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Adding documentation for data providers
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ccrook committed Apr 12, 2013
1 parent ebe0406 commit b0d7be1
Showing 1 changed file with 222 additions and 1 deletion.
223 changes: 222 additions & 1 deletion src/core/qgsvectorlayer.h
Expand Up @@ -236,7 +236,228 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsVectorLayer : public QgsMapLayer
QList<GroupData> mGroups;

/** Constructor */
/** Constructor - creates a vector layer
* The QgsVectorLayer is constructed by instantiating a data provider. The provider
* interprets the supplied path (url) of the data source to connect to and access the
* data. Some providers and url formats are described below.
* @param path The path or url of the parameter. Typically this encodes
* parameters used by the data provider as url query items.
* @param baseName The name used to represent the layer in the legend
* @param providerLib The name of the data provider, eg "memory", "postgres"
* Data providers
* ==============
* Memory data providerType (memory)
* ------------------------
* The memory data provider is used to construct in memory data, for example scratch
* data or data generated from spatial operations such as contouring. There is no
* inherent persistent storage of the data. The data source uri is constructed. The
* url specifies the geometry type ("point", "linestring", "polygon",
* "multipoint","multilinestring","multipolygon"), optionally followed by url parameters
* as follows:
* - crs=definition
* Defines the coordinate reference system to use for the layer.
* definition is any string accepted by QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::createFromString()
* - index=yes
* Specifies that the layer will be constructed with a spatial index
* - field=name:type(length,precision)
* Defines an attribute of the layer. Multiple field parameters can be added
* to the data provider definition. type is one of "integer", "double", "string".
* An example url is "Point?crs=epsg:4326&field=id:integer&field=name:string(20)&index=yes"
* OGR data provider (ogr)
* -----------------
* Accesses data using the OGR drivers ( The url
* is the OGR connection string.
* GDAL data provider (gdal)
* ------------------
* Access raster data using the GDAL drivers (
* Spatialite data provider (spatialite)
* ------------------------
* Access data in a spatialite database. The url defines the connection parameters, table,
* geometry column, and other attributes. The url can be constructed using the
* QgsDataSourceURI class.
* Postgresql data provider (postgres)
* -------------------------
* Connects to a postgresql database. The url defines the connection parameters, table,
* geometry column, and other attributes. The url can be constructed using the
* QgsDataSourceURI class.
* Microsoft SQL server data provider (mssql)
* ----------------------------------
* Connects to a Microsoft SQL server database. The url defines the connection parameters, table,
* geometry column, and other attributes. The url can be constructed using the
* QgsDataSourceURI class.
* SQL Anywhere data provider (sqlanywhere)
* -------------------------
* Connects to an SQLanywhere database. The url defines the connection parameters, table,
* geometry column, and other attributes. The url can be constructed using the
* QgsDataSourceURI class.
* WMS (web mapping service) data provider (wms)
* ---------------------------------------
* Provider for raster data in a supplied by a web mapping service.
* The url is the connection string for the WMS service.
* WFS (web feature service) data provider (wfs)
* ---------------------------------------
* Provider for vector data in a supplied by a web feature service.
* The url is the connection string for the WFS service.
* WCS (web coverage service) data provider (wcs)
* ----------------------------------------
* The url is the connection string for the WCS service.
* Delimited text file data provider (delimitedtext)
* ---------------------------------
* Access data in a delimited text file, for example CSV files generated by
* spreadsheets. The contents of the file are split into columns based on specified
* delimiter characters. Each record may be represented spatially either by an
* X and Y coordinate column, or by a WKT (well known text) formatted columns.
* The url defines the filename, the formatting options (how the
* text in the file is divided into data fields, and which fields contain the
* X,Y coordinates or WKT text definition. The options are specified as url query
* items.
* At its simplest the url can just be the filename, in which case it will be loaded
* as a CSV formatted file.
* The url may include the following items:
* - encoding=UTF-8
* Defines the character encoding in the file. The default is UTF-8. To use
* the default encoding for the operating system use "System".
* - type=(csv|regexp|whitespace|plain)
* Defines the algorithm used to split records into columns. Records are
* defined by new lines, except for csv format files for which quoted fields
* may span multiple records. The default type is csv.
* + "csv" splits the file based on three sets of characters:
* delimiter characters, quote characters,
* and escape characters. Delimiter characters mark the end
* of a field. Quote characters enclose a field which can contain
* delimiter characters, and newlines. Escape characters cause the
* following character to be treated literally (including delimiter,
* quote, and newline characters). Escape and quote characters must
* be different from delimiter characters. Escape characters that are
* also quote characters are treated specially - they can only
* escape themselves within quotes. Elsewhere they are treated as
* quote characters. The defaults for delimiter, quote, and escape
* are ',', '"', '"'.
* + "regexp" splits each record using a regular expression (see QRegExp
* documentation for details).
* + "whitespace" splits each record based on whitespace (on or more whitespace
* characters. Leading whitespace in the record is ignored.
* + "plain" is provided for backwards compatibility. It is equivalent to
* CSV except that the default quote characters are single and double quotes,
* and there is no escape characters.
* - delimiter=characters
* Defines the delimiter characters used for csv and plain type files, or the
* regular expression for regexp type files. It is a literal string of characters
* except that "\t" may be used to represent a tab character.
* - quote=characters
* Defines the characters that are used as quote characters for csv and plain type
* files.
* - escape=characters
* Defines the characters used to escape delimiter, quote, and newline characters.
* - skipLines=n
* Defines the number of lines to ignore at the beginning of the file (default 0)
* - useHeader=(yes|no)
* Defines whether the first record in the file (after skipped lines) contains
* column names (default yes)
* - xField=column yField=column
* Defines the name of the columns holding the x and y coordinates for XY point geometries.
* If the useHeader is no (ie there are no column names), then this is the column
* number (with the first column as 1).
* - decimalPoint=c
* Defines a character that is used as a decimal point in the X and Y columns.
* The defualt is '.'.
* - wktField=column
* Defines the name of the columns holding the WKT geometry definition for WKT geometries.
* If the useHeader is no (ie there are no column names), then this is the column
* number (with the first column as 1).
* - geomType=(point|line|polygon|none)
* Defines the geometry type for WKT type geometries. QGis will only display one
* type of geometry for the layer - any others will be ignored when the file is
* loaded. By default the provider uses the type of the first geometry in the file.
* Use geomType to override this type.
* geomType can also be set to none, in which case the layer is loaded without
* geometries.
* - crs=crsstring
* Defines the coordinate reference system used for the layer. This can be
* any string accepted by QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::createFromString()
* - quiet
* Errors encountered loading the file will not be reported in a user dialog if
* quiet is included (They will still be shown in the output log).
* GPX data provider (gps)
* -----------------
* Provider reads tracks, routes, and waypoints from a GPX file. The url
* defines the name of the file, and the type of data to retrieve from it
* ("track", "route", or "waypoint").
* An example url is "/home/user/data/holiday.gpx?type=route"
* Grass data provider (grass)
* -------------------
* Provider to display raster data in a GRASS GIS layer.
QgsVectorLayer( QString path = QString::null, QString baseName = QString::null,
QString providerLib = QString::null, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag = true );

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