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kube-explorer is available on: GitHub - DockerHub - Web


kube-explorer is designed to help you browse and manage your Azure Container Registry (ACR) with ease and in one place.

kube-explorer gives you visibility into your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster so that you know where your Images and Helm Charts are deployed.

kube-explorer is free, container based tool, stateless, easy to configure and deploy. The installation of kube-explorer doesn't pollute your system with lots of binaries or redundant files. In fact, the footprint of kube-explorer on your system is none, zero, as it runs on your Docker Engine instance.

You can run kube-explorer on any platform: Linux, Windows or MacOS, as long as the operating system is Docker aware.

This is image for running kube-explorer application. Please refer to the Configuration and Deployment sections regarding instructions on how to set kube-explorer up.


Key terms used in this document:

  • ACR - Azure Container Registry
  • AKS - Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Principal - App Registration in Azure to allow principal access to resources in Azure as either Reader or Contributor for the purposes to run kube-explorer


kube-explorer's session is fixed to 60 minutes, after which you will be logged out and you will have to login again. Future upgrades will make this configurable beyond 60 minute timeouts.

kube-explorer can only be linked to Azure cloud at the moment. Future upgrades will allow connections to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud.

kube-explorer can read from a single ACR at the moment.

However, kube-explorer can access Kubernetes Cluster details from multiple AKSs even on multiple Azure Subscriptions.


Images & Helm Charts Linking with AKS

kube-explorer will cross-reference usage of your Images and Helm Charts in ACR across your AKS Cluster Deployments. It's important, however, to understand how the linking works and how to set it up.

Without the config below kube-explorer will not be able to cross reference your Images & Helm Charts in ACR with your AKS Cluster Deployments.

Images linking with AKS

The link is based on Image Name as follows

Deployment.yaml template will need the Image Name,, passed in the spec.template.spec.containers.image section of the template.


kube-explorer will then access this information from AKS Cluster Deployment and cross reference its data sets from ACR to establish a visual indicator for your Images in the tool.

Helm Charts linking with AKS

The link is based on Helm Chart Name as follows my-chart-version


Deployment.yaml template will need the Chart Name, web-api-2.2.12877, passed in the spec.template.metadata.labels.chart section of the template.

spec.template.metadata.labels.chart: web-api-2.2.12877

kube-explorer will then access this information from AKS Cluster Deployment and cross reference its data sets from ACR to establish a visual indicator for your Helm Charts in the tool.


Without the config below kube-explorer will not be able to pull data from either ACR or AKS.

Config Type Description
TenantId GUID ID of your Azure Subscription where ACR and AKS are hosted
ClientId GUID Application ID of your Principal in Azure, for example you can call it kube-explorer-principal
ClientSecret string This is the secret key created when you create the Principal, kube-explorer-principal

Once you have the above config items, kube-explorer can be setup in either Read or Contributor Role for either ACR or AKS access.

Role Azure Setup Description
AcrReader Assign your Principal, kube-explorer-principal, as Reader on ACR This will allow kube-explorer to pull Images & Helm Charts on ACR, so you will only be able to browse these
AcrContributor Assign your Principal, kube-explorer-principal, as Contributor on ACR This will allow kube-explorer to both pull and push Images & Helm Charts on ACR, so you will be able, in addition to browsing, to Delete Image & Helm Chart Repositories
AksContributor Assign your Principal, kube-explorer-principal, as Contributor on AKS This will allow kube-explorer to pull AKS details and Deployments, so you will be able to browse these

Environment Variables

Variable Type Description
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT string Development, Staging, Production

Application Settings

Setting Type Description
Configuration__Application__Name string, default = "kube-explorer" Name for the application
Configuration__Application__ShowException bool, default = false Allows to define if exception message is to be shown on screen
Configuration__Application__CacheDataSets bool, default = false Define if you want to cache ACR & AKS data
Configuration__Application__CacheDurationMinutes int, >0, default = 60 Cache duration for the data sets, in minutes
Configuration__Application__Username string, default = "" Username for access
Configuration__Application__Password string, default = "" Password for access
Configuration__Application__AutoLogin bool, default = false Allows to skip Username+Password configuration, simply click login without providing credentials
Configuration__Azure__TenantId string, default = "" Azure tenant ID
Configuration__Azure__ClientId string, default = "" Client ID (Principal) to access Azure resources (ACR and/or AKS).
Configuration__Azure__ClientSecret string, default = "" Client Key (Principal) to access Azure resources (ACR and/or AKS).


Docker "run" with default configuration

  1. Replace the latest tag with desired version for the image
  2. Run the docker run command as below
docker run `
-dit `
-p 80:80 `
-m 1g `
--cpus="1" `
--restart=always `
--read-only `
--tmpfs /tmp `
--cap-drop=ALL `
--cap-add=NET_BIND_SERVICE `
--name kube-explorer `

Docker "run" with custom configuration

  1. Replace the latest tag with desired version of the image
  2. Pass required parameters for the -e key=value pairs
  3. Run the docker run command as below
docker run `
-dit `
-p 80:80 `
-m 1g `
--cpus="1" `
--restart=always `
--read-only `
--tmpfs /tmp `
--cap-drop=ALL `
--cap-add=NET_BIND_SERVICE `
--name kube-explorer `
-e Configuration__Application__Name=name `
-e Configuration__Application__ShowException=false `
-e Configuration__Application__CacheDataSets=false `
-e Configuration__Application__CacheDurationMinutes=60 `
-e Configuration__Application__Username=username `
-e Configuration__Application__Password=password `
-e Configuration__Application__AutoLogin=false `
-e Configuration__Azure__TenantId=tenantid `
-e Configuration__Azure__ClientId=clienid `
-e Configuration__Azure__ClientSecret=clientsecret `

Docker compose with default configuration

  1. Replace the latest tag with desired version of the image inside of the Compose-kube-explorer.yaml file
  2. Run the docker compose command to create application with default configuration


version: '2.4'
    image: qbituniverse/kube-explorer:latest
    container_name: kube-explorer
    - "80:80"
    read_only: true
    - /tmp
    restart: always
    cpus: 1
    mem_limit: 1g
    - ALL
docker compose -f Compose-kube-explorer.yaml up -d

Docker compose with custom configuration

  1. Replace the latest tag with desired version of the image inside of the Compose-kube-explorer.yaml file
  2. Modify the Compose-values.yaml with custom configuration
  3. Run the docker compose command to create application with custom configuration


version: '2.4'
    - "80:80"
    - Configuration__Application__Name=name
    - Configuration__Application__ShowException=false
    - Configuration__Application__CacheDataSets=false
    - Configuration__Application__CacheDurationMinutes=60
    - Configuration__Application__Username=username
    - Configuration__Application__Password=password
    - Configuration__Application__AutoLogin=false
    - Configuration__Azure__TenantId=tenantid
    - Configuration__Azure__ClientId=clienid
    - Configuration__Azure__ClientSecret=clientsecret
docker compose -f Compose-kube-explorer.yaml -f Compose-values.yaml up -d

Helm Chart

Default Installation

helm install --name kube-explorer local/kube-explorer

Using Configuration

helm install --name kube-explorer `
--set Configuration__Application__Name=name `
--set Configuration__Application__ShowException=false `
--set Configuration__Application__CacheDataSets=false `
--set Configuration__Application__CacheDurationMinutes=60 `
--set Configuration__Application__Username=username `
--set Configuration__Application__Password=password `
--set Configuration__Application__AutoLogin=false `
--set Configuration__Azure__TenantId=tenantid `
--set Configuration__Azure__ClientId=clienid `
--set Configuration__Azure__ClientSecret=clientsecret `

Using Values File

helm install --name kube-explorer -f values.yaml local/kube-explorer


name: ""
namespace: ""
  dockerHub: ""
  environment: ""
  applicationName: ""
  applicationShowException: ""
  applicationCacheDataSets: ""
  applicationCacheDurationMinutes: ""
  applicationUsername: ""
  applicationPassword: ""
  applicationAutoLogin: ""
  azureTenantId: ""
  azureClientId: ""
  azureClientSecret: ""


kube-explorer is available on: GitHub - DockerHub - Web