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Updated tag literal code, added usage example
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Peter van der Zee committed May 29, 2012
1 parent e1b9c84 commit 0072a61
Showing 1 changed file with 176 additions and 151 deletions.
327 changes: 176 additions & 151 deletions Tokenizer.js
Expand Up @@ -406,158 +406,183 @@ Tokenizer.prototype = {
returnValue.twinfo = twinfo;
} else if (regex && part[9]) { // this.tagLiterals
var processValue = function(val){
// post process dynamic parts of this value
// anything wrapped in (unescaped) { and } is considered to be
// a literal js expression. so we should parse an expression here
// and that's where the voodoo inception starts. we must now
// invoke a new instance of ZeParser, make it read an
// expression and ensure the next char is the closing curly.
// only then is it deemed valid.

// ...
// too difficult for now. let's just go with "escape all teh curlies!"

var arrtxtjs = []; // uneven array. uneven elements are text, even elements are js

var last = 0;
for (var i=0; i<val.length; ++i) {
if (val[i] == '\\') ++i;
else if (val[i] == '{') {
for (var j=i; j<val.length; ++j) {
if (val[j] == '\\') ++j;
else if (val[j] == '}') {
var js = val.slice(i+1, j);
val.slice(last, i),
i = j;
last = j + 1;
// remainder (can be empty string)
arrtxtjs.push(val.slice(last, i));

if (arrtxtjs.length > 1) { // if we did find any dynamic js block...
for (var i=0; i<arrtxtjs.length; i+=2) {
arrtxtjs[i] = arrtxtjs[i].replace(this.regexRemoveEscape, '$1'); // remove a single backslash from the content (it was used as an escape character)
return arrtxtjs; // return array with [string,js,string,js,...]
} else { // no dynamic js found, return a string
val = arrtxtjs[0].replace(this.regexRemoveEscape, '$1'); // remove a single backslash from the content (it was used as an escape character)
return val;

var tagOpen = function(node){
var regexTagName = this.regexTagName;
regexTagName.lastIndex = pos+1;
var tag = regexTagName.exec(inp);
if (tag) {
pos = regexTagName.lastIndex; = tag[1];
node.attributes = {};

// now fetch all attribute=value pairs
var regexTagAttributes = this.regexTagAttributes;
var attr = '';
var lastIndex = pos = regexTagAttributes.lastIndex = regexTagName.lastIndex;
attr = regexTagAttributes.exec(inp);
while (attr && attr.index == pos) {
if (typeof attr[2] == 'undefined') {
// attribute without value assignment (implicit "true")
node.attributes[attr[1]] = attr[3];
} else {
node.attributes[attr[1]] = processValue(attr[2]);
pos = lastIndex = regexTagAttributes.lastIndex;
attr = regexTagAttributes.exec(inp);

// it was a unary tag
var regexTagUnarySuffix = this.regexTagUnarySuffix;
regexTagUnarySuffix.lastIndex = lastIndex;
var x = regexTagUnarySuffix.exec(inp);
node.unary = !!x && x.index == pos;
if (node.unary) {
pos = regexTagUnarySuffix.lastIndex;
return true;
// it was a binary tag
var regexTagBinarySuffix = this.regexTagBinarySuffix;
regexTagBinarySuffix.lastIndex = lastIndex;
var x = regexTagBinarySuffix.exec(inp);
if (x && x.index == pos) {
node.children = [];
// now parse strings and other tags until you find a closing tag on the same level...
pos = regexTagBinarySuffix.lastIndex;
return true;
// i dont know what that was
throw console.warn("Error parsing tag");
return false;

var tagBody = function(node){
do {
var start = pos;

var regexTagBody = this.regexTagBody;
regexTagBody.lastIndex = pos;
var text = regexTagBody.exec(inp);
if (text && text[1]) {
var txt = processValue(text[1]);
} else if (regex && part[9]) { // this.tagLiterals
// allows you to use this literally (in places where an expression is allowed) in js:

// simple tag:
// <div></div>

// tree, unary, content, multiline:
// <foo> <bar>hello </bar> <baz/>
// </foo>

// attributes, default true attributes, single and double quotes:
// <gah this="an" attribute single='quote'/>

// dynamic content (content normally parsed as js in a sub-parser):
// <div>{["hello","world"].join(' ')}</div>

// escaping content with single backslash
// <div>hah\&lt;\<a{"foo\u0500t\t"+"bar"}</div>

// note: tag content is escaped (one slash removed), js content is not
// currently not really possible to use } or > in js code unless you
// can somehow prefix them with a backslash (strings, regex)
// if you must have these otherwise the fallback is eval

var processValue = function(val){
// post process dynamic parts of this value
// anything wrapped in (unescaped) { and } is considered to be
// a literal js expression. so we should parse an expression here
// and that's where the voodoo inception starts. we must now
// invoke a new instance of ZeParser, make it read an
// expression and ensure the next char is the closing curly.
// only then is it deemed valid.

