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OpenShift VM Playground

Table of Contents


Instructions to create a VM and to ssh to it

  • Log on to your OCP cluster
  • Deploy the HyperConverged CR to enable the nested virtualization features:
kubectl apply -f resources/hyperconverged.yml
  • Create or select a project/namespace
oc new-project <NAMESPACE>
  • Create a Kubernetes secret using your public key needed to ssh to the VM
kubectl create secret generic quarkus-dev-ssh-key -n <NAMESPACE> --from-file=key=~/.ssh/<PUBLIC_KEY_FILE>.pub                  
  • Create the DataVolume on the cluster (which is a PVC) using the Fedora Quarkus Dev VM image pushed on:
kubectl apply -n openshift-virtualization-os-images -f resources/quay-to-pvc-datavolume.yml

NOTE: This step should be performed only once. If you have already created the DataVolume, then you can skip this step and move to the next one.

  • When done, create a VirtualMachine
kubectl delete -n <NAMESPACE> vm/quarkus-dev
kubectl apply -n <NAMESPACE> -f resources/quarkus-dev-virtualmachine.yml
  • If a loadbalancer is available on the platform where the cluster is running, then deploy a Service of type Loabalancer to access it using a ssh client
kubectl apply -f resources/services/service.yml
# Wait till you got an external IP address
VM_IP=$(kubectl get svc/quarkus-dev-loadbalancer-ssh-service -ojson | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip')
ssh -p 22000 fedora@$VM_IP

NOTE: If you have installed the virtctl client, you can also ssh to the vm using the following command able to forward the traffic:

virtctl ssh --local-ssh fedora@<VM_NAME>

Customizing the Fedora Cloud image

By default, podman, socat packages are not installed within the Fedora Cloud image. They can be installed using CloudInit but that means that the process to create a KubeVirt VirtualMachine will take more time. To avoid this, we have created a GitHub Action flow able to customize the Fedora cloud image using the tool: virt-customize. See: .github/workflows/build-push-podman-remote-vm.yml.

Note: The flow is not triggered for each commit and by consequence if some changes are needed, you will have first to push your changes and next to launch the flow using either the GitHub Action UI or the client gh workflow run build-push-podman-remote-vm.yml

The image generated is available under the Quay registry: The image can be next deployed kubectl apply -f resources/quarkus-dev-virtualmachine.yml within the ocp cluster using a DataVolume resource under the namespace hosting the different OSes openshift-virtualization-os-images

Now, you will be able to consume it for every VirtualMachine you will create if you include this DataVolumeTemplate:

kind: VirtualMachine
  name: quarkus-dev
    app: quarkus-dev
    - apiVersion:
      kind: DataVolume
        name: quarkus-dev
          - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 11Gi
            namespace: openshift-virtualization-os-images
            name: podman-remote

Build a Quarkus application using Tekton

First create the pvc used to git clone and build quarkus

cd pipelines 
kubectl apply -f setup/project-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f setup/m2-repo-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f setup/configmap-maven-settings.yaml

Next, deploy the pipeline and pipelineRun to build the Quarkus application

kubectl delete pipelinerun/quarkus-maven-build-run
kubectl delete pipeline/quarkus-maven-build
kubectl delete task/git-clone
kubectl delete task/maven
kubectl delete task/rm-workspace
kubectl delete task/virtualmachine
kubectl delete task/ls-workspace

kubectl apply -f tasks/rm-workspace.yaml
kubectl apply -f tasks/git-clone.yaml
kubectl apply -f tasks/ls-workspace.yaml
kubectl apply -f tasks/maven.yaml
kubectl apply -f tasks/virtualmachine.yaml
kubectl apply -f pipelines/quarkus-maven-build.yaml
kubectl apply -f pipelineruns/quarkus-maven-build-run.yaml

You can follow the pipeline execution using the following command:

tkn pr logs quarkus-maven-build-run -f

NOTE: If you experiment an issue when a container is created during the creation of a testcontainer, you can then modify the create-remote-container included within the pipeline quarkus-maven-build to and set the parameter debug to true within the PipelineRun quarkus-maven-build-run

Replay the pipeline

To replay the Pipeline, it is needed to delete first the git cloned project and its pvc otherwise the step will report this error: [git-clone : clone] fatal: destination path '.' already exists and is not an empty directory.

kubectl delete -f pipelineruns/quarkus-maven-build-run.yaml
kubectl delete -f setup/project-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f setup/project-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f pipelineruns/quarkus-maven-build-run.yaml
tkn pr logs quarkus-maven-build-run -f

End-to-end test

To play with Kubevirt & Tekton to execute an end-to-end test case where we:

  • Create a Virtual Machine
  • Provision it to install podman, socat
  • Expose the podman daemon using socat
  • Deploy a Tekton pipeline on the cluster and launch it to git clone a Quarkus application and build it
  • Consult the log of the pipeline to verify if the maven succeeds as it use a testcontainer (e.g postgresql) and access remotely podman

execute this command:



  • <VM_NAME>: name of the virtual machine and also OS image to download (e.g. Fedora Cloud customized =
  • : kubernetes namespace where scenario should be deployed and tested
  • <PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_PATH>: path to the file containing the public key to be imported within the VM

Access podman remotely

To access podman remotely, it is needed to expose the daemon host using socat within the Fedora VM

sh-5.2# socat TCP-LISTEN:2376,reuseaddr,fork,bind= unix:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock  # rootless for user 1000
sh-5.2# socat TCP-LISTEN:2376,reuseaddr,fork,bind= unix:/run/podman/podman.sock            # rootfull

then from a pod running a docker/podman client, you will be able to access the daemon

kubectl apply -n <NAMESPACE> -f resources/podman-pod.yml
kubectl exec -n <NAMESPACE> podman-client  -it -- /bin/sh
sh-5.2# podman -r --url=tcp://<VM_IP>:2376 ps

sh-5.2# podman -r --url=tcp://<VM_IP>:2376 images

sh-5.2# podman -r --url=tcp://<VM_IP>:2376 pull hello-world
Resolved "hello-world" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/000-shortnames.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:d08b40be68780d583e8c127f10228743e3e1beb520f987c0e32f4ef0c0ce8020
Copying config sha256:e2b3db5d4fdf670b56dd7138d53b5974f2893a965f7d37486fbb9fcbf5e91d9d
Writing manifest to image destination

GitHub Workflows

This project includes some GitHub Actions flows able to:

  • Build and push the Fedora Cloud image customized with podman, socat on quay/snowdrop. See: .github/workflows/build-push-podman-remote-vm.yml
  • Create a kind cluster + kubevirt and perform using Tekton the End-to-end scenario: See: .github/workflows/kubevirt-podman-remote-quarkus-helloworld.yaml

WARNING: Due to the following JIB build issue, we cannot build and deploy the resources yet using the GitHub workflow - kubevirt-podman-remote-quarkus-helloworld.yaml

NOTE: As the target platform used here is kubernetes and not ocp, then some adjustments are needed .This is the reason why different kustomization.yaml files have been created !

NOTE: The flow to build the customized image must be executed manually using the GitHub UI or client !


The step to set up a network bridge is not needed to allow the pods to access the VM within the cluster as a Kuybernetes Service is required in this case When we tried to use the Network Attachment Definitioneen faced to the following error: 0/6 nodes are available: 3 Insufficient, 3 Insufficient, 3 Insufficient, 3 node(s) didn't match node selector, 6 Insufficient To fix it, follow the instructions described within this ticket:

TIP: Don't create using ocp 4.13.x the bridge using the UI as documented heree can also create a service using the virtctl client: virtctl expose vmi quarkus-dev --name=quarkus-dev --port=2376 --target-port=2376