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1 WSL Install

1.1 Preparations before installation

Enable the wsl function and configure the default wsl to wsl2.

wsl --install
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
wsl --set-default-version 2

Then reboot the computer.

Note: This operation only needs to be done once.

1.2 Download the wsl installation package

In fact, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome. There is a standard method for installing wsl on Microsoft’s official website. I am demonstrating here just to avoid installing to the C drive.

Download the ubuntu image file through your download tool

2 Create a directory on the non-C drive to place the package you just downloaded

And rename the package you just downloaded to


2.1 Unzip the installation package and execute ubuntu2004.exe in the package.

PS E:\wsl\ubuntu> .\ubuntu2004.exe

This step takes a little longer. You will then be asked to set a new username and password. Note: The root username cannot be used.Please remember the username and password you set.

3 Settings for ubuntu in wsl

3.1 Update packages in environment

 # Update the list of all packages
sudo apt update
 # Update all packages
sudo apt upgrade

If you are asked to enter a password during execution, just enter the password we set earlier.

3.2 Compilation and build tool installation

When you first enter the OS, you may be missing many essential tools. Compilation and build tools need to be installed.

sudo apt install build-essential

This command will install a series of software packages, including: gcc, g++, make, etc., as well as the dependencies they depend on.

3.3 Install gtk3 execution environment

sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
sudo apt install libgtk3-perl

3.4 Install your own GUI applications and their dependencies

Here is an example of asciio

sudo apt install unzip
sudo apt install libeval-context-perl 
sudo apt install libdirectory-scratch-structured-perl 
sudo apt install libfile-homedir-perl
sudo apt install libterm-size-any-perl
sudo apt install libio-prompter-perl
sudo apt install libterm-termkey-perl

sudo apt-get install libmodule-build-perl

sudo apt install perl cpanminus
sudo cpanm Pango
sudo cpanm Hash::Slice

git clone
cd P5-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK
sudo perl
sudo make
sudo make install

git clone
cd P5-App-Asciio
sudo perl Build.PL
sudo ./Build installdeps 
sudo ./Build install

Note: This is just an example. For the latest installation method of the software, please refer to the official documentation. Note: If there is no git in your wsl, you can also copy the files to be installed through windows.

3.5 Install a desktop environment for executing GUI programs

sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop

This will install the GNOME desktop environment. This installation package is very large, about 2G. So your waiting time may be longer.

3.6 Install your language pack

I use Chinese as an example here

sudo apt-get install language-pack-zh-hans

3.7 Install xrdp remote desktop software

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y xfce4 xrdp

3.8 Modify the xrdp default port

Since the default configuration of xrdp after installation is the same port 3389 as the Windows Remote Desktop, in order to prevent conflicts with the Windows Remote Desktop, it is recommended to change it to another port.

sudo sed -i 's/3389/3390/g' /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini

3.9 Specify the login session type for the current user

It is important to note this step. If not set, it will cause the remote desktop connection to crash later.

echo xfce4-session > ~/.xsession

3.10 Start xrdp

sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp start

It is recommended to add this sentence to our .bashrc so that the remote desktop function is only turned on every time the system starts.

4 Remote login method on windows side

(1). Run the mstsc command to open a remote desktop connection in Windows systems

(2). Enter localhost:3390 for the address (note that the port number here should be consistent with the modified configuration above)


(3). Configure the resolution you want to enter, it is recommended to set it to full screen

Click here first


Then set the resolution


Drag the horizontal scroll bar to the far right to make it full screen

(4). Enter the account password used in WSL.


5 Install other necessary programs

5.1 Install non-English input methods

Take installing the Chinese input method as an example

5.1.1 Install input method

First, you need to install the fcitx input method and related Chinese input method packages in Ubuntu

sudo apt install dbus-x11 im-config fonts-noto fcitx fcitx-pinyin fcitx-sunpinyin fcitx-googlepinyin

5.1.2 Set up automatic startup


5.1.3 Configure environment variables

Next, you need to add some environment variables in the ~/.profile file

echo 'export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export INPUT_METHOD=fcitx' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx' >> ~/.profile

5.1.4 Restart WSL

Finally, you need to restart WSL for these changes to take effect

wsl --shutdown

5.1.5 Re-enter WSL and add input method from desktop


5.1.6 Choose the input method you want


6 Run GUI program in remote desktop



7 Some common problems solved

7.1 After a period of inactivity during remote connection, the screen goes black and cannot be entered.

presistent bitmap cache this option cannot be selected


7.2 Linux sharing windows font in WSL

(1). Open WSL and enter the following command to mount the Windows font directory to the WSL font directory

sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/winFonts
sudo mount --bind /mnt/c/Windows/Fonts /usr/share/fonts/winFonts

(2). Update font cache

sudo fc-cache -fv

note: Please note that this method only works within the current session. If you want the font directory to be automatically mounted every time you start WSL, you can add the mount command to ~/.bashrc.

sudo mount --bind /mnt/c/Windows/Fonts /usr/share/fonts/winFonts
 # As long as the mounting path has not changed, or you have not installed new fonts, the following command does not need to be executed every time.
 # sudo fc-cache -fv

note:If your windows fonts are in your user's dedicated directory, then you may need to mount them like this

sudo mount --bind /mnt/c/Users/pc/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Fonts /usr/share/fonts/winFonts
sudo fc-cache -fv

In the above example, my user name is pc.

(3). Check whether a font has been installed in the current system

qinqing@DESKTOP-0MVRMOU:~/Desktop$ fc-list | grep -i sarasa
/usr/share/fonts/winFonts/sarasa-mono-sc-regular.ttf: Sarasa Mono SC,等距更纱黑体 SC:style=Regular

7.3 ALT key does not work in GUI program in remote desktop

It may be because ALT is bound to other functions by the remote environment.Can be bound to other keys in the application.

8 Set up password-free login for wsl

If you use it yourself, having a password will cause trouble every time you log in.The following method can delete the user's password.

 # in power shell
wsl --user root
 # input root password if needed
passwd -d username

1 Set ubuntu in wsl not to automatically lock the screen

If it cannot be awakened normally after locking the screen, it will become impossible to enter again. Since we are using it remotely, we can completely disable this function.

Applications—>Settings—>Light Locker Settings


After setting as above, then click the apply button.