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Install & configure Minikube on Windows 10

Step-by-step instructions to install & configure minikube on Windows 10

Step 1: Install Kubectl

If you are on Windows and using Chocolatey package manager, you can install kubectl with Chocolatey. If you haven't installed Chocolately yet, find instructions HERE

  1. Run the installation command from a command prompt:

    choco install kubernetes-cli

  2. Test to ensure the version you installed is sufficiently up-to-date:

    code kubectl version

  3. Change to your %HOME% directory. For example: 

    cd C:\users\your username\

  4. Create the .kube directory:

    mkdir .kube

  5. Change to the .kube directory you just created:

    cd .kube

NOTE: Edit the config file with a text editor of your choice, such as Notepad.

Step 2: Hyper-V Virtual Switch

Find the name of your external virtual switch or create one. In this case, we generally create one called 'minikube' for ease of reference.

Step 3: Install Minikube

For Windows, download the minikube-installer.exe from the list at

Default install directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Kubernetes\Minikube

Step 4: Update PATH & Configure Minikube Environment Variable

The default install directory is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Kubernetes\Minikube'.

  1. Add this directory to the PATH system variable.

  2. Also, configure this path as as the value for an environment variable named MINIKUBE_HOME.

Step 5: Launch Minikube

It's a good idea to launch Minikube with verbose logging enabled, so if it fails to start, you will have some detail as to how. After you install Minikube, the statement below will download the Minikube .iso, setup the VM, and establish the profile directory at "c:\users\your username.minikube"

minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "minikube" --v=7 --alsologtostderr

NOTE: If this command hangs on starting, you can verify the minikube VM is running in Hyper-V Manager (as it usually is), close the PowerShell window, open a new one and move to the next step.

Step 6: Make sure addons are enabled

Sometimes the Heapster addon (which includes Grafana) is not enabled by default, and you will need this.

First, list the available addons. minikube addons list

If heapster(includes grafana & influx) and metrics-server show as disabled, enable them as follows: More on metrics-server and metrics API at

minikube addons enable heapster

minikube addons enable metrics-server

View the pods you just created.

Step 7: Verify the dashboards are available

Open the kubernetes dashboard, simply type the command below and it will open in your default browser.

Minikube dashboard

Open the grafana dashboard, simply type the command below and it will open in your default browser.

Minikube addons open heapster

Step 8: Test with hello-minikube

If all the above are successful, proceed to hello-minikube workload and attempt to run your first workload.

Additional Guidance

Because minikube sometimes hangs on the 'minikube stop' command in this build. There are a few fixes around the Internet, but you may just want to leave minikube running. It takes < 1GB ram if you delete your running services.