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Releases: qb-0/pyMeow


22 Apr 13:57
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Fixes / Patches:

  • fixed vec2_closest and vec3_closest
  • fixed get_display_resolution on linux with multi monitor setups
  • pixel_at_mouse wasn't returning the mouse position, fixed
  • gui_spinner wasn't controllable, fixed
  • unnecessary root checks removed (thanks @Eein)
  • as usual smaller code optimizations

New Features / Functions:

  • set raylib's log level while overlay is running set_log_level(level: int)
  • check if a module exists module_exists(process: Process, moduleName: string): bool
  • int8 memory operations added r_int8 r_ints8 w_int8 w_ints8
  • uint16 memory operations added r_uint16 r_uints16 w_uint16 w_uints16
  • set the overlay monitor set_window_monitor(monitor: int)
  • new_color_float(r, g, b, a: float): Color added
  • check for mouse button presses mouse_pressed(button: string = "left"): bool
  • system_name(): string added (returns linux or windows)
  • get all available colors all_colors(): color dictionary
  • world_to_screen_noexc(matrix: float array (16), pos: Vector3, algo: int = 0): (bool, Vector2) added. Same as world_to_screen but doesn't raises a exception
  • windows: free allocated memory free_memory(process: Process, address: int): bool
  • windows: get_proc_address(moduleName, functionName: string): uint added by @Hypnootika
  • windows: create_remote_thread(process: Process, startAddress: uint, param: uint): bool added by @Hypnootika
  • windows: inject_library(process: Process, dllPath: string): bool added by @Hypnootika



18 Aug 14:36
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Fixes / Patches:

  • small fix on key_pressed (could return wrong results before)
  • improvements on the examples
  • fixed mouse_move (#20)
  • fixed a issue when trackTarget was activated on fullscreen mode
  • fixed aob algorithm 1
  • code has been optimized to nim 2.0
  • sound_init() and sound_deinit() was missing for the sound module
  • allow different buttons for mouse_click
  • fixed wrong return type on set_sound_volume @IagoBeuller
  • add new Project: VakScript
  • add new Project: SuperSimpleMH

New Features / Functions:

  • read C-Type r_ctype(process: Process, address: int, ctype: ctype): ctype
  • write C-Type w_ctype(process: Process, address: int, data: ctype)
  • universal Read r(process: Process, address: int, type: string, size: int = 1): any
  • universal Write w(process: Process, address: ByteAddress, data: any, type: string)
  • get Process path get_process_path(process: Process): string
  • get OS Error get_os_error(): (int, string)
  • set GUI states gui_set_state(state: int)
  • AOB Scans on byte arrays aob_scan_bytes(pattern: string, byteBuffer: byte array, single: bool = true, algorithm: int = 0): int array
  • mouse down mouse_down(button: string = "left)
  • mouse up mouse_up(button: string = "left")


21 Apr 22:42
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Fixes / Patches:

  • fixed null termination issue on bytes_to_string
  • fix overlay dpi issues on windows
  • onebyte wallhack example for csgo added
  • glow example for csgo added
  • fixed performance issues on pixel_enum_region
  • fixed memory leak on pixel_enum_region
  • fixed null termination issue on gui_text_box
  • open_process has just a process argument now which allows to use a string (process name) or int (pid) to open a process
  • add tracktarget argument to overlay_init - if activated, the overlay will follow the target window if it's moved or resized
  • code optimizations

New Features / Functions:

  • get_window_title(processId: int): string
  • get_monitor_refresh_rate(monitor: int = 0): int
  • get_monitor_count(): int
  • get_monitor_name(monitor: int = 0): string
  • set_window_flag(flag: int)
  • get_window_handle(): int

Sound Module by @IagoBeuller

  • load_sound(fileName: string): soundId
  • unload_sound(soundId: int)
  • play_sound(soundId: int)
  • pause_sound(soundId: int)
  • resume_sound(soundId: int)
  • stop_sound(soundId: int)
  • set_sound_volume(soundId: int)
  • is_sound_playing(soundId: int)
  • play_multisound(soundId: int)
  • stop_multisound()


01 Mar 23:15
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Fixes / Patches:

  • fixed aob_scan_*
  • support two aob scan algorithms. algorithm argument on the aob functions. Thanks @IagoBeuller
  • vector functions are now provided by Raylib. This includes some new vector functions and renaming of some old functions.
  • gui_spinner always started with value 0. Fixed by @IagoBeuller
  • added a feature to prevent mouse clicks passing through gui_dropdown_box and triggering buttons bellow. Thanks @IagoBeuller
  • fixed mouse_move on windows
  • a lot of code optimization overall

New features / Functions:

  • check_collision_point_rec(pointX, pointY: float, rec: Rectangle): bool
  • get_window_info(name: string): (x, y, width, height: int)
  • process_running(process: Process): bool
  • process_exists(processName: string): bool
  • set_window_title(title: string)
  • new_color_hex(hexValue: uint): Color


02 Nov 16:46
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Fixes / Patches:

  • raise an exception if processName not found on open_process
  • text argument on gui_text_box
  • get_color returns black instead of transparent if a color is unknown
  • check if pid exists on open_process
  • exitKey argument on overlay_init - disable raylib's default exit key
  • fix a issue with black framebuffers on linux
  • add a python stub file

New features / Functions:

  • gui_color_bar_hue(posX, posY, width, height: float, value: float): float
  • gui_color_bar_alpha(posX, posY, width, height: float, alpha: float): float
  • pid_exists(pid: int): bool
  • aob_scan_module(process: Process, moduleName, pattern: string, relative: bool = false, single: bool = true): int array
  • aob_scan_range(process: Process, pattern: string, rangeStart, rangeEnd: int, relative: bool = false, single: bool = true): int array
  • page_protection(process: Process, address: ByteAddress, newProtection: int): int
  • allocate_memory(process: Process, size: int, protection: int = 0): int
  • is_64_bit(process: Process): bool
  • load_texture_bytes(fileType: string, data: uint8 array): Texture
  • unload_texture(texture: Texture)
  • get_display_resolution(): (int, int)
  • compare_color_pct(color1, color2: Color): float
  • set_window_icon(filePath: string)

Pixel Scanning Module included:

  • pixel_enum_region(x, y, width, height: float): Pixel (iterator)
  • pixel_enum_screen(): Pixel (iterator)
  • pixel_at_mouse(): Pixel
  • pixel_save_to_file(x, y, width, height: float, fileName: string)
  • pixel_search_colors(x, y, width, height: float, colors: Color array, similarity: float): Pixel (iterator)


03 Oct 12:16
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This is more like a hotfix for overlay_init because it didn't fit the target window on Windows which caused that examples did not work.

  • New functions:
    • check_collision_lines
    • check_collision_circles
    • get_window_position
    • draw_ellipse_lines


02 Oct 11:22
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First release