions to ensure that pyxem can be installed on Windows, macOS and Linux (Ubuntu). After a successful installation, the CI server runs the tests. After the tests return no errors, code coverage is reported to Coveralls.

Making a release

We use GitHub Actions to automatically create a new release. Each time a new tag is pushed to the repository, the CI server will:

  1. Build the documentation. Each tagged release will be added as a stable build to Read the Docs.
  2. Publish a new version of pyxem to PyPI.
  3. Create a new GitHub release.
  4. Publish a new version of pyxem to Zenodo.

To make a new release, follow these steps:

  1. Update the version number in
  2. Update the CHANGELOG.rst file with the date and new version number and a description of the changes.
  3. Update the list of contributors in both the and .zenodo.json files. __ Make sure that the Zenodo file is valid JSON __.
  4. Commit the changes and push them to the repository.
  5. Create a new tag with the "v" + version number (e.g. "v0.16.0") and make a new release on GitHub.
  6. Wait for the CI server to finish the release process.

Then you can increase the version number in to the next minor version and add a dev suffix (e.g. "0.17.dev0").


If any of the steps fail, you can restart the CI server by clicking on the "Re-run jobs" button on the GitHub Actions page. Sometimes the CI server fails because of connection issues to Zenodo or PyPI.