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2140. Solving Questions With Brainpower

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Tag: Dynamic Programming

Difficulty: Medium

You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer array questions where questions[i] = [pointsi, brainpoweri].

The array describes the questions of an exam, where you have to process the questions in order (i.e., starting from question 0) and make a decision whether to solve or to skip each question. Solving question i will earn you pointsi points but you will be unable to solve each of the next brainpoweri questions. If you skip question i, you get to make the decision on the next question.

  • For example, given questions = [[3, 2], [4, 3], [4, 4], [2, 5]]:
    • If question 0 is solved, you will earn 3 points but you will be unable to solve questions 1 and 2.
    • If instead, question 0 is skipped and question 1 is solved, you will earn 4 points but you will be unable to solve questions 2 and 3.

Return the maximum points you can earn for the exam.

Example 1:

Input: questions = [[3,2],[4,3],[4,4],[2,5]]
Output: 5
Explanation: The maximum points can be earned by solving questions 0 and 3.
- Solve question 0: Earn 3 points, will be unable to solve the next 2 questions
- Unable to solve questions 1 and 2
- Solve question 3: Earn 2 points
Total points earned: 3 + 2 = 5. There is no other way to earn 5 or more points.

Example 2:

Input: questions = [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4],[5,5]]
Output: 7
Explanation: The maximum points can be earned by solving questions 1 and 4.
- Skip question 0
- Solve question 1: Earn 2 points, will be unable to solve the next 2 questions
- Unable to solve questions 2 and 3
- Solve question 4: Earn 5 points
Total points earned: 2 + 5 = 7. There is no other way to earn 7 or more points.


  • 1 <= questions.length <= 10^5
  • questions[i].length == 2
  • 1 <= points<sub>i</sub>, brainpower<sub>i</sub> <= 10^5


The Framework

Top-Down Dynamic Programming

class Solution:
    def mostPoints(self, questions: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        n = len(questions)

        def dp(curr):
            # Base case
            if curr >= n:
                return 0
            points, brainpower = questions[curr][0], questions[curr][1]

            # Recurrence relation: to solve or to skip the current question?
            # Skip: move on to the next question
            skip = dp(curr + 1)
            # Solve: collect the point of current question, move on to the next possible question from brainpower
            solve = dp(curr + brainpower + 1) + points
            # What is the best decision though?
            return max(skip, solve)

        return dp(0)
class Solution:
    def mostPoints(self, questions: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        n = len(questions)
        memo = collections.defaultdict(int)

        def dp(curr):
            # Base case
            if curr >= n:
                return 0
            points, brainpower = questions[curr][0], questions[curr][1]

            if curr in memo:
                return memo[curr]

            # Recurrence relation: to solve or to skip the current question?
            # Skip: move on to the next question
            skip = dp(curr + 1)
            # Solve: collect the point of current question, move on to the next possible question from brainpower
            solve = dp(curr + brainpower + 1) + points
            # What is the best decision though?
            memo[curr] = max(skip, solve)
            return memo[curr]

        return dp(0)

Bottom-Up Dynamic Programming

class Solution:
    def mostPoints(self, questions: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        n = len(questions)
        dp = [0] * (n + 1)

        for curr in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
            points, brainpowers = questions[curr][0], questions[curr][1]
            skip, pick = 0, points
            if curr + brainpowers + 1 < n:
                pick += dp[curr + brainpowers + 1]
            if curr + 1 < n:
                skip += dp[curr + 1]
            dp[curr] = max(skip, pick)
        return dp[0]


  1. Initialize an array dp of size n, set dp[n - 1] = questions[n - 1][0].

  2. Iterate backward over index i from n - 2:

  • If we skip question i, we have dp[i] = dp[i + 1].
  • If we solve question i, we have dp[i] = questions[i][0] + dp[i + questions[i][1] + 1].
  1. Update dp[i] as the larger one.

  2. Return dp[0] once we finish the iteration.

class Solution:
    def mostPoints(self, questions: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        n = len(questions)
        dp = [0] * n
        dp[-1] = questions[-1][0]
        for curr in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
            dp[curr], skip = questions[curr][0], questions[curr][1]
            if curr + skip + 1 < n:
                dp[curr] += dp[curr + skip + 1]
            dp[curr] = max(dp[curr], dp[curr + 1])
        return dp[0]