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A Clojure library designed process games of 31/Trente et un/Scat
Clojars Project cljdoc badge


Getting the library

Replace X.X.X with the version you want to use.

[com.qanazoga/thirty-one "X.X.X"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

com.qanazoga/thirty-one {:mvn/version "X.X.X"}





Using the library

thirty-one.core/start-game wants you to provide a list of players, and an io-handler function.
This function should take the gamestate as an argument, and return a modified gamestate when it's done. has two functions which should make writing your io-handler easier.

  • (get-actions your-gamestate) returns a vector of things that can be done in the current gamestate.
  • (perfrom-action your-gamestate action-index) returns the gamestate after an action has been done to it, where action-index corresponds to the index of the action in the vector returned by get-actions. For instance, if (get-actions your-gamestate) returned ["Draw from deck" "Draw from discard" "Knock"] and the player wants to draw from the deck, you would use (perform-action your-gamestate 0).

In short:

  1. Show the player their cards. (thirty-one.evaluator/hand->str can help)
  2. Show the player their options. (
  3. Allow the player to input what they want to do. (

If (your-gamestate :awaiting) returns :next-turn or :end-round then you should give some extra info to the players (whose turn it is & scores, respectively). See the wiki page on gamestate for more info.

See for an example of an io-handler made for playing in the terminal.


Card Point Value
A 11
J Q K 10
All others Face Value


Each player gets 5 lives and a hand of 3 cards. The top card of the deck is revealed to all players and placed in the Discard Pile. All other cards are hidden and used as the Deck.


All players are trying to get (as close as they can) to 31 points in their hand of the same suit.
If at any point a player has exactly 31 points in their 3 card hand, all in one suit, the round ends, and all other players lose a life.
Each player takes turns either knocking or drawing..


If a player believes they have more points in one suit than any other player, they may end the round early by "Knocking".

  • When a player "Knocks", all other players have one more turn to raise their points in hand.


  • The player selects either the top card of the Discard Pile (visible), or the top card of the Deck (hidden), and adds it to their hand.
  • The player then discards any card in their hand revealing the card as they set it on the Discard Pile.

Round End

At the end of the round all players reveal their hands and total up the highest value they can make using cards of a single suit.

  • The player (or in the event of a tie, players) with the lowest score loses a life.
  • If a player knocked, but the round ended due to another player getting 31, all players (besides the one with 31) lose a life.
  • If a player knocked, but does not have the highest score, they lose a life.