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The main component of the SDGym project is the function.

As shown in the Readme quickstart, in the most simple usage scenario a synthesizer function can be directly passed to it:

import sdgym

scores =

This will evaluate the synthesizer function on all the datasets, produce one or more scores for each one of them, and present them in a table alongside the scores previously obtained by all the SDGym Synthesizers:

                        adult/accuracy  adult/f1  ...  ring/test_likelihood
IndependentSynthesizer         0.56530  0.134593  ...             -1.958888
UniformSynthesizer             0.39695  0.273753  ...             -2.519416
IdentitySynthesizer            0.82440  0.659250  ...             -1.705487
...                                ...       ...  ...                   ...
my_synthesizer_function        0.64865  0.210103  ...             -1.964966

However, the function supports a number of additional arguments that allows us to configure its behavior to better adapt it to our needs.

Arguments for the function

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • synthesizers (function, class, list, tuple or dict): The synthesizer or synthesizers to evaluate. It can be a single synthesizer (function or method or class), or an iterable of synthesizers, or a dict containing synthesizer names as keys and synthesizers as values. If the input is not a dict, synthesizer names will be extracted from the given object.
  • datasets (list[str]): Names of the datasets to use for the benchmark. Defaults to all the ones available.
  • iterations (int): Number of iterations to perform over each dataset and synthesizer. Defaults to 3.
  • add_leaderboard (bool): Whether to append the obtained scores to the previous leaderboard or not. Defaults to True.
  • leaderboard_path (str): Path to where the leaderboard is stored. Defaults to the leaderboard included with the package, which contains the scores obtained by the SDGym synthesizers.
  • replace_existing (bool): Whether to replace old scores or keep them in the returned leaderboard. Defaults to True.


Synthesizer Classes

The most basic scenario is to pass a synthesizer function, but the function can also be used to evaluate any Synthesizer class, as far as it is a subclass of sdgym.synthesizers.BaseSynthesizer.

For example, if we want to evaluate the IndependentSynthesizer we can do so by passing the class directly to the function:

from sdgym.synthesizers import IndependentSynthesizer

scores =

Evaluating multiple Synthesizers

The function can be used to evaluate more than one Synthesizer at a time.

In order to do this, all you need to do is pass a list of functions instead of a single object.

For example, if we want to evaluate our synthesizer function and also the IndependentSynthesizer we can pass both of them inside a list:

synthesizers = [
scores =

Or, if we wanted to evaluate all the SDGym Synthesizers at once (note that this takes a lot of time to run!), we could just pass all the subclasses of BaseSynthesizer:

from sdgym.synthesizers import BaseSynthesizer

scores =

Customizing the Synthesizer names.

Sometimes we might want to customize the name that we give to the function or class that we are passing to the benchmark, so they show up nicer in the output leaderboard.

In order to do this, all we have to do is pass a dict instead of a single object or a list, putting the names as keys and the functions or classes as the values:

synthesizers = {
    'My Synthesizer': my_synthesizer_function,
    'SDGym Independent': IndependentSynthesizer
scores =


By default, the function will run on all the SDGym Datasets.

However, this takes a lot of time to run, and sometimes we will be interested in only a few of them.

If we want to restrict the datasets used, we can simply pass a list with their names as strings:

For example, if we want to evaluate our synthesizer function on only the adult and intrusion datasets we can do:

datasets = ['adult', 'intrusion']
scores =, datasets=datasets)


By default, and in order to reduce the noise in the results, the SDGym benchmark evaluates each synthesizer on each datasets exactly 3 times and then averages the obtained scores.

The number of evaluates performed on each synthesizer and dataset combination can be altered by passing a different value to the iterations argument:

scores =, iterations=10)


When the benchmark is run, SDGym returns the obtained results alongside the internal leaderboard of scores obtained by the SDGym Synthesizers.

This behavior can be optionally disabled by passing add_leaderboard=False.

scores =, add_leaderboard=False)

Also, alternatively, if you want to maintain your own version of the leaderboard, you can pass the path to your leaderboard CSV file:

scores =, leaderboard_path='path/to/my/leaderboard.csv')

Finally, if the name of the synthesizer that is being evaluated already exists in the leaderboard table, it is dropped, so each synthesizer appears only once. This behavior can be disabled by passing replace_existing=False.