// ...
// too difficult for now. let's just go with "escape all teh curlies!"

var arrtxtjs = []; // uneven array. uneven elements are text, even elements are js

var last = 0;
for (var i=0; i<val.length; ++i) {
if (val[i] == '\\') ++i;
else if (val[i] == '{') {
for (var j=i; j<val.length; ++j) {
if (val[j] == '\\') ++j;
else if (val[j] == '}') {
var js = val.slice(i+1, j);
val.slice(last, i),
i = j;
last = j + 1;
// remainder (can be empty string)
arrtxtjs.push(val.slice(last, i));

if (arrtxtjs.length > 1) { // if we did find any dynamic js block...
for (var i=1; i<arrtxtjs.length; i+=2) {
arrtxtjs[i] = arrtxtjs[i].replace(this.regexRemoveEscape, '$1'); // remove a single backslash from the content (it was used as an escape character)
return arrtxtjs; // return array with [string,js,string,js,...]
} else { // no dynamic js found, return a string
val = arrtxtjs[0].replace(this.regexRemoveEscape, '$1'); // remove a single backslash from the content (it was used as an escape character)
return val;

var tagOpen = function(node){
var regexTagName = this.regexTagName;
regexTagName.lastIndex = pos+1;
var tag = regexTagName.exec(inp);
if (tag) {
pos = regexTagName.lastIndex; = tag[1];
node.attributes = {};

// now fetch all attribute=value pairs
var regexTagAttributes = this.regexTagAttributes;
var attr = '';
var lastIndex = pos = regexTagAttributes.lastIndex = regexTagName.lastIndex;
attr = regexTagAttributes.exec(inp);
while (attr && attr.index == pos) {
if (typeof attr[2] == 'undefined') {
// attribute without value assignment (implicit "true")
node.attributes[attr[1]] = attr[3];
} else {
node.attributes[attr[1]] =, attr[2]);
pos = lastIndex = regexTagAttributes.lastIndex;
attr = regexTagAttributes.exec(inp);

// it was a unary tag
var regexTagUnarySuffix = this.regexTagUnarySuffix;
regexTagUnarySuffix.lastIndex = lastIndex;
var x = regexTagUnarySuffix.exec(inp);
node.unary = !!x && x.index == pos;
if (node.unary) {
pos = regexTagUnarySuffix.lastIndex;
return true;
// it was a binary tag
var regexTagBinarySuffix = this.regexTagBinarySuffix;
regexTagBinarySuffix.lastIndex = lastIndex;
var x = regexTagBinarySuffix.exec(inp);
if (x && x.index == pos) {
node.children = [];
// now parse strings and other tags until you find a closing tag on the same level...
pos = regexTagBinarySuffix.lastIndex;
return true;
// i dont know what that was
throw console.warn("Error parsing tag");
return false;

var tagBody = function(node){
do {
var start = pos;

var regexTagBody = this.regexTagBody;
regexTagBody.lastIndex = pos;
var text = regexTagBody.exec(inp);
if (text && text[1]) {
var txt = processValue(text[1]);
// var txt = text[1].replace(this.regexRemoveEscape, '$1'); // remove a single backslash from the content (it was used as an escape character)
pos = regexTagBody.lastIndex;
if (inp[pos] == '<') {
var regexTagOpenOrClose = this.regexTagOpenOrClose;
regexTagOpenOrClose.lastIndex = pos;
var x = regexTagOpenOrClose.exec(inp);
if (x && x.index == pos) {
return node; // end of body
} while (start != pos);

var tagClose = function(node){
var regexTagClose = this.regexTagClose;
regexTagClose.lastIndex = pos;
var ctag = regexTagClose.exec(inp);
if (ctag) {
pos = regexTagClose.lastIndex;
if ( == ctag[1]) return true;
return false; // was not expecting to close this tag

// tagClose should only be called if the next chars are starting a closing tag...
return false;

var tag = function(node){
if (!tagOpen(node)) {
return node;
if (!node.unary) {
return node;

var root = tag({});

returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:15/*TAG*/,isPrimitive:true,root:root};
} else {
pos = regexTagBody.lastIndex;
if (inp[pos] == '<') {
var regexTagOpenOrClose = this.regexTagOpenOrClose;
regexTagOpenOrClose.lastIndex = pos;
var x = regexTagOpenOrClose.exec(inp);
if (x && x.index == pos) {
return node; // end of body
} while (start != pos);

var tagClose = function(node){
var regexTagClose = this.regexTagClose;
regexTagClose.lastIndex = pos;
var ctag = regexTagClose.exec(inp);
if (ctag) {
pos = regexTagClose.lastIndex;
if ( == ctag[1]) return true;
return false; // was not expecting to close this tag

// tagClose should only be called if the next chars are starting a closing tag...
return false;

var tag = function(node){
if (!tagOpen(node)) {
return node;
if (!node.unary) {
return node;

var root = tag({});

returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:15/*TAG*/,isPrimitive:true,root:root};
} else {
// note: operators need to be ordered from longest to smallest. regex will take care of the rest.
// no need to worry about div vs regex. if looking for regex, earlier if will have eaten it
//var result = this.regexPunctuators.exec(inp.substring(pos,pos+4));
